Handbook of Document Image Processing and Recognition文档图像处理与识别手册

编辑:David Doermann(马里兰大学)
Karl Tombre(洛林大学)


In the beginning, there was only OCR. After some false starts, OCR became a competitive commercial enterprise in the 1950’s. A decade later there were more than 50 manufacturers in the US alone. With the advent of microprocessors and inexpensive optical scanners, the price of OCR dropped from tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars to that of a bottle of wine. Software displaced the racks of electronics. By 1985 anybody could program and test their ideas on a PC, and then write a paper about it (and perhaps even patent it).


We know, however, very little about current commercial methods or in-house experimental results. Competitive industries have scarce motivation to publish (and their patents may only be part of their legal arsenal). The dearth of industrial authors in our publications is painfully obvious. Herbert Schantz’s book, The History of OCR, was an exception: he traced the growth of REI, which was one of the major success stories of the 1960’s and 1970’s. He also told the story, widely mirrored in sundry wikis and treatises on OCR, of the previous fifty years’ attempts to mechanize reading. Among other manufacturers of the period, IBM may have stood alone in publishing detailed (though often delayed) information about its products.


Of the 4000-8000 articles published since 1900 on character recognition (my estimate), at most a few hundred really bear on OCR (construed as machinery - now software - that converts visible language to a searchable digital format). The rest treat character recognition as a prototypical classification problem. It is, of course, researchers’ universal familiarity with at least some script that turned character recognition into the pre-eminent vehicle for demonstrating and illustrating new ideas in pattern recognition. Even though some of us cannot tell an azalea from a begonia, a sharp sign from a clef, a loop from a tented arch, an erythrocyte from a leukocyte, or an alluvium from an anticline, all of us know how to read.


Until about 30 years ago, OCR meant recognizing mono-spaced OCR fonts and typewritten scripts one character at a time – eventually at the rate of several thousand characters per second. Word recognition followed for reading difficult-to-segment typeset matter. The value of language models more elaborate than letter n-gram frequencies and lexicons without word frequencies gradually became clear. Because more than half of the world population is polyglot, OCR too became multilingual (as Henry Baird predicted that it must). This triggered a movement to post all the cultural relics of the past on the Web. Much of the material awaiting conversion,ancient and modern, stretches the limits of human readability. Like humans, OCR must take full advantage of syntax, style, context, and semantics.

直到大约30年前,OCR还意味着一次只识别一个字符的单间距OCR字体和打字脚本,最终达到每秒几千个字符的速度。阅读困难的排版材料时采用的单词识别法。语言模型的价值比字母N-gram频率和没有词频率的词典更为精细。因为世界上一半以上的人口是多语种的,OCR也变成了多语种的(正如Henry Baird所预测的那样)。这引发了一场在网络上发布所有过去文物的运动。许多等待转换的材料,无论是古代还是现代,都超出了人类可读性的极限。与人类一样,OCR必须充分利用语法、样式、上下文和语义。

Although many academic researchers are aware that OCR is much more than classification, they have yet to develop a viable, broad-range, end-to-end OCR system (but they may be getting close). A complete OCR system, with language and script recognition, colored print capability, column and line layout analysis, accurate character/word, numeric, symbol and punctuation recognition, language models, document-wide consistency, tuneability and adaptability, graphics subsystems, effectively embedded interactive error correction, and multiple output formats, is far more than the sum of its parts. Furthermore, specialized systems - for postal address reading, check reading, litigation, and bureaucratic forms processing - also require high throughput and different error-reject trade-offs. Real OCR simply isn’t an appropriate PhD dissertation project.


I never know whether to call hand print recognition and handwriting recognition “OCR.” but abhor intelligent as a qualifier for the latest wrinkle. No matter: they are here to stay until tracing glyphs with a stylus goes the way of the quill. Both human and machine legibility of manuscripts depend significantly on the motivation of the writer: a hand-printed income tax return requesting a refund is likely to be more legible than one reporting an underpayment. Immediate feedback, the main advantage of on-line recognition, is a powerful form of motivation. Humans still learn better than machines.


Document Image Analysis (DIA) is a superset of OCR, but many of its other popular subfields require OCR. Almost all line drawings contain text. An E-sized telephone company drawing, for instance, has about 3000 words and numbers (including revision notices). Music scores contain numerals and instructions like pianissimo. A map without place names and elevations would have limited use. Mathematical expressions abound in digits and alphabetic fragments like log, limit, tan or argmin. Good lettering used to be a prime job qualification for the draftsmen who drew the legacy drawings that we are now converting to CAD. Unfortunately, commercial OCR systems, tuned to paragraph-length segments of text, do poorly on the alphanumeric fragments typical of such applications. When Open Source OCR matures, it will provide a fine opportunity for customization to specialized applications that have not yet attracted heavy-weight developers. In the meantime, the conversion of documents containing a mix of text and line art has given rise to distinct sub-disciplines with their own conference sessions and workshops that target graphics techniques like vectorization and complex symbol configurations.


Another subfield of DIA investigates what to do with automatically or manually transcribed books, technical journals, magazines and newspapers. Although Information Retrieval (IR) is not generally considered part of DIA or vice-versa, the overlap between them includes “logical” document segmentation, extraction of tables of content, linking figures and illustrations to textual references, and word spotting. A recurring topic is assessing the effect of OCR errors on downstream applications. One factor that keeps the two disciplines apart is that IR experiments (e.g., TREC) typically involve orders of magnitude more documents than DIA experiments because the number of characters in any collection is far smaller than the number of pixels.


Computer vision used to be easily distinguished from the image processing aspects of DIA by its emphasis on illumination and camera position. The border is blurring because even cellphone cameras now offer sufficient spatial resolution for document image capture at several hundred dpi as well as for legible text in large scene images. The correction of the contrast and geometric distortions in the resulting images goes well beyond what is required for scanned documents


This collection suggests that we are still far from a unified theory of DIA or even OCR. The Handbook is all the more useful because we have no choice except to rely on heuristics or algorithms based on questionable assumptions. The most useful methods available to us were all invented rather than derived from prime principles. When the time is ripe, many alternative methods are invented to fill the same need. They all remain entrenched candidates for “best practice”. This Handbook presents them fairly, but generally avoids picking winners and losers.


“Noise” appears to be the principal obstacle to better results. This is all the more irritating because many types of noise (e.g. skew, bleed-through, underscore) barely slow down human readers. We have not yet succeeded in characterizing and quantifying signal and noise to the extent that communications science has. Although OCR and DIA are prime examples of information transfer, informationtheoretic concepts are seldom invoked. Are we moving in the right direction by accumulating empirical midstream comparisons – often on synthetic data – from contests organized by individual research groups in conjunction with our conferences?


Be that as it may, as one is getting increasingly forgetful it is reassuring to have most of the elusive information about one’s favorite topics at arm’s reach in a fat tome like this one. Much as on-line resources have improved over the past decade, I like to turn down the corner of the page and scribble a note in the margin. Younger folks, who prefer search-directed saccades to an old-fashioned linear presentation, may want the on-line version.


David Doermann and Karl Tombre were exceptionally well qualified to plan, select, solicit, and edit this compendium. Their contributions to DIA cover a broad swath and, as far as I know, they have never let the song of the sirens divert them from the muddy and winding channels of DIA. Their technical contributions are well referenced by the chapter authors and their voice is heard at the beginning of each section.


Dave is the co-founding-editor of IJDAR, which became our flagship journal when PAMI veered towards computer vision and machine learning. Along with the venerable PR and the high-speed, high-volume PRL, IJDAR has served us well with a mixture of special issues, surveys, experimental reports, and new theories. Even earlier, with the encouragement of Azriel Rosenfeld, Dave organized and directed the Language and Media Processing Laboratory, which has become a major resource of DIA data sets, code, bibliographies, and expertise.

戴夫是IJDAR的联合创始编辑,当PAMI转向计算机视觉和机器学习时,IJDAR成为我们的旗舰期刊。伴随着古老的公共关系和高速、大容量的公共关系,IJDAR为我们提供了一系列的专题、调查、实验报告和新理论。更早些时候,在Azriel Rosenfeld的鼓励下,Dave组织并指导了语言和媒体处理实验室,该实验室已成为DIA数据集、代码、书目和专业知识的主要资源。

Karl, another IJDAR co-founder, put Nancy on the map as one of the premier global centers of DIA research and development. Beginning with a sustained drive to automate the conversion of legacy drawings to CAD formats (drawings for a bridge or a sewer line may have a lifetime of over a hundred years, and the plans for the still-flying Boeing 747 were drawn by hand), Karl brought together and expanded the horizons of University and INRIA researchers to form a critical mass of DIA.


Dave and Karl have also done more than their share to bring our research community together, find common terminology and data, create benchmarks, and advance the state of the art. These big patient men have long been a familiar sight at our conferences, always ready to resolve a conundrum, provide a missing piece of information, fill in for an absentee session chair or speaker, or introduce folks who should know each other.


The DIA community has every reason to be grateful to the editors and authors of this timely and comprehensive collection. Enjoy, and work hard to make a contribution to the next edition!


Part A Introduction, Background, Fundamentals .................... 1
1 A Brief History of Documents and Writing Systems ................... 3

2 Document Creation, Image Acquisition and Document Quality...... 11

3 The Evolution of Document Image Analysis ............................ 63

4 Imaging Techniques in Document Analysis Processes ................. 73

Part B Page Analysis........................................................ 133
5 Page Segmentation Techniques in Document Analysis ................ 135

6 Analysis of the Logical Layout of Documents........................... 177

7 Page Similarity and Classification........................................ 223

Part C Text Recognition .................................................... 255
8 Text Segmentation for Document Recognition.......................... 257

9 Language, Script, and Font Recognition ................................ 291

10 Machine-Printed Character Recognition................................ 331

11 Handprinted Character and Word Recognition ........................ 359

12 Continuous Handwritten Script Recognition ........................... 391

13 Middle Eastern Character Recognition ................................. 427

14 Asian Character Recognition ............................................. 459

Volume 2
Part D Processing of Non-textual Information ........................ 487
15 Graphics Recognition Techniques........................................ 489

16 An Overview of Symbol Recognition .................................... 523

17 Analysis and Interpretation of Graphical Documents ................. 553

18 Logo and Trademark Recognition ....................................... 591

19 Recognition of Tables and Forms ........................................ 647

20 Processing Mathematical Notation ....................................... 679

Part E Applications .......................................................... 703
21 Document Analysis in Postal Applications and Check
Processing ................................................................... 705

22 Analysis and Recognition of Music Scores .............................. 749

23 Analysis of Documents Born Digital ..................................... 775

24 Image Based Retrieval and Keyword Spotting in Documents ........ 805

25 Text Localization and Recognition in Images and Video .............. 843

Part F Analysis of Online Data............................................ 885
26 Online Handwriting Recognition......................................... 887

27 Online Signature Verification ............................................. 917

28 Sketching Interfaces ....................................................... 949

Part G Evaluation and Benchmarking .................................. 981
29 Datasets and Annotations for Document Analysis
and Recognition ............................................................ 983

30 Tools and Metrics for Document Analysis Systems Evaluation ....... 1011

Index......................................................................... 1037


时间: 2024-10-19 13:04:28

Handbook of Document Image Processing and Recognition文档图像处理与识别手册的相关文章

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通常情况下改动.删除或者添加DOM元素. 更新DOM会导致浏览器又一次绘制屏幕,也会导 致reflow,这样会带来巨大的开销.我们通常解决这的办法尽量降低更新DOM.这也就意 味着将DOM的改变分批处理.并在"活动"文档树之外运行这些更新. 当须要创建一个相对照较大的子树.应该在子树全然创建之后再将子树加入到DOM树中. 这时採用文档碎片技术来容纳全部的节点. //反样例 //在创建时马上加入节点 var p,t; p = document.createElement('p'); t

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day01总结 今日内容 l XML语法 l XML约束之DTD l XML解析器介绍 l XML解析之JAXP( DOM.SAX ) l DOM4J l Schema 一.XML语法 XML概述 1 什么是XML XML全称为Extensible Markup Language, 意思是可扩展的标记语言,它是 SGML(标准通用标记语言)的一个子集. XML语法上和HTML比较相似,但HTML中的元素是固定的,而XML的标签是可以由用户自定义的. W3C在1998年2月发布1.0版本: W3C