samba linux windows 请联系管理员




#setenforce 0



#setenforce 1


有关SELinux 在系统中的作用就不讲了,另外一种方法可以不用关闭SELinux.以下命令将允许这个权限:

setsebool -P samba_enable_home_dirs=1

若SElinux啟用中,在Windows檔案總管無法連到 Samba 所分享出來的目錄時,

在Linux 中,可執行下列指令:

setsebool -P samba_enable_home_dirs on

參考文件: /etc/samba/smb.conf

#--------------- # SELINUX NOTES: # 分享群組 # If you want to use the useradd/groupadd family of binaries please run: # setsebool -P samba_domain_controller on #

# 分享home目錄 # If you want to share home directories via samba please run: # setsebool -P samba_enable_home_dirs on # # If you create a new directory you want to share you should mark it as # "samba-share_t" so that selinux will let you write into it. # Make sure not to do that on system directories as they may already have # been marked with othe SELinux labels. # # Use ls -ldZ /path to see which context a directory has # # Set labels only on directories you created! # To set a label use the following: chcon -t samba_share_t /path # # If you need to share a system created directory you can use one of the # following (read-only/read-write): # setsebool -P samba_export_all_ro on # or # setsebool -P samba_export_all_rw on # # If you want to run scripts (preexec/root prexec/print command/...) please # put them into the /var/lib/samba/scripts directory so that smbd will be # allowed to run them. # Make sure you COPY them and not MOVE them so that the right SELinux context # is applied, to check all is ok use restorecon -R -v /var/lib/samba/scripts # #-------------- #

samba linux windows 请联系管理员

时间: 2024-08-26 19:14:48

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