unexpected token: null near line 1, column 290

org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: unexpected token: null near line 1, column 290 [select count(*) from cn.com.taiji.sample.entity.User t where 1=1 and (t.name like :userName or t.namePy like :userName or t.loginName like :userName and t.status =:status and not exists(select b.user from cn.com.sample.entity.UserRole b where b.role.id =:roleId and b.user.id = t.id)]




3、=:应该是在一起的,中间没有空格,‘like :’中介需要有空格,其实这里没这么严谨,只是以防万一;



时间: 2025-01-12 05:46:57

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