斯坦福公开课:Developing IOS 8 App with Swift(1-3)心得体会








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斯坦福大学公开课:iOS 7应用开发 笔记

2015-07-06 第一讲   课务.iOS概述 -------------------------------------------------- 开始学习斯坦福大学公开课:iOS 7应用开发留下笔记


一.问卷问题设计 调查背景:随着现代社会互联网的发展,基于家庭产生的服务项目也越来越多.为增加家庭之间的交流和互助,增加家庭内部.家庭与家庭之间的沟通互助,并利用互联网便捷交流的优势,使家庭在享受服务的同时,也能够提供自己的服务.为了解社会不同人群对于此种App的服务接受程度.真实需求.意见.建议等,特此设计此调查问卷. 从问卷问题要成为需求引导的功能出发,从我们的主要会使用人群.家庭结构.邻里之间信任关系.会不会互相帮助.围绕家庭生活产生的二手闲置物品处理以及一般处理方法.接受处理范围方式.是

[课堂笔记]斯坦福大学公开课:IOS 7应用开发 lecture7

1.One is CGFloat.It’s a floating point number.All floating point numbers that have to do with drawing on the screen or getting touch events or whatever are CGFloats.This might be a double.It might be just a regular floating point number.Not only usin

[课堂笔记]斯坦福大学公开课:IOS 7应用开发 lecture4

1.All objects in an array are held onto strongly in the heap.So as long as that array itself is in the heap,as long as someone has a strong pointer to the array itself,all the objects the are in the array will stay in the heap as well.Because it has

[课堂笔记]斯坦福大学公开课:IOS 7应用开发 lecture5

1.There is a class called NSNotificationCenter .It has a class method called defaultCenter.That returns a shared instance kind of like NSUserDefault,standard UserDefault did — a shared instance.That’s the object you use to tune into radio stations. A

斯坦福大学公开课:IOS 7应用开发 lecture10

1.Now,this line of code could cause trouble.If self.image is nil,because I told you that if you have a method,this is just a getter of the image that returns a struct,and you send it to nil,you’ll get undefined results.(47:00) 2.Zomming in,really sim


一.iOS四层结构 1.Core OS 是用FreeBSD和Mach所改写的Darwin, 是开源.符合POSIX标准的一个Unix核心.这一层包含或者说是提供了整个iPhone OS的一些基础功能,比如:硬件驱动, 内存管理,程序管理,线程管理(POSIX),文件系统,网络(BSD Socket),以及标准输入输出等等,所有这些功能都会通过C语言的API来提供.另外,值得一题的是,这一层最具有UNIX色彩,如果你需要把 UNIX上所开发的程序移植到iPhone上,多半都会使用到Core OS的

[课堂笔记]斯坦福大学公开课:IOS 7应用开发 lecture6

1.Abstract means that this class cannot be instantiated and used,it’s only useful as a superclass for other classes that are concrete. (04:00) 2.And I also like to document,even on my implementation any methods that basically are abstract.Any method

[课堂笔记]斯坦福大学公开课:IOS 7应用开发 lecture1

1.The difference is card.h is the public API.That’s what your dot h is.It’s your public API.It’s what methods in your class you want to make public so that other people can call them.Card.m is your private API and all your implementation. 2.It’s impo