Oracle Tips by Burleson Consulting
October 26, 2008
Question: I need a way to verify that my OEM and isqlplus and
Oracle services are started. How do you start the Oracle
Answer: Oracle Windows processes are more difficult to manage as
services, but there are way to monitor and start the Windows services.
For complete details on managing Oracle on a PC, see the book "Personal
Oracle RAC clusters".
generic Windows, you start the Oracle service by clicking as follows:
- 1 - Click Start,
point to Settings, and then
click Control Panel. - 2 - In Control Panel, double-click
Administrative Tools. - 3 - In the Administrative Tools window,
double-click Services.
the dbstart and dbstop shell scripts do not exist on Oracle Windows platforms.
Consequently Oracle database startup and shutdown is implemented
completely differently. The oradim utility is used on the Windows
platform to perform these tasks.
C:\oracle11g\bin\oradim -startup -sid
ORCL92 ?usrpwd manager
-starttype SRVC,INST -pfile C:\oracle9i\admin\ORCL92\pfile\init.ora
? startup ? Indicates that the specified instance should be started.
? sid ? The SID of the database to start.
? usrpwd ? The password for the database user.
? starttype ? Specifies whether to start the instance, the service, or
both (SRVC, INST).
The following command can be used to shutdown the instance with oradim:
C:\oracle11g\bin\oradim -shutdown -sid
ORCL92 -shutttype SRVC,INST
?shutmode A
Notice that no password is needed to perform this task.
The shuttype parameter specifies what is to be stopped ? the service (SRVC),
the instance (INST), or both (SRVC, INST). The shutmode specifies the
method that should perform the shutdown ? (A)bort, (I)mmediate, or (N)ormal.
Each operation, regardless of success, is logged in the oradim log file
(ORACLE_HOME\database\OraDim.Log). This file should be checked for
errors after each oradim command is executed.
The oradim utility provides more than just the ability to start and stop
Windows databases. oradim can create and edit databases. It also allows
DBAs to configure script-based installation mechanisms, bypassing the
Oracle Database Configuration Assistant?s graphical user interface
For a reference of all oradim commands, use the oradim ?help command.