Jmeter-Maven-Plugin高级应用:Log Levels

Log Levels

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Log Levels

How To <overrideRootLogLevel>

You can specify a root log level for debug purposes.


Setting the root log level will always override any settings for individual category log levels (as a result if the <overrideRootLogLevel> is set all category log levels set elsewhere will be ignored.

Advanced Log Configuration

If you add a "logkit.xml" into the <testFilesDirectory> it will now be copied into the /bin folder. If one does not exist the default one supplied with JMeter will be used instead. If you don‘t want to call your advanced log config file "logkit.xml", you can specify the filename using:


Individual Log Levels

You can override individual log levels by setting them in your file. If you want to override them in the POM have a look at Adding Additional Properties To <propertiesJMeter>.

时间: 2024-08-08 22:09:49

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