Intel baytrail-t support Linux?



Ubuntu (Linux) on Atom Z3700 Series

ASUS Transformer Book T100 is particularly interesting platform, because some guys at XDA developers forum have already installed Android / Ubuntu on the device, so you can already evaluate these two operating systems on the platform. Android does not really worked at the time, but at least Intel is working on it so it should
eventually run just as well as Windows 8.1 does.

They basically explain the steps to safely boot to Ubuntu (and other OSes) that can be summarized as below

  • Configure UEFI (disable Secure Boot)
  • Format a USB flash drive to make it bootable with Rufus (GPT for UEFI + FAT + 64 kb+ raring x64 as bootable disk using ISO Image). You’ll also need to copy
    bootia32 to /efi/boot/ since the bootloader does not support 64-bit.
  • Backup the recovery partition with tool such as ASUS Backtracker
  • Use one of the two Ubuntu images:
    • 13.04 x64 desktop – Status: boots to GUI using fbdev
    • 13.10 x64 desktop – Status: boots to GUI using fbdev

They’ve also provided the instructions to build grub2-efi-ia32. You’ll notice they had to use the framebuffer, as there’s a bug in VESA. Not everything is working yet. The touchscreen works fine, but Wi-Fi is broken, at least in Ubuntu 13.10.

There’s also a bit more information in Anandtech forums.

I’d assume you can just take the latest Linux kernel, and successful boot it on Bay Trail devices (TBC), contrary to most ARM platforms.

Brad Linder (Liliputing) tried it out (before the touchscreen was fixed). Check it out below.

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Intel baytrail-t support Linux?

时间: 2024-10-26 17:57:10

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