CSE 6363 - Machine Learning HomeworkHomework: JSON Exercise

Homework: JSON Exercise
1. Objectives
Become familiar with the navigating JavaScript JSON objects;
Use of JSON.parse parser and synchronous XMLHttpRequest;
Transform the content of a JSON document into an HTML page.
2. Description
You are required to write an HTML/JavaScript program, which takes the
URL of a JSON document containing top grossing films information, parses
the JSON file, and extracts the list of top grossing films, displaying them in
a table. The JavaScript program will be embedded in an HTML file so that it
can be executed within a browser.
Your program should display a text box to enter the JSON file name
as shown below in Figure 1. On clicking the “Submit Query” button,
your program should display the table as shown below, Figure 2. If
the text box is left empty and Submit Query is clicked, an appropriate
error message must be shown.
Figure 1: Initial Page
Once the JSON file is downloaded, a JavaScript function within the
HTML file parses the JSON document that was passed as an input in
the edit box.
After parsing the JSON document, a popup window or tab should
display a table consisting of the data for all container shipping
companies that are contained in the JSON file. For example, given the
following JSON document:
the table below should be displayed:
Figure 2: Table containing films from filmslist.json
Here is a version of the filmslist.json file containing the data that is
displayed above:
"Mainline": {
"Table": {
"Header": {
"Data": [
"Worldwide Gross",
"Wiki Page",
"Row": [

"Title": "Avatar",
"Year": "2009",
"Hubs": {
"Hub": [
"Directed by James Cameron",
"Avatar, marketed as James Cameron‘s Avatar, is a 2009 American[8][9] epic
science fiction film directed, written, produced, and co-edited by James Cameron,
and stars Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez, and
Sigourney Weaver. The film is set in the mid-22nd century, when humans are
colonizing Pandora, a lush habitable moon of a gas giant in the Alpha Centauri star
system, in order to mine the mineral unobtanium, a room-temperature
"Gross": "$2,787,965,087",
"HomePage": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avatar_(2009_film)",
"Logo": "http://csci571.com/hw/hw4/avatar.jpg"

"Title": "Titanic",
"Year": "1997",
"Hubs": {
"Hub": [
"Directed by James Cameron",
"Titanic is a 1997 American epic romance and disaster film directed, written, coproduced
and co-edited by James Cameron. A fictionalized account of the sinking of
the RMS Titanic, it stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet as members of different
social classes who fall in love aboard the ship during its ill-fated maiden voyage."
"Gross": "2,187,463,944",
"HomePage": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanic_(1997_film)",
"Logo": "http://csci571.com/hw/hw4/titanic.jpg"

3. Error Handling
An error condition that should be checked for a JSON file containing NO
films. An example of a JSON files which does not contain films entries:
"Mainline": {
"Table": {
"Header": {
"Data": [
"Worldwide Gross",
"Wiki Page",
In addition, your program should handle the case when the JSON file does
not exist. A proper message should be displayed.
The “structure” of the input JSON files will not change. We will not test the
case where one of the keys is missed. In other words, every Row always
contains the keys: Title, year, Hubs, Gross, HomePage, and Logo. The Hubs
tag contains an array with key Hub. Note that The Hub array may contain
ZERO or more values.
If the value of a tag is empty, you should display a blank cell.
You are required to handle the case where the Header data values are
different. Please note that the Data tag values might differ but the JSON
structure remains the same. For example, the Header can be like this:
"Header": {
"Data": [
"Title of Movie",
"Year of Release",
"Worldwide Gross",
"Wikipedia Page",
No other error conditions need be checked. In all cases if an error is found
your program should show an alert box indicating the error was detected.
4. Hints
? Step 1: Writing Your HTML/JavaScript program - Using the DOM
Here‘s how you could use the Microsoft DOM API and the Mozilla
DOM API (used in Firefox) to load and parse a JSON document into a
DOM tree, and then use the DOM API to extract information from
that document.
<script type="text/javascript">
var jsonDoc;
function loadJSON (url) {
var xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.open("GET",url,false); //open, send, responseText are
xmlhttp.send(); //properties of XMLHTTPRequest

return jsonDoc;
// ....... processing the document goes here
Now you can parse the JSON file with JSON.parse and generate the
HTML table on the fly by navigating through the JSON object. You
can assume that every JSON file will have identical Object, Array and
key names.
Your task is to write a program that transforms this type of JSON file
into the table as shown above.

Step 2: Display the Resulting HTML Document
You should use the DOM document.write method to output the
required HTML.
Step 3: Use JavaScript control syntax
The only program control statements that you will need to use for this
exercise are the “if” and the “for” statements. The syntax of both
statements is practically identical to the syntax of the corresponding
statement in the C, C++ and Java languages, as in:
if (container_keys[j]=="Image") {
// do stuff
for (j=0; j<container_keys.length; j++) {
// do more stuff
Please make a note of the following issue:
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS):
JavaScript cannot call the resources from another domain. This is called
cross side scripting which is not allowed in browsers. Therefore, you must
put your JSON files and your script in the same domain. Please make sure,
when you are testing your implementation, to place both the HTML file and
the JSON file on your local machine IN THE SAME FOLDER. A sample
file can be copied from here:
Window.open() method must be used to pop up a new window which would
display the final widget.
Image files can be either local or remote, as these files do not exhibit the
cross-site scripting issue.
Scrollable Window:
The popup window should be scrollable so the user can read all records
listed in the window.
6. Image Test Files
These image files are provided for testing purpose.
7. Material You Need to Submit
On your course homework page, your link for this homework should go to a
page that looks like the one displayed in the Figure on page 1. This page
should include your entire JavaScript/HTML/CSS program in a single
file. Also, you should upload your source code electronically to the csci571
GitHub Classroom account so that it can be compared to all other students‘
code via the MOSS code comparison tool. If your submission is composed
of multiple files, 3 points will be deducted.

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时间: 2024-08-30 15:11:27

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