What is SaaS?

SaaS, or Software as a Service, describes any cloud service where consumers are able to access software applications over the internet. The applications are hosted in “the cloud” and can be used for a wide range of tasks for both individuals and organisations. Google, Twitter, Facebook and Flickr are all examples of SaaS, with users able to access the services via any internet enabled device. Enterprise users are able to use applications for a range of needs, including accounting and invoicing, tracking sales, planning, performance monitoring and communications (including webmail and instant messaging).

SaaS is often referred to as software-on-demand and utilising it is akin to renting software rather than buying it. With traditional software applications you would purchase the software upfront as a package and then install it onto your computer. The software’s licence may also limit the number of users and/or devices where the software can be deployed. Software as a Service users, however, subscribe to the software rather than purchase it, usually on a monthly basis. Applications are purchased and used online with files saved in the cloud rather than on individual computers.

There are a number of reasons why SaaS is beneficial to organisations and personal users alike:

  • No additional hardware costs; the processing power required to run the applications is supplied by the cloud provider.
  • No initial setup costs; applications are ready to use once the user subscribes.
  • Pay for what you use; if a piece of software is only needed for a limited period then it is only paid for over that period and subscriptions can usually be halted at any time.
  • Usage is scalable; if a user decides they need more storage or additional services, for example, then they can access these on demand without needing to install new software or hardware.
  • Updates are automated; whenever there is an update it is available online to existing customers, often free of charge. No new software will be required as it often is with other types of applications and the updates will usually be deployed automatically by the cloud provider.
  • Cross device compatibility; SaaS applications can be accessed via any internet enabled device, which makes it ideal for those who use a number of different devices, such as internet enabled phones and tablets, and those who don’t always use the same computer.
  • Accessible from any location; rather than being restricted to installations on individual computers, an application can be accessed from anywhere with an internet enabled device.
  • Applications can be customised and whitelabelled; with some software, customisation is available meaning it can be altered to suit the needs and branding of a particular customer.

Office software is the best example of businesses utilising SaaS. Tasks related to accounting, invoicing, sales and planning can all be performed through Software as a Service. Businesses may wish to use one piece of software that performs all of these tasks or several that each perform different tasks. The required software can be subscribed to via the internet and then accessed online via any computer in the office using a username and password. If needs change they can easily switch to software that better meets their requirements. Everyone who needs access to a particular piece of software can be set up as a user, whether it is one or two people or every employee in a corporation that employs hundreds.


  • There are no setup costs with SaaS, as there often are with other applications
  • SaaS is scalable with upgrades available on demand
  • Access to Software as a Service is compatible across all internet enabled devices
  • As long as there is an internet connection, applications are accessible from any location
时间: 2024-08-27 13:31:41

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(此文章同时发表在本人微信公众号"dotNET每日精华文章",欢迎右边二维码来关注.) 今天推荐的文章和具体的技术无关,但是对于创业的小伙伴应该有帮助. 去年底到今年,企业应用尤其企业SaaS被投资者更多的关注.很多涉及企业应用的SaaS提供商都获得了极高的估值和多轮融资.那么如何让你的SaaS大卖呢,或者说更容易的销售出去呢? LINCOLN MURPHY发表了一篇名为<SaaS Marketing Plan: 5 Ways to Get your App to Sell It


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【吴节操点评】中国企业SaaS应用深谙未来者寥寥数几 两极分化将加剧

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SaaS超市,SaaS 2.0时代的真正产物

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2B Saas系统最近几年都很火.很多创业公司都在尝试创建企业级别的应用 cRM, HR,销售, Desk Saas系统.很多Saas创业公司也拿了大额风投.毕竟Saas相对传统软件的优势非常明显. 最近一年,有幸架构一个Crm saas 系统,上线了几个月来,各方面都比满意.整个系统创建过程,踩了很多坑,收获也比较多.总结一下Saas系统架构一些特点: 1.分层设计 saas系统分层大概是: 租户识别>应用层>数据访问层>缓存层>数据库 业务代码都是写在应用层. 租户识别可以用s


要知道什么是SaaS服务,首先得解释一下SaaS的含义.刚进入这个行业,初听到SaaS时脑子反映的一个字是"SARS"(偷偷抹汗啊).其实SaaS的英文全称为Software as a Service,翻译过来就是软件即服务,是一种通过Internet提供软件的模式. SaaS服务是指服务商对其提供的应用软件进行更新.部署.维护和安全管理,相当于服务商会全权管理和维护软件,企业只需要交纳服务费,就能通过互联网获得服务商提供的SaaS服务,企业的所有服务都托管在云上. 21世纪初才兴起的


最近做的项目涉及到比较深入的一部分,就是定义客户关系,在我们的商讨中,我们决定,采用服务商的模式,就是我们是基础服务商,由客户组合服务,向客户提供基于云端的服务支持!这就自然引出了以下概念: saas百科: SaaS是Software-as-a-Service(软件即服务)的简称,随着互联网技术的发展和应用软件的成熟, 在21世纪开始兴起的一种完全创新的软件应用模式.它与"on-demand software"(按需软件),the application service provide