chromium39.0.2132.2 for android 编译问题



今天下载了chromium39.0.2132.2代码,接着需要把之前的工作移植上去。在下载(gclient runhooks期间)和执行ninja -C out/Release content_shell_apk的时候,遇到几个问题,之前是没遇到的,现在记录下来,供大家分享。

1. 问题:

Package xtst was not found in the pkg-config search path.

Perhaps you should add the directory containing `xtst.pc‘

to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package ‘xtst‘ found

gyp: Call to ‘pkg-config --cflags xtst‘ returned exit status 1.

解决方式: sudo apt-get install libxtst-dev

2. 问题:

Package libexif was not found in the pkg-config search path.

Perhaps you should add the directory containing `libexif.pc‘

to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable

No package ‘libexif‘ found

gyp: Call to ‘pkg-config --cflags libexif‘ returned exit status 1.

ans: sudo apt-get install libexif-dev

3. 问题:

Updating projects from gyp files...

Package xscrnsaver was not found in the pkg-config search path.

Perhaps you should add the directory containing `xscrnsaver.pc‘

to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable

No package ‘xscrnsaver‘ found

gyp: Call to ‘pkg-config --cflags xscrnsaver‘ returned exit status 1.

ans : sudo apt-get install libxss-dev libxdg-basedir-dev libxinerama-dev libxft-dev libcairo2-dev  libdbusmenu-glib-dev

另:我在执行上面命令之前,现将sudo apt-get install


ninja: error: unknown target ‘content_shell_apk‘, did you mean ‘content_shell_pak‘?


To set the OS=android gyp define:

* If you use different checkouts for android and non-android work, use a chromium.gyp_env in each of your chromium/android checkouts (

# Assuming your PWD is in “src”:

echo "{ ‘GYP_DEFINES‘: ‘OS=android‘, }" > ../chromium.gyp_env

* If you never build chromium for platforms other than android, you can alternatively set the GYP_DEFINES environment variable globally in your ~/.bashrc:

echo ‘GYP_DEFINES="OS=android $GYP_DEFINES"‘ >> ~/.bashrc

* If you use the same checkout for android and non-android work, manually set GYP_DEFINES to the right value before you run gyp

GYP_DEFINES=OS=android gclient runhooks

PS: 有时间的孩纸们,赶紧看看chromiumOS吧,预测要火,而且是大火!

时间: 2024-08-27 15:25:30

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