


选中一段文本后用:MultipleCursorsFind re-pattern即可选中不同模式的单词


g:multi_cursor_normal_maps/g:multi_cursor_visual_maps/g:multi_cursor_insert_maps 这几个变量可以设置

要注意的是,每种模式下(normal,visual mode等)要设置可以通知操作的按键,否则将不能同时操作

时间: 2024-12-29 06:46:15


library cache lock和cursor: pin S wait on X等待

1.现象: 客户10.2.0.4 RAC环境,出现大量的library cache lock和cursor: pin S wait on X等待,经分析是由于统计信息收集僵死导致的.数据库在8点到9点期间,数据库两个节点都存在明显的cursor: pin S wait on X和library cache lock的等待: TOP 5 EVENT: Event Waits Time(s) Avg   Wait(ms) %   Total Call Time Wait   Class cursor

Android sqlite cursor的遍历

查询并获得了cursor对象后,用while(corsor.moveToNext()){}遍历,当corsor.moveToNext()方法调用,如果发现没有对象,会返回false public List<MMImage> getAll() { List<MMImage> list = new ArrayList<MMImage>(); Cursor c = null; try { c = database.query(TABLE, null, null, null,

CSS中cursor的pointer 与 hand

附:cursor属性收集 光标类型   CSS 十字准心 cursor: crosshair; 手 cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; 写两个是为了照顾IE5,它只认hand. 等待/沙漏 cursor: wait; 帮助 cursor: help; 无法释放 cursor: no-drop; 文字/编辑 cursor: text; 可移动对象 cursor: move; 向上改变大小(North)   cursor: n-resize; 向下改变大小(South)  

android 出现Make sure the Cursor is initialized correctly before accessing data from it

Make sure the Cursor is initialized correctly before accessing data from it 详细错误是:java.lang.IllegalStateException: Couldn't read row 0, col 2 from CursorWindow.  Make sure the Cursor is initialized correctly before accessing data from it. 出现这个原因是因为我在

css js:cursor属性

定义: 规定要显示的光标形状 CSS用法: JS用法"crosshair"

游标cursor 与循环fetch

本文部分非原创 使用示例: declare myCursor cursor for select ID,[Column1],[Num] from Table1 open myCursor; declare @ID int,@Column1 varchar(50),@Num int fetch next from myCursor into @ID ,@Column1 ,@Num; while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin --do something fetch next f

SQL Cursor 基本用法

Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware)> 1 table1结构如下 id int name varchar(50) declare @id int declare @name varchar(50) declare cursor1 cursor for --定义游标cursor1 select * from table1 --使用游标的对象(

Oracle PLSQL Demo - 10.For Loop遍历游标[FOR LOOP CURSOR]

declare cursor cur_emp is select t.* from scott.emp t; begin for r_emp in cur_emp loop dbms_output.put_line(r_emp.empno || ' ' || r_emp.sal); end loop; end;

Oracle PLSQL Demo - 08.定义显式游标[Define CURSOR, Open, Fetch, Close CURSOR]

declare v_empno scott.emp.empno%type; v_sal scott.emp.sal%type; cursor cur_emp is select t.empno, t.sal from scott.emp t; begin open cur_emp; loop fetch cur_emp into v_empno, v_sal; exit when cur_emp%notfound; dbms_output.put_line(v_empno || ' ' || v

Oracle PLSQL Demo - 09.Open、Fetch遍历游标[Open, Fetch, Close Record CURSOR]

declare r_emp scott.emp%rowtype; cursor cur_emp is select t.* from scott.emp t; begin open cur_emp; loop fetch cur_emp into r_emp; exit when cur_emp%notfound; dbms_output.put_line(r_emp.empno || ' ' || r_emp.sal); end loop; close cur_emp; end;