

  1 import sys
  2 import time
  3 import binascii
  4 from PySide.QtCore import *
  5 from PySide.QtGui import *
  6 from scapy.all import *
  8 # Every Qt application must have one and only one QApplication object;
  9 # it receives the command line arguments passed to the script, as they
 10 # can be used to customize the application‘s appearance and behavior
 11 qt_app = QApplication(sys.argv)
 12 global_pkt_list = []
 14 # Try to redirect hexdump()‘s output, but failed!Why? T_T
 15 class redirect_output:
 16     def __init__(self):
 17         self.str = ‘‘
 18     def write(self, s):
 19         self.str += s
 20     def show(self):
 21         return self.str
 23 class Sniffer(QThread):
 24     pkt_arrive = Signal(str)
 25     bGo = True
 26     filter = None
 27     iface = ‘eth0‘
 29     def __init__(self, parent=None):
 30         QThread.__init__(self, parent)
 31         # self.pkt_arrive.connect(OnPktArrive)
 33     def run(self):
 34         # self.emit(SIGNAL("pkt_arrive(str)"), "pkt")
 35         while (self.bGo):
 36             p = sniff(count=1, filter = self.filter)
 37             global_pkt_list.append(p[0])
 38             self.pkt_arrive.emit((p[0].summary()))
 40     def go(self):
 41         self.bGo = True
 42         self.start()
 44     def stop(self):
 45         print ‘Sniffer got exit message‘
 46         self.bGo = False
 48 class PktListItem(QListWidgetItem):
 49     def __init__(self, pkt=None, num=None):
 50         QListWidgetItem.__init__(self)
 51         self.pkt = pkt
 52         self.num = num
 54 class MainWindow(QWidget):
 55     ‘‘‘ An example of PySide absolute positioning; the main window
 56         inherits from QWidget, a convenient widget for an empty window. ‘‘‘
 57     number = 0
 58     def __init__(self):
 59         QWidget.__init__(self)
 60         self.setWindowTitle(‘J_Sniffer‘)
 61         self.setMinimumSize(800, 500)
 63         # set layout
 64         self.main_layout = QVBoxLayout()
 65         # edit and btn
 66         self.layout1 = QHBoxLayout()
 68         self.Label_Iface = QLabel("Iface", self)
 69         self.layout1.addWidget(self.Label_Iface)
 70         self.TextBox_Iface = QLineEdit(self)
 71         self.TextBox_Iface.setPlaceholderText("Choose network interface")
 72         self.layout1.addWidget(self.TextBox_Iface)
 74         self.Label_Fliter = QLabel("Filter", self)
 75         self.layout1.addWidget(self.Label_Fliter)
 76         self.TextBox_Filter = QLineEdit(self)
 77         self.layout1.addWidget(self.TextBox_Filter)
 79         self.layout1.addStretch(1)
 80         self.Btn_Start = QPushButton("&Start", self)
 81         self.layout1.addWidget(self.Btn_Start)
 83         self.main_layout.addLayout(self.layout1)
 85         # List to show packets
 86         self.List_Pkt = QListWidget(self)
 87         self.main_layout.addWidget(self.List_Pkt)
 89         # Tree to see pkt‘s detail
 90         self.Tree = QTreeWidget(self)
 91         self.main_layout.addWidget(self.Tree)
 92         self.Tree.setColumnCount(2)
 93         self.Tree.setHeaderLabels([‘Key‘, ‘Value‘])
 95         self.setLayout(self.main_layout)
 97         # create signal and sniff thread
 98         self.thread = Sniffer()
 99         self.connect(self.Btn_Start, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.Sniff)
100         # self.connect(self.thread, SIGNAL("pkt_arrive(str)"), self.OnPktArrive) Connot work!
101         self.thread.pkt_arrive.connect(self.OnPktArrive)
102         self.List_Pkt.currentItemChanged.connect(self.On_ItemChanged)
104     @Slot(str)
105     def OnPktArrive(self, pkt):
106         print ‘received pkt arrive signal‘
108         #p = Ether(pkt) #only Ethernet now, 802.11 may be crash!
109         item = PktListItem(num = self.number)
110         item.setText(str(self.number) + ‘\t‘ + pkt)
111         self.List_Pkt.addItem(item)
112         self.number += 1
114     @Slot()
115     def Sniff(self):
116         print self.Btn_Start.text()
117         if self.Btn_Start.text() == ‘&Start‘:
118             self.Btn_Start.setText("&Stop")
119             self.thread.filter = self.TextBox_Filter.text()
120             self.thread.iface = self.TextBox_Iface.text()
121             self.thread.go()
122         else:
123             self.Btn_Start.setText("&Start")
124             self.thread.stop()
126     def On_ItemChanged(self, curr, prev):
127         print curr.num
128         self.Tree.clear()
129         p = global_pkt_list[curr.num]
130         root1 = QTreeWidgetItem(self.Tree)
131         if (p.haslayer(Ether)):
132             root1.setText(0, ‘Ethernet:‘)
133             child1_1 = QTreeWidgetItem(root1)
134             child1_1.setText(0, ‘dst‘)
135             child1_1.setText(1, p.dst)
136             child1_2 = QTreeWidgetItem(root1)
137             child1_2.setText(0, ‘src‘)
138             child1_2.setText(1, p.src)
139             child1_3 = QTreeWidgetItem(root1)
140             child1_3.setText(0, ‘type‘)
141             child1_3.setText(1, hex(p.type))
142             p = p.getlayer(1)
143             if (p.haslayer(IP)):
144                 self._SetIPTree(p)
145                 p = p.getlayer(1)
146                 if (p.haslayer(ICMP)):
147                     self._SetICMPTree(p)
148                 elif (p.haslayer(TCP)):
149                     pass
150                 else:
151                     pass
152             elif (p.haslayer(IPv6)):
153                 pass
154         else:
155             root1.setText(0, ‘Not Ethernet‘)
156             root1.setText(1, hexdump(p))
158     def _SetIPTree(self, p):
159         root2 = QTreeWidgetItem(self.Tree)
160         root2.setText(0, ‘IPv4‘)
161         child2_1 = QTreeWidgetItem(root2)
162         child2_1.setText(0, ‘Version‘)
163         child2_1.setText(1, str(p.version))
164         child2_2 = QTreeWidgetItem(root2)
165         child2_2.setText(0, ‘ihl(Header Length)‘)
166         child2_2.setText(1, str(p.ihl))
167         child2_3 = QTreeWidgetItem(root2)
168         child2_3.setText(0, ‘tos‘)
169         child2_3.setText(1, str(p.tos))
170         child2_4 = QTreeWidgetItem(root2)
171         child2_4.setText(0, ‘len‘)
172         child2_4.setText(1, str(p.len))
173         child2_5 = QTreeWidgetItem(root2)
174         child2_5.setText(0, ‘id‘)
175         child2_5.setText(1, str(
176         child2_6 = QTreeWidgetItem(root2)
177         child2_6.setText(0, ‘flags‘)
178         child2_6.setText(1, str(p.flags))
179         child2_7 = QTreeWidgetItem(root2)
180         child2_7.setText(0, ‘frag‘)
181         child2_7.setText(1, str(p.frag))
182         child2_8 = QTreeWidgetItem(root2)
183         child2_8.setText(0, ‘TTL‘)
184         child2_8.setText(1, str(p.ttl))
185         child2_9 = QTreeWidgetItem(root2)
186         child2_9.setText(0, ‘protocol‘)
187         child2_9.setText(1, str(p.proto))
188         child2_10 = QTreeWidgetItem(root2)
189         child2_10.setText(0, ‘checksum‘)
190         child2_10.setText(1, str(p.chksum))
191         child2_11 = QTreeWidgetItem(root2)
192         child2_11.setText(0, ‘src‘)
193         child2_11.setText(1, str(p.src))
194         child2_12 = QTreeWidgetItem(root2)
195         child2_12.setText(0, ‘dst‘)
196         child2_12.setText(1, str(p.dst))
198     def _SetICMPTree(self, p):
199         root3 = QTreeWidgetItem(self.Tree)
200         root3.setText(0, ‘ICMP‘)
201         child3_1 = QTreeWidgetItem(root3)
202         child3_1.setText(0, ‘Type‘)
203         if (p.type == 8):
204             child3_1.setText(1, ‘echo request‘)
205         elif (p.type == 0):
206             child3_1.setText(1, ‘echo reply‘)
207         else:
208             child3_1.setText(1, str(p.type))
209         child3_2 = QTreeWidgetItem(root3)
210         child3_2.setText(0, ‘Code‘)
211         child3_2.setText(1, str(p.code))
212         child3_3 = QTreeWidgetItem(root3)
213         child3_3.setText(0, ‘Checksum‘)
214         child3_3.setText(1, str(p.chksum))
215         child3_4 = QTreeWidgetItem(root3)
216         child3_4.setText(0, ‘ID‘)
217         child3_4.setText(1, str(
218         child3_5 = QTreeWidgetItem(root3)
219         child3_5.setText(0, ‘Sequence number‘)
220         child3_5.setText(1, str(p.seq))
221         child3_6 = QTreeWidgetItem(root3)
222         child3_6.setText(0, ‘Data‘)
223         child3_6.setText(1, binascii.b2a_hex(str(p.load)))
225     def run(self):
228 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:
229     # Create an instance of the application window and run it
230     win = MainWindow()
232     qt_app.exec_()

时间: 2024-08-24 17:05:49


python 写的http后台弱口令爆破工具

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # 利用python 写的多线程爆破后台用户名+密码(自备字典),比较实用,即使是在信息安全这么重视的今天,还是有人不加验证码或者异常访问限制之类的登陆验证方式,这样就很# 容易被弱口令爆破工具拿下,(本代码仅限学习实用,禁止进行web攻击,不承担法律责任) import urllib2 import urllib import httplib import threading headers = {"Content-Type":&quo


概述: 用一个星期加上五一的三天假期自学了python,在Mac系统上重新写出了四则运算的程序,编译器是PyCharm,相当于完成了作业2.d)"选一个你从来没有学过的编程语言,试一试实现基本功能"这个方向. 用python写的这个程序能实现分数的加减程序,实现带加减乘除和括号的计算题,实现随机生成100道简单计算题,比之前用C++写的程序功能更加完善,更加简洁! 关键点: 调用两个模板. 1)类似C++和Java,格式是 对象.方法(),Fraction()方法,能直接表示分数. 2

python 写 txt

python写txt,之前写过jason的,和写txt有点区别,记录下. import os def touch(path): u = '12' u1= '34' with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(u) f.write('\t') f.write(u1) #os.utime(path, None) path = "creativeFile.txt" touch(path) 1.打开的模式有几种(转自


因为在这里发文章的时候,莫名其妙的出现发布出去的问题,客服告知是因为链接或者敏感词. 能不能告诉我哪里出了问题?我可以修改,以便再发. 但是,没有人告诉我,只是告诉我不能发. 另外,能不能公布一下敏感词?以后我在遣词造句的时候,才可以避免. 但是,没有看到敏感词列表. 以后我的文章将发布在里面,有兴趣的可以到那里阅读. 要继续看Python写算法的内容请到那里去,布布扣,


菜鸟的第一个程序:用python写猜年龄,0基础写起来真他娘的累,一个简单的程序写了几个小时,终于马马虎虎写好了. 许多刚入行的新手们经常问有什么捷径能快速学会写代码?答案是没有的,只有一个字:练! #!/usr/bin/env python # Author:William Huang my_age = 29 # 先设定好正确的答案 count = 0 # 设定好计数器 while True: count += 1 # 计数器自加1 if count <= 3: # 设定次数,小于等于3次 u


前言:用Python写安卓APP肯定不是最好的选择,但是肯定是一个很偷懒的选择,而且实在不想学习Java,再者,就编程而言已经会的就Python与Golang(注:Python,Golang水平都一般),那么久Google了一下Python写安卓的APP的可能性,还真行. 既然要写个APP,那么总得要有个想法吧. 其实笔者想做两个APP来着,一个是自己写着好玩的,一个是关于运维的. 关于运维的APP,设计应该如下 可能长这样 然后设计应该是这样. 如果觉得可行的话,评论留言一下你觉得应该写进这个


尽管Hadoop框架是用java写的,但是Hadoop程序不限于java,可以用python.C++.ruby等.本例子中直接用python写一个MapReduce实例,而不是用Jython把python代码转化成jar文件. 例子的目的是统计输入文件的单词的词频. 输入:文本文件 输出:文本(每行包括单词和单词的词频,两者之间用'\t'隔开) 1. Python MapReduce 代码 使用python写MapReduce的"诀窍"是利用Hadoop流的API,通过STDIN(标准

Python写的Web spider(网络爬虫)

Python写的Web spider: <span style="font-size:14px;"># web spider # author vince 2015/7/29 import urllib2 import re # get href content pattern = '<a(?:\\s+.+?)*?\\s+href=\"([h]{1}[^\"]*?)\"' t = set("") # collectio


什么是网络爬虫?这是百度百科的解释: 网络爬虫(又被称为网页蜘蛛,网络机器人,在FOAF社区中间,更经常的称为网页追逐者),是一种按照一定的规则,自动的抓取万维网信息的程序或者脚本.另外一些不常使用的名字还有蚂蚁,自动索引,模拟程序或者蠕虫. 爬虫可以做什么?爬虫可以帮助我们在茫茫互联网中爬取我们需要的特定数据,这个特定数据可以是任何想获得的数据. 爬虫是一个让人热血的话题,因为当你在写爬虫的时候,你会感觉到自己是在做一件很NB的事,而每当写出一个爬虫,就会在此基础上不断尝试写出更NB的爬虫,有