

/* ----------------------------------------------------------


MSN:[email protected]


    Visual Studio V2010
    .NET Framework 4 Client Profile

    V1.3    2011年09月08日

    V1.2    2011年09月02日

    V1.1    2011年09月01日

    V1.0    2011年08月30日
------------------------------------------------------------ */
using System;
using System.Management;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Splash.IO.PORTS
    /// <summary>
    /// 即插即用设备信息结构
    /// </summary>
    public struct PnPEntityInfo
        public String PNPDeviceID;      // 设备ID
        public String Name;             // 设备名称
        public String Description;      // 设备描述
        public String Service;          // 服务
        public String Status;           // 设备状态
        public UInt16 VendorID;         // 供应商标识
        public UInt16 ProductID;        // 产品编号
        public Guid ClassGuid;          // 设备安装类GUID

    /// <summary>
    /// 基于WMI获取USB设备信息
    /// </summary>
    public partial class USB
        #region UsbDevice
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取所有的USB设备实体(过滤没有VID和PID的设备)
        /// </summary>
        public static PnPEntityInfo[] AllUsbDevices
                return WhoUsbDevice(UInt16.MinValue, UInt16.MinValue, Guid.Empty);

        /// <summary>
        /// 查询USB设备实体(设备要求有VID和PID)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="VendorID">供应商标识,MinValue忽视</param>
        /// <param name="ProductID">产品编号,MinValue忽视</param>
        /// <param name="ClassGuid">设备安装类Guid,Empty忽视</param>
        /// <returns>设备列表</returns>
        public static PnPEntityInfo[] WhoUsbDevice(UInt16 VendorID, UInt16 ProductID, Guid ClassGuid)
            List<PnPEntityInfo> UsbDevices = new List<PnPEntityInfo>();

            // 获取USB控制器及其相关联的设备实体
            ManagementObjectCollection USBControllerDeviceCollection = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_USBControllerDevice").Get();
            if (USBControllerDeviceCollection != null)
                foreach (ManagementObject USBControllerDevice in USBControllerDeviceCollection)
                {   // 获取设备实体的DeviceID
                    String Dependent = (USBControllerDevice["Dependent"] as String).Split(new Char[] { ‘=‘ })[1];

                    // 过滤掉没有VID和PID的USB设备
                    Match match = Regex.Match(Dependent, "VID_[0-9|A-F]{4}&PID_[0-9|A-F]{4}");
                    if (match.Success)
                        UInt16 theVendorID = Convert.ToUInt16(match.Value.Substring(4, 4), 16);   // 供应商标识
                        if (VendorID != UInt16.MinValue && VendorID != theVendorID) continue;

                        UInt16 theProductID = Convert.ToUInt16(match.Value.Substring(13, 4), 16); // 产品编号
                        if (ProductID != UInt16.MinValue && ProductID != theProductID) continue;

                        ManagementObjectCollection PnPEntityCollection = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity WHERE DeviceID=" + Dependent).Get();
                        if (PnPEntityCollection != null)
                            foreach (ManagementObject Entity in PnPEntityCollection)
                                Guid theClassGuid = new Guid(Entity["ClassGuid"] as String);    // 设备安装类GUID
                                if (ClassGuid != Guid.Empty && ClassGuid != theClassGuid) continue;

                                PnPEntityInfo Element;
                                Element.PNPDeviceID = Entity["PNPDeviceID"] as String;  // 设备ID
                                Element.Name = Entity["Name"] as String;                // 设备名称
                                Element.Description = Entity["Description"] as String;  // 设备描述
                                Element.Service = Entity["Service"] as String;          // 服务
                                Element.Status = Entity["Status"] as String;            // 设备状态
                                Element.VendorID = theVendorID;     // 供应商标识
                                Element.ProductID = theProductID;   // 产品编号
                                Element.ClassGuid = theClassGuid;   // 设备安装类GUID


            if (UsbDevices.Count == 0) return null; else return UsbDevices.ToArray();

        /// <summary>
        /// 查询USB设备实体(设备要求有VID和PID)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="VendorID">供应商标识,MinValue忽视</param>
        /// <param name="ProductID">产品编号,MinValue忽视</param>
        /// <returns>设备列表</returns>
        public static PnPEntityInfo[] WhoUsbDevice(UInt16 VendorID, UInt16 ProductID)
            return WhoUsbDevice(VendorID, ProductID, Guid.Empty);

        /// <summary>
        /// 查询USB设备实体(设备要求有VID和PID)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ClassGuid">设备安装类Guid,Empty忽视</param>
        /// <returns>设备列表</returns>
        public static PnPEntityInfo[] WhoUsbDevice(Guid ClassGuid)
            return WhoUsbDevice(UInt16.MinValue, UInt16.MinValue, ClassGuid);

        /// <summary>
        /// 查询USB设备实体(设备要求有VID和PID)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="PNPDeviceID">设备ID,可以是不完整信息</param>
        /// <returns>设备列表</returns>
        public static PnPEntityInfo[] WhoUsbDevice(String PNPDeviceID)
            List<PnPEntityInfo> UsbDevices = new List<PnPEntityInfo>();

            // 获取USB控制器及其相关联的设备实体
            ManagementObjectCollection USBControllerDeviceCollection = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_USBControllerDevice").Get();
            if (USBControllerDeviceCollection != null)
                foreach (ManagementObject USBControllerDevice in USBControllerDeviceCollection)
                {   // 获取设备实体的DeviceID
                    String Dependent = (USBControllerDevice["Dependent"] as String).Split(new Char[] { ‘=‘ })[1];
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PNPDeviceID))
                    {   // 注意:忽视大小写
                        if (Dependent.IndexOf(PNPDeviceID, 1, PNPDeviceID.Length - 2, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == -1) continue;

                    // 过滤掉没有VID和PID的USB设备
                    Match match = Regex.Match(Dependent, "VID_[0-9|A-F]{4}&PID_[0-9|A-F]{4}");
                    if (match.Success)
                        ManagementObjectCollection PnPEntityCollection = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity WHERE DeviceID=" + Dependent).Get();
                        if (PnPEntityCollection != null)
                            foreach (ManagementObject Entity in PnPEntityCollection)
                                PnPEntityInfo Element;
                                Element.PNPDeviceID = Entity["PNPDeviceID"] as String;  // 设备ID
                                Element.Name = Entity["Name"] as String;                // 设备名称
                                Element.Description = Entity["Description"] as String;  // 设备描述
                                Element.Service = Entity["Service"] as String;          // 服务
                                Element.Status = Entity["Status"] as String;            // 设备状态
                                Element.VendorID = Convert.ToUInt16(match.Value.Substring(4, 4), 16);   // 供应商标识
                                Element.ProductID = Convert.ToUInt16(match.Value.Substring(13, 4), 16); // 产品编号                         // 产品编号
                                Element.ClassGuid = new Guid(Entity["ClassGuid"] as String);            // 设备安装类GUID


            if (UsbDevices.Count == 0) return null; else return UsbDevices.ToArray();

        /// <summary>
        /// 根据服务定位USB设备
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ServiceCollection">要查询的服务集合</param>
        /// <returns>设备列表</returns>
        public static PnPEntityInfo[] WhoUsbDevice(String[] ServiceCollection)
            if (ServiceCollection == null || ServiceCollection.Length == 0)
                return WhoUsbDevice(UInt16.MinValue, UInt16.MinValue, Guid.Empty);

            List<PnPEntityInfo> UsbDevices = new List<PnPEntityInfo>();

            // 获取USB控制器及其相关联的设备实体
            ManagementObjectCollection USBControllerDeviceCollection = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_USBControllerDevice").Get();
            if (USBControllerDeviceCollection != null)
                foreach (ManagementObject USBControllerDevice in USBControllerDeviceCollection)
                {   // 获取设备实体的DeviceID
                    String Dependent = (USBControllerDevice["Dependent"] as String).Split(new Char[] { ‘=‘ })[1];                    

                    // 过滤掉没有VID和PID的USB设备
                    Match match = Regex.Match(Dependent, "VID_[0-9|A-F]{4}&PID_[0-9|A-F]{4}");
                    if (match.Success)
                        ManagementObjectCollection PnPEntityCollection = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity WHERE DeviceID=" + Dependent).Get();
                        if (PnPEntityCollection != null)
                            foreach (ManagementObject Entity in PnPEntityCollection)
                                String theService = Entity["Service"] as String;          // 服务
                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(theService)) continue;

                                foreach (String Service in ServiceCollection)
                                {   // 注意:忽视大小写
                                    if (String.Compare(theService, Service, true) != 0) continue;

                                    PnPEntityInfo Element;
                                    Element.PNPDeviceID = Entity["PNPDeviceID"] as String;  // 设备ID
                                    Element.Name = Entity["Name"] as String;                // 设备名称
                                    Element.Description = Entity["Description"] as String;  // 设备描述
                                    Element.Service = theService;                           // 服务
                                    Element.Status = Entity["Status"] as String;            // 设备状态
                                    Element.VendorID = Convert.ToUInt16(match.Value.Substring(4, 4), 16);   // 供应商标识
                                    Element.ProductID = Convert.ToUInt16(match.Value.Substring(13, 4), 16); // 产品编号
                                    Element.ClassGuid = new Guid(Entity["ClassGuid"] as String);            // 设备安装类GUID


            if (UsbDevices.Count == 0) return null; else return UsbDevices.ToArray();

        #region PnPEntity
        /// <summary>
        /// 所有即插即用设备实体(过滤没有VID和PID的设备)
        /// </summary>
        public static PnPEntityInfo[] AllPnPEntities
                return WhoPnPEntity(UInt16.MinValue, UInt16.MinValue, Guid.Empty);

        /// <summary>
        /// 根据VID和PID及设备安装类GUID定位即插即用设备实体
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="VendorID">供应商标识,MinValue忽视</param>
        /// <param name="ProductID">产品编号,MinValue忽视</param>
        /// <param name="ClassGuid">设备安装类Guid,Empty忽视</param>
        /// <returns>设备列表</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// HID:{745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da}
        /// Imaging Device:{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f}
        /// Keyboard:{4d36e96b-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
        /// Mouse:{4d36e96f-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
        /// Network Adapter:{4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
        /// USB:{36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}
        /// </remarks>
        public static PnPEntityInfo[] WhoPnPEntity(UInt16 VendorID, UInt16 ProductID, Guid ClassGuid)
            List<PnPEntityInfo> PnPEntities = new List<PnPEntityInfo>();

            // 枚举即插即用设备实体
            String VIDPID;
            if (VendorID == UInt16.MinValue)
                if (ProductID == UInt16.MinValue)
                    VIDPID = "‘%VID[_]____&PID[_]____%‘";
                    VIDPID = "‘%VID[_]____&PID[_]" + ProductID.ToString("X4") + "%‘";
                if (ProductID == UInt16.MinValue)
                    VIDPID = "‘%VID[_]" + VendorID.ToString("X4") + "&PID[_]____%‘";
                    VIDPID = "‘%VID[_]" + VendorID.ToString("X4") + "&PID[_]" + ProductID.ToString("X4") + "%‘";

            String QueryString;
            if (ClassGuid == Guid.Empty)
                QueryString = "SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity WHERE PNPDeviceID LIKE" + VIDPID;
                QueryString = "SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity WHERE PNPDeviceID LIKE" + VIDPID + " AND ClassGuid=‘" + ClassGuid.ToString("B") + "‘";

            ManagementObjectCollection PnPEntityCollection = new ManagementObjectSearcher(QueryString).Get();
            if (PnPEntityCollection != null)
                foreach (ManagementObject Entity in PnPEntityCollection)
                    String PNPDeviceID = Entity["PNPDeviceID"] as String;
                    Match match = Regex.Match(PNPDeviceID, "VID_[0-9|A-F]{4}&PID_[0-9|A-F]{4}");
                    if (match.Success)
                        PnPEntityInfo Element;

                        Element.PNPDeviceID = PNPDeviceID;                      // 设备ID
                        Element.Name = Entity["Name"] as String;                // 设备名称
                        Element.Description = Entity["Description"] as String;  // 设备描述
                        Element.Service = Entity["Service"] as String;          // 服务
                        Element.Status = Entity["Status"] as String;            // 设备状态
                        Element.VendorID = Convert.ToUInt16(match.Value.Substring(4, 4), 16);   // 供应商标识
                        Element.ProductID = Convert.ToUInt16(match.Value.Substring(13, 4), 16); // 产品编号
                        Element.ClassGuid = new Guid(Entity["ClassGuid"] as String);            // 设备安装类GUID


            if (PnPEntities.Count == 0) return null; else return PnPEntities.ToArray();

        /// <summary>
        /// 根据VID和PID定位即插即用设备实体
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="VendorID">供应商标识,MinValue忽视</param>
        /// <param name="ProductID">产品编号,MinValue忽视</param>
        /// <returns>设备列表</returns>
        public static PnPEntityInfo[] WhoPnPEntity(UInt16 VendorID, UInt16 ProductID)
            return WhoPnPEntity(VendorID, ProductID, Guid.Empty);

        /// <summary>
        /// 根据设备安装类GUID定位即插即用设备实体
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ClassGuid">设备安装类Guid,Empty忽视</param>
        /// <returns>设备列表</returns>
        public static PnPEntityInfo[] WhoPnPEntity(Guid ClassGuid)
            return WhoPnPEntity(UInt16.MinValue, UInt16.MinValue, ClassGuid);

        /// <summary>
        /// 根据设备ID定位设备
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="PNPDeviceID">设备ID,可以是不完整信息</param>
        /// <returns>设备列表</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// 注意:对于下划线,需要写成“[_]”,否则视为任意字符
        /// </remarks>
        public static PnPEntityInfo[] WhoPnPEntity(String PNPDeviceID)
            List<PnPEntityInfo> PnPEntities = new List<PnPEntityInfo>();

            // 枚举即插即用设备实体
            String QueryString;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(PNPDeviceID))
                QueryString = "SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity WHERE PNPDeviceID LIKE ‘%VID[_]____&PID[_]____%‘";
            {   // LIKE子句中有反斜杠字符将会引发WQL查询异常
                QueryString = "SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity WHERE PNPDeviceID LIKE ‘%" + PNPDeviceID.Replace(‘\\‘, ‘_‘) + "%‘";

            ManagementObjectCollection PnPEntityCollection = new ManagementObjectSearcher(QueryString).Get();
            if (PnPEntityCollection != null)
                foreach (ManagementObject Entity in PnPEntityCollection)
                    String thePNPDeviceID = Entity["PNPDeviceID"] as String;
                    Match match = Regex.Match(thePNPDeviceID, "VID_[0-9|A-F]{4}&PID_[0-9|A-F]{4}");
                    if (match.Success)
                        PnPEntityInfo Element;

                        Element.PNPDeviceID = thePNPDeviceID;                   // 设备ID
                        Element.Name = Entity["Name"] as String;                // 设备名称
                        Element.Description = Entity["Description"] as String;  // 设备描述
                        Element.Service = Entity["Service"] as String;          // 服务
                        Element.Status = Entity["Status"] as String;            // 设备状态
                        Element.VendorID = Convert.ToUInt16(match.Value.Substring(4, 4), 16);   // 供应商标识
                        Element.ProductID = Convert.ToUInt16(match.Value.Substring(13, 4), 16); // 产品编号
                        Element.ClassGuid = new Guid(Entity["ClassGuid"] as String);            // 设备安装类GUID


            if (PnPEntities.Count == 0) return null; else return PnPEntities.ToArray();

        /// <summary>
        /// 根据服务定位设备
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ServiceCollection">要查询的服务集合,null忽视</param>
        /// <returns>设备列表</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// 跟服务相关的类:
        ///     Win32_SystemDriverPNPEntity
        ///     Win32_SystemDriver
        /// </remarks>
        public static PnPEntityInfo[] WhoPnPEntity(String[] ServiceCollection)
            if (ServiceCollection == null || ServiceCollection.Length == 0)
                return WhoPnPEntity(UInt16.MinValue, UInt16.MinValue, Guid.Empty);

            List<PnPEntityInfo> PnPEntities = new List<PnPEntityInfo>();

            // 枚举即插即用设备实体
            String QueryString = "SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity WHERE PNPDeviceID LIKE ‘%VID[_]____&PID[_]____%‘";
            ManagementObjectCollection PnPEntityCollection = new ManagementObjectSearcher(QueryString).Get();
            if (PnPEntityCollection != null)
                foreach (ManagementObject Entity in PnPEntityCollection)
                    String PNPDeviceID = Entity["PNPDeviceID"] as String;
                    Match match = Regex.Match(PNPDeviceID, "VID_[0-9|A-F]{4}&PID_[0-9|A-F]{4}");
                    if (match.Success)
                        String theService = Entity["Service"] as String;            // 服务
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(theService)) continue;

                        foreach (String Service in ServiceCollection)
                        {   // 注意:忽视大小写
                            if (String.Compare(theService, Service, true) != 0) continue;

                            PnPEntityInfo Element;

                            Element.PNPDeviceID = PNPDeviceID;                      // 设备ID
                            Element.Name = Entity["Name"] as String;                // 设备名称
                            Element.Description = Entity["Description"] as String;  // 设备描述
                            Element.Service = theService;                           // 服务
                            Element.Status = Entity["Status"] as String;            // 设备状态
                            Element.VendorID = Convert.ToUInt16(match.Value.Substring(4, 4), 16);   // 供应商标识
                            Element.ProductID = Convert.ToUInt16(match.Value.Substring(13, 4), 16); // 产品编号
                            Element.ClassGuid = new Guid(Entity["ClassGuid"] as String);            // 设备安装类GUID


            if (PnPEntities.Count == 0) return null; else return PnPEntities.ToArray();
时间: 2024-07-30 00:39:15



源:基于libUSB的USB设备固件更新程序(下载数据) 本文紧接上一篇日志:基于libUSB-Win32的USB设备固件更新程序(前言),相关背景以及起因等,此处不再赘述,如感兴趣请移步. libUSB-Win32给出的example里面,有一个bulk.c文件,分析其关键代码,结合libusb官方文档,摘出其关键代码如下: int main(void) { usb_dev_handle *dev = NULL; /* the device handle */ usb_init(); /* i

C# 获取USB设备信息

WMI方式 using System; using System.Management; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Splash.IO.PORTS { /// <summary> /// 即插即用设备信息结构 /// </summary> public struct PnPEntityInfo { public String PNPDeviceI

C#:USB设备枚举 --转自CSDN作者:Splash

(一)DeviceIoControl的PInvoke /* ---------------------------------------------------------- 文件名称:DeviceIoControl.cs 作者:秦建辉 MSN:[email protected] QQ:36748897 博客:http://blog.csdn.net/jhqin 开发环境: Visual Studio V2010 .NET Framework 4 Client Profile 版本历史: V1


晕!这个不是很简单的东西吗? //---------WMI---------- type Rec_Wmi = record ComputerName: string; Namespace: string; User: string; Password: string; WMIType: string; Enum: IEnumVariant; class function GetWmiEnum(WMIType: string; var AEnum: IEnumVariant; Namespace:

基于Linux的USB子系统学习 --- &lt;基础知识与USB协议概述&gt; ing

一.参考资料 1.<USB基础知识概论>  http://www.crifan.com/files/doc/docbook/usb_basic/release/html/usb_basic.html 2.<USB in a NutShell> http://www.beyondlogic.org/usbnutshell/usb1.shtml 3.<USB开发大全(第四版)> http://download.csdn.net/download/qqqq419276485/


By Fanxiushu 2016 05-15  转载或引用本文,请注明原始作者. 使用过vmware的人都应该知道,vmware虚拟机有这样的一个功能, 当在宿主机上插入一个USB设备的时候,通过设置,可以在vmware的虚拟机系统里边能访问到这个USB设备, 而且访问这个USB设备,就跟真的把这个USB设备插入到这个虚拟系统中一样,跟真实的几乎没任何区别. 再看一种情况,假设有两台机器C和S,C 机器是你正在使用的机器, S机器在远端,你只能通过远程控制S. S机器的配置和功能都很强大,大部

USB设备驱动开发之远程访问USB设备(二 USB设备虚拟端)

By Fanxiushu 2016-05-22 转载或引用请注明原始作者 接上文, 在处理好USB数据采集端的问题之后,接下来进入核心的部分,虚拟USB设备端的开发工作. 上文简单介绍过,需要开发虚拟总线驱动来模拟USB设备. 所谓虚拟总线驱动,就是安装于System系统设备下的一个驱动,由PnP管理器创建出一个虚拟的总线PDO设备, 我们的虚拟总线驱动Attach到这个PDO上,形成一个FDO功能设备驱动, 然后在我们的驱动中,根据需要创建出若干个 Child PDO设备, 这些 Child


由于网银客户端的问题,只能够在windows环境下支付,所以一直保存着一个激活的virtualbox下的windows,用来完成在线支付. 过去这个激活的windows是安装在ubuntu 10.10 32bit版本上的,通过将usb设备共享给虚拟机实现网银支付. 由于机器更新,从virtualbox导出,安装到ubuntu 11.04 64bit版本上,可是每次试图开启usb共享时都会报错,终于到了周末,有些时间来跟踪这个问题了. 首先看错误报告,错误报告说需要为virtualbox安装ext


USB设备驱动 ·  17.1 USB总线协议 ·  17.1.1 USB设备简介 ·  17.1.2 USB连接拓扑结构 ·  17.1.3 USB通信的流程 ·  17.1.4 USB四种传输模式 ·  17.2.1 观察USB设备的工具 ·  17.2.2 USB设备请求 ·  17.2.3 设备描述符 ·  17.2.4 配置描述符 ·  17.2.5 接口描述符 ·  17.2.6 端点描述符 ·  17.3.1 功能驱动与物理总线驱动 ·  17.3.2 构造USB请求包 ·  17