OUI-67076 : OracleHomeInventory was not able to create a lock file" in Unix


The command "opatch lsinventory" reports the error:

OUI-67076:OracleHomeInventory was not able to create a lock file, probably due to a failed OPatch Session. The loaded inventory might not show correctly what you have in the Oracle Home.


A previous "opatch apply" session failed and so a lock still exists on the local inventory


1. Take a backup of  $ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage

2. Remove $ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage/patch_locked

% rm $ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage/patch_locked

3. Create $ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage/patch_free

% touch $ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage/patch_free

4. Verify that "opatch lsinventory" no longer reports the error

% opatch lsinventory -detail

Assuming "opatch lsinventory" no longer reports the error, if a previous "opatch apply" failed then you may want to try applying the patch again

OUI-67076 : OracleHomeInventory was not able to create a lock file" in Unix

时间: 2024-10-30 11:31:33

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