
biguanide [ba?‘gwɑ?na?d]双胍


an antidiabetic drug (trade name Glucophage) prescribed to treat type II diabetes。

sulphonylureas [s?lf?nil‘ju?ri?]磺脲






Alpha glucosidase inhibitor 糖苷酶抑制剂

acarbose [‘ækɑr,bos]阿卡波糖

Diabetes treatments








As well as making lifestyle changes, people with diabetes often need additional treatments such as medication to control their diabetes, blood pressure and blood fats. This section helps to explain more about some of the more common treatments for people with diabetes.

Remember that the information in this section is general information and it is important that you discuss any concerns or problems you may have with your medications and treatments with your healthcare team.

Medication is not a substitute for following a healthy diet and taking regular physical activity – you will still need to carry on with this.


Diabetes medication lowers blood glucose levels, and there are a number of different types which work in different ways. People with type 2 diabetes may need medication including insulin. Diabetes medication cannot cure diabetes, and most people will have to take it for the rest of their lives.

The type of medication you require will depend on your own individual needs and situation, so you should discuss with your healthcare team about the types of medication available and the most suitable options for you. Whichever medication you are prescribed, it will only work and help control your diabetes if you take it properly and regularly. Make sure that your doctor or pharmacist explains how much medication to take and when to take it - in relation to your food – before, during or after food.

You may find that, despite keeping to a healthy diet, physical activity and taking your diabetes medication regularly, your diabetes control is not as good as it was. This is because Type 2 diabetes is a progressive condition 渐进and, over time, you may need more help to manage your blood glucose levels.

Types of diabetes medication

There are several different ‘families’ (or types) of diabetes medication:

Note: These groups may contain more than one medication. Your doctor may recommend increasing the dose of your medication or taking more than one kind of medication.


Insulin is a hormone made by an organ in the body called the pancreas. The pancreas lies just behind the stomach. The function of insulin is to help our bodies use glucose for energy. Everyone with Type 1, and some people with Type 2 diabetes, needs to take insulin to control their blood glucose levels.

The three groups of insulin

There are three groups of insulin – animal, human (not from humans but produced synthetically to match human insulin) and analogues (where the chemical structure of human insulin has been changed to make the insulin work quicker or last longer). Nowadays, most people use human insulin and insulin analogues, although a small number of people still use animal insulin because they have some evidence that they otherwise lose their awareness of hypos, or they find animal insulin works better for them.

The main types of insulin

There are seven main types of insulin:

  • Rapid-acting analogues should ideally be injected just before food and have a peak action at between 0 and three hours. They tend to last between two and five hours and only last long enough for the meal at which they are taken. They are clear in appearance.
  • Long-acting analogues tend to be injected once or twice a day to provide background insulin lasting approximately 24 hours. They don‘t need to be taken with food because they don‘t have a peak action. They are clear in appearance.
  • Very long-acting analogues are mainly used by people who are unable to inject themselves as they can provide background insulin for up to 42 hours. Although they can be injected once every 42 hours (three days), they are usually injected once a day. They don‘t need to be taken with food because they have a peak action. They are clear in appearance.
  • Short-acting insulins should be injected 15–30 minutes before a meal to cover the rise in blood glucose levels that occurs after eating. They have a peak action of two–six hours and can last for up to eight hours. They are clear in appearance.
  • Medium- and long-acting insulins are taken once or twice a day to provide background insulin or in combination with short-acting insulins/rapid-acting analogues. Their peak activity is between four and 12 hours and can last up to 30 hours. They are cloudy in appearance.
  • Mixed insulin – a combination of medium- and short-acting insulin.
  • Mixed analogue – a combination of medium-acting insulin and rapid-acting analogue.

Injecting insulin

The needles used to inject insulin are very small as the insulin only needs to be injected under the skin (subcutaneously) – not into a muscle or vein. Once it‘s been injected, it soaks into small blood vessels and is taken into the bloodstream. As your confidence grows and you become more relaxed injections will get easier and soon become second nature.

There are three main areas where you can inject insulin – stomach, buttocks and thighs. Sometimes your healthcare team may recommend other sites such as your arms. As all these areas cover a wide skin area you should inject at different sites within each of them.

It is important to rotate injection sites, as injecting into the same site can cause a build-up of lumps under the skin (also known as lipohypertrophy), which may lead to erratic absorption of the insulin which will affect control of blood glucose levels.







The only biguanide used is metformin. It is available in different forms - tablets for immediate release (up to three times per day) or prolonged release (usually once per day), and oral solution and powder for oral solution for immediate release.

Metformin works in two ways:

  • It helps to stop the liver producing new glucose
  • It helps to overcome insulin resistance by making insulin carry glucose into muscle cells more effectively.

This is often the initial diabetes medication prescribed if a healthy diet and physical activity alone has not sufficiently controlled blood glucose levels. It is often used for people who are overweight because it generally does not encourage weight gain and can reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications like heart attacks.

Medications in the Biguanide family

Generic or proper name Brand or trade name
Metformin IR (immediate release) Glucophage
Metformin PR (prolonged release) Glucophage SR

Metformin can also be combined with other medication in a single tablet:

Generic or proper name Brand or trade name
Metformin + Pioglitazone Competact
Metformin + Vildagliptin Eucreas
Metformin + Sitagliptin Janumet

Side effects

All medication has side effects and you should check the patient information leaflet (PIL) supplied with your medication to see which side effects you might experience from your particular medication. Remember that you are unlikely to experience all side effects that are listed, and you may not experience any at all. If you do, speak to your doctor as there may be another diabetes medication you could try instead.


There are a number of different tablets in this family. They work mainly by stimulating the cells in the pancreas to make more insulin. They also help insulin to work more effectively in the body.

They are most suitable for people who are not overweight, as they may encourage weight gain.  The medicine is taken once or twice daily with or shortly before a meal.

Medications in the Sulphonyluria family

Generic or proper name Brand or trade name
Glibenclamide Daonil
Gliclazide Diamicron
Diamicron MR (modified release)
Glipizide Glibenese, Minodiab
Glimepiride Amaryl
Tolbutamide Tolbutamide

Alpha glucosidase inhibitor 糖苷酶抑制剂



There is only one tablet of this type used, called acarbose. It is usually used when a healthy diet and physical activity alone has been unsuccessful, although it is sometimes used together with a sulphonylurea.

Acarbose works by slowing down the absorption of starchy foods from the intestine. This means that blood glucose levels rise more slowly after meals. Acarbose should always be chewed with the first mouthful of food or swallowed whole with a little liquid immediately before the meal.

时间: 2024-10-28 20:29:16



个人认为helicobactor pylori是多系统疾病诱发因子,不能让它存留在体内 幽门螺旋菌治疗 治疗方案 含呋喃脞酮和左氧氟沙星效果更好. 幽门螺旋菌可能存在牙斑菌,牙斑菌有生物膜保护,抗生素治疗无效. 保持口腔清洁,益生菌调节,定期清除牙斑菌


一般适应证包括:(1) HBV DNA ≥105 拷贝/m l (HBeAg 阴性者为≥104 拷贝/ml):(2) ALT ≥ 2×ULN:如用干扰素治疗,ALT 应≤10×ULN,血总胆红素水平应<2×ULN:(3) 如ALT <2 ×ULN, 但肝组织学显示Knodell HAI ≥4,或≥G2 炎症坏死. 具有(1)并有(2) 或 (3) 的患者应进行抗病毒治疗:对达不到上述治疗标准者,应监测病情变化,如持续HBV DNA 阳性,且ALT 异常,也应考虑抗病毒治疗 (III). 应注意


慢性乙型肝炎治疗的总体目标是:最大限度地长期抑制或消除HBV,减轻肝细胞炎症坏死及肝纤维化,延缓和阻止疾病进展,减少和防止肝脏失代偿.肝硬化.HCC 及其并发症的发生,从而改善生活质量和延长存活时间. 慢性乙型肝炎治疗主要包括抗病毒.免疫调节.抗炎保肝.抗纤维化和对症治疗,其中抗病毒治疗是关键,只要有适应症,且条件允许,就应进行规范的抗病毒治疗


如图可知: 血糖指数和胰岛素增减性一致 早餐后血糖指数最高 高碳水化合物让血糖升高幅度过大,高于正常食品增幅 The fluctuation of blood sugar (red) and the sugar-lowering hormone insulin (blue) in humans during the course of a day with three meals — one of the effects of a sugar-rich vs a starch-rich meal


http://riskscore.diabetes.org.uk/start 参数: 身高 体重 腰围 Hi Toby. Your results show that you have a 1 in 10 chance of developing Type 2 diabetes in the next 10 years. You can't change your genes - but if your score is related to lifestyle, a few small cha


来自惠州的杨阿姨,患糖尿病17年了,这些年来因为糖尿病的影响,她的体重逐年递增,从苗条美丽的120斤上升到189斤,逐渐变成了一个"糖胖"人. 10年控糖不佳,并发症缠一身 查出糖尿病时,杨阿姨并未在意,她说:"刚患上糖尿病,不痛不痒的,能吃能动,加上当时比较忙,就没放在心上".直到出现糖尿病并发症后,她开始接受治疗.从2007年开始口服降糖药治疗,经过多重内科治疗近10年,血糖控制很不理想,导致并发症缠一身.现在已出现:糖尿病视网膜病变.糖尿病肾病.心血管病变.糖


▃▅▆▇南 昌 宏 昌 医 院▇▆▅▃医院地址:南昌市象山南路68号(与船山路交叉口) 众所周知,糖尿病的治疗主要是血糖的控制,医生跟我们常说的也是控制血糖过高.可是你知道吗,对于老年糖尿病患者来说,低血糖的危害其实比高血糖危害大. 大家会奇怪,糖尿病的危害是因高血糖,怎么会因低血糖呢?其实高血糖的确应降下来,但降到什么程度为好,要看各人情况而有所不同.1993年的研究认为严 格控制血糖接近正常,可以预防三分之二的微血管并发症.这是对的,但这是儿童1型糖尿病.近年一些大型研究,发现对有些病人严格


▃▅▆▇南 昌 宏 昌 医 院▇▆▅▃医院地址:南昌市象山南路68号(与船山路交叉口) 有些患者空腹血糖控制得比较好,但糖化血红蛋白(HbAlc)一直不达标.部分原因就是应酬多.吃大餐多,导致餐后血糖高,影响了HbAlc的达标. 而且,据多项研究结果显示,餐后高血糖比空腹高血糖对心血管疾病猝死的危险性更高.也就是说,发生猝死的危险性随着餐后2小时血糖的升高而升高.反之,餐后血糖降得越低,越能有效预防心血管疾病造成的死亡. 那么,怎样才能控制好餐后血糖,使糖化血红蛋白(HbAlc)达标呢?首先要注


氧化应激(Oxidative Stress,OS)是指体内氧化与抗氧化作用失衡,倾向于氧化,导致中性粒细胞炎性浸润,蛋白酶分泌增加,产生大量氧化中间产物.氧化应激是由自由基在体内产生的一种负面作用,并被认为是导致衰老和疾病的一个重要因素. ROS包括超氧阴离子(.O?-).羟自由基(.OH)和过氧化氢(H?O?)等:RNS包括一氧化氮(.NO).二氧化氮(.NO?)和过氧化亚硝酸盐(.ONOO-)等.机体存在两类抗氧化系统,一类是酶抗氧化系统,包括超氧化物歧化酶(SOD).过氧化氢酶(CAT).