
As you already know, LinkedHashSet is an ordered version of HashSet. That means, HashSet doesn’t maintain any order where as LinkedHashSet maintains insertion order of the elements. LinkedHashSet uses doubly linked list internally to maintain the insertion order of it’s elements. We have seen this in How LinkedHashSet Works Internally In Java?. As LinkedHashSet maintains doubly linked list (along with HashMap), the performance of LinkedHashSet is slightly slower than the HashSet. But, LinkedHashSet will be very useful when you need a collection of elements placed in the order they have inserted. We will see one such example of LinkedHashSet in this article.

Let’s consider that you want to create a pool of customers placed in the order they have arrived. Assume that it is also mandatory that duplicate customers must not be allowed. For such requirements, LinkedHashSet is the best suitable. In this article, we will try to implement this example using LinkedHashSet class.


Let’s create Customer class with two fields – name and id.

class Customer
    String name;

    int id;

    public Customer(String name, int id)
    { = name; = id;

    public int hashCode()
        return id;

    public boolean equals(Object obj)
        Customer customer = (Customer) obj;

        return (id ==;

    public String toString()
        return id+" : "+name;

You might have observed that equals() and hashCode() methods in the above class are overrided so that Customer objects will be compared solely based on id. That means two Customer objects having same id will be considered as duplicates and they will not be allowed in the pool.

Create one LinkedHashSet object containing elements of Customer type.

LinkedHashSet<Customer> set = new LinkedHashSet<Customer>();

Add some elements to this set.

set.add(new Customer("Jack", 021));

set.add(new Customer("Peter", 105));

set.add(new Customer("Ramesh", 415));   

set.add(new Customer("Julian", 814));

set.add(new Customer("Avinash", 105));      //Duplicate Element

set.add(new Customer("Sapna", 879));

set.add(new Customer("John", 546));

set.add(new Customer("Moni", 254));

set.add(new Customer("Ravi", 105));        //Duplicate Element

Iterate through this LinkedHashSet.

Iterator<Customer> it = set.iterator();

while (it.hasNext())
    Customer customer = (Customer);


Output will be,

17 : Jack
105 : Peter
415 : Ramesh
814 : Julian
879 : Sapna
546 : John
254 : Moni

You can notice that Customer objects are placed in the order they are inserted into the set and also duplicate elements are avoided.

Below is the code for the whole program.

class Customer
    String name;

    int id;

    public Customer(String name, int id)
    { = name; = id;

    public int hashCode()
        return id;

    public boolean equals(Object obj)
        Customer customer = (Customer) obj;

        return (id ==;

    public String toString()
        return id+" : "+name;

public class MainClass
    public static void main(String[] args)
        //Creating LinkedHashSet

        LinkedHashSet<Customer> set = new LinkedHashSet<Customer>();

        //Adding elements to LinkedHashSet

        set.add(new Customer("Jack", 021));

        set.add(new Customer("Peter", 105));

        set.add(new Customer("Ramesh", 415));   

        set.add(new Customer("Julian", 814));

        set.add(new Customer("Avinash", 105));      //Duplicate Element

        set.add(new Customer("Sapna", 879));

        set.add(new Customer("John", 546));

        set.add(new Customer("Moni", 254));

        set.add(new Customer("Ravi", 105));        //Duplicate Element

        //Getting Iterator object

        Iterator<Customer> it = set.iterator();

        while (it.hasNext())
            Customer customer = (Customer);

时间: 2024-10-11 23:43:24



1.LinkedHashSet:继承于HashSet,基于LinkedHashMap来实现.底层是LinkedHashMap实现 Set接口的一个实现.和HashSet的区别,LinkedHashSet维护一个双重链接列表,定义了迭代顺序可为插入顺序,或者是访问顺序. 2.只有四个构造方法 指定初始容量和负载因子的空HashSet public LinkedHashSet(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor) { super(initialCapacity


一.集合概述 1 为什么需要使用集合? 引入案例:存储每天产生的新闻. 是要解决数组的局限性(定长),由于数组定长,可能会导致内存浪费或者内存不够. 需要一种技术:能够根据数据量而动态伸缩内存空间一种技术. 与数组不同,没有长度限制 与数组不同,集合提供更多方便操作的方法 与数组不同,集合可以装不同类型的对象 2 什么是集合? 集合也叫容器,是用来装其它类型的对象元素的数据结构,有点类似数组 jdk提供一套容器框架,用来操作多个或者一组元素的容器 没有长度(元素个数)限制 集合提供一套各 种各样


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Iterator.Collection接口: 如下图:Iterator.Collection同在一个包中: 红字部分使我们经常遇到的,但是遇到又不知道怎么去理解,去应用它! Collection是最基本集合接口,它定义了一组允许重复的对象.Collection接口派生了两个子接口Set和List,分别定义了两种不同的存储方式,如下: 2. Set接口 Set接口继承于Collection接口,它没有提供额外的方法,但实现了Set接口的集合类中的元素是无序且不可重复. 特征:无序且不可重复. 3.


林炳文Evankaka原创作品.转载请注明出处 本文将主要讲解Java中集合的使用与区别,主要讲List.Set.Map的原理.使用方法.注意事项等. 一.Collection与Collectons的区别 Java集合框架是Java语言的重要组成部分,它包含了系统而完整的集合层次体系,封装了大量的数据结构的实现.深刻理解Java集合框架的组成结构及其中的实现类和算法,能极大提高程序员编码的能力.本章讲述Java集合框架,主要包括集合框架的


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------Java培训.Android培训.iOS培训..Net培训.期待与您交流! ------- 要学好java的集合框架,必须掌握此图: Java集合框架很全面,从大的来说.它包括两种类型: 1.一种是以collection为根接口的集合. 2.另一种是由map为根接口的<key,value>的“图”. 而collection之下的set接口和list接口又有不同: 1.Set 接口继承 Collection,但不允许重复,使用自己内部的一个排列机制.