{ text : ‘姓‘, dataIndex : ‘firstName‘, width : 150 }, { text : ‘名‘, dataIndex : ‘lastName‘, width : 150 }, { text : ‘用户姓名‘, dataIndex : ‘lastName‘, width : 150, renderer : function(v, m, data, ri, ci) { var record = data.record; // 此处可以“加法”处理 return record.lastName + record.firstName; // 返回姓名 } },
此时可以设置它的 columns : 4 属性,主要确保两列的宽度不大于面板宽度即可,不然会被遮挡,这里是一个日期选择控件,外加一个下拉列表展示。
padding : ‘10 5 10 45‘,// 此处是‘ 上 右 下 左’的顺序按照规格设定 margin : ‘10 0 0 15‘,// 此处是‘ 上 右 下 左’的顺序按照规格设定 width : 560, height : 320,
xtype : ‘textfield‘, // 文本框 allowBlank : false, // 允许为空,此处是false:不允许为空
xtype : ‘datefield‘, // 文本框 format: ‘Y-m-d‘, // 此处是日期格式 minValue: new Date(), // 时间限制 allowBlank : false, editable : false, 注意:替换‘Y-m-d H:i:s‘中的各个字母,当然增加和减少都没有问题,留意大小写.可得到多种样式的日期格式. Ext.Date的格式说明 d 01 to 31 D Mon to Sun j 1 to 31 l Sunday to Saturday N 1 (for Monday) through 7 (for Sunday) S st, nd, rd or th. Works well with j w 0 (for Sunday) to 6 (for Saturday) z 0 to 364 (365 in leap years) W 01 to 53 F January to December m 01 to 12 M Jan to Dec n 1 to 12 t 28 to 31 L 1 if it is a leap year, 0 otherwise. o Examples: 1998 or 2004 Y Examples: 1999 or 2003 y Examples: 99 or 03 a am or pm A AM or PM g 1 to 12 G 0 to 23 h 01 to 12 H 00 to 23 i 00 to 59 s 00 to 59 u 001 to 999 O Example: +1030 P Example: -08:00 T Examples: EST, MDT, PDT ... Z -43200 to 50400 c 2007-04-17T15:19:21+08:00 U 1193432466 or -2138434463
xtype : ‘combo‘, // 文本框 emptyText : ‘请选择‘, editable : false, // 可以编辑,此处是false:不可编辑multiSelect : true, // 多选,
fieldLabel: ‘身份‘, allowBlank: false, xtype: ‘combo‘, name: ‘type‘, itemId: ‘type‘, listeners : { afterrender : function(combo){ if(me.type==‘达人‘){ combo.setValue(combo.getStore().getAt(0)); }else{ combo.setValue(combo.getStore().getAt(0)); } } }, store: { fields: [‘time‘], data: [{ time: ‘达人‘ }] },
regex : /^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/, // 用法和js一样
vtype : ‘url‘, vtypeText : ‘请填写正确的图片外链地址,例如:http://www.demo.com!‘, vtype默认的: alpha(只输入字母), alphanum(只能输入字母和数字), email(Email验证), url(url验证)
store : Ext.create(‘Ext.data.Store‘, { fields : [‘key‘, ‘value‘], proxy : { type : ‘ajax‘, url : ‘../demo/demo.do‘, reader : { type : ‘json‘, root : ‘data‘ } }, autoLoad : true }),
xtype: ‘hidden‘,
xtype: ‘filefield‘, fieldLabel : ‘图片名称‘, itemId : ‘imageName‘, name : ‘imageName‘, width : 400, labelWidth : 80, padding : "25 5 10 15", allowBlank : false, listeners:{ change:function(newValue, oldValue, eOpts){ var ableFormats = new Array(); ableFormats[0] = "gif"; ableFormats[1] = "jpg"; ableFormats[2] = "png"; var formats = ""; var suffix = oldValue ? oldValue.substring(oldValue.lastIndexOf(‘.‘)+1) : undefined; var fileName = oldValue ? oldValue.substring(oldValue.lastIndexOf(‘\\‘)+1) : undefined; var bFlag = false; for(var i=0;i<ableFormats.length;i++){ formats = formats + ableFormats[i]+","; if(suffix.toLowerCase() == ableFormats[i].toLowerCase()){ bFlag = true; } } if(bFlag == false){ Ext.getCmp(‘imageName‘).reset(); Ext.Msg.alert("提示","请上传"+formats+"格式文件"); } } }
buttonOnly: true, buttonText: ‘上传缩略图(建议尺寸:200像素 * 200像素)‘,
xtype : ‘image‘,
tbar : [ { xtype : ‘button‘, text : ‘配置‘, // 按钮文本 ref : ‘addConfigForm‘, // 映射字段 iconCls : ‘table_add‘ // 按钮图标,不设置没有 }, { xtype : ‘button‘, text : ‘新增‘, ref : ‘uploadConfigForm‘, iconCls : ‘table_add‘ } ],
bbar : { xtype : ‘pagingtoolbar‘, store : ‘xx.yy.zz.aaStore‘, dock : ‘bottom‘, displayInfo : true }
xtype : ‘rownumberer‘
listeners : { ‘click‘ : function(grid, rowIndex, colIndex) { // 获取数据 var data = grid.store.data.items[colIndex].data; var showForm= Ext.create(‘form‘,{ id: data.id }); showForm.show(); } }
var sm = grid.getSelectionModel(); // 获取Grid选择对象 var selections = sm.getSelection();// 获取选择 var record = selections[0].data; // 获取选择的记录 if (selections == null || selections.length == 0) { Ext.Msg.alert("提示", "请选择!"); return false; }
var confirm = Ext.Msg.confirm(‘提示‘, ‘删除后不可恢复,确认要删除吗?‘,function(select){ if(select == ‘yes‘){ // 此处操作 ...... } }); /** * Ext.MessageBox.INFO * Ext.MessageBox.WARNING * Ext.MessageBox.QUESTION * Ext.MessageBox.ERROR */ confirm.setIcon(Ext.MessageBox.WARNING);
Ext.Msg.show({ title : "提示", msg : "请选择一条提示语类型编辑!" });
Ext.Msg.alert("提示", "请勿添加重复数据!");
// 编辑插件 plugins : [ Ext.create(‘Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing‘, { clicksToMoveEditor : 2, // 双击进行修改 1-单击 2-双击 0-可取消双击/单击事件 saveBtnText : ‘保存‘, cancelBtnText : ‘取消‘, autoCancel : false, cancelEdit : function(grid) { var me = this; me.getEditor().cancelEdit(); }, listeners : { edit : function(ele) { var id = ele.context.record.data.id; var successMsg = (id == null || id == "") ? ‘创建成功‘ : ‘更新成功‘; var failureMsg = (id == null || id == "") ? ‘创建失败‘ : ‘更新失败‘; var record = ele.context.record.data; Ext.Ajax.request({ url : ‘请求操作‘, success : function() { Ext.Msg.alert(‘提示‘, successMsg); ele.grid.getStore().load(); }, failure : function() { Ext.Msg.alert(‘提示‘, failureMsg); }, params : { id : record.id, imageHrefUrl : record.imageHrefUrl } }); } } }) ],
editor : { xtype : "textfield", maxLength : 500, // vtype : ‘url‘, // vtypeText : "请填写正确的图片外链地址,例如:http://www.test.com!", allowBlank : true },
initComponent : function() { var me = this; store.on(‘beforeload‘, function(store, options) { Ext.apply(store.proxy.extraParams, { id: this.id}); }); store.load(); this.callParent(arguments); },
Ext.Ajax.request({ url :"url", params : { id:id }, async : false, method : "POST", timeout : 0.5 * 60 * 60 * 1000, success : function(response,opts){ var resObj = Ext.decode(response.responseText); if(resObj.success){ var obj = resObj.obj; } } });
form.submit({ url : "url", params : {id : id}, waitMsg : "数据保存中", timeout : 0.5 * 60 * 60 * 1000, success : function(form, action) { var result = action.result.result; if (result) { Ext.Msg.alert("提示", "数据保存成功!"); me.parent.getStore().reload(); me.destroy(); } else { Ext.Msg.alert("提示", "数据保存失败,请联系管理员!"); } }, failure : function(form, action) { Ext.Msg.alert("提示", "数据保存失败,请重试!"); } });
// 取消"demoForm button[ref=cancel]":{ click:function(btn){ var me = btn.up("demoForm"); me.parent.getStore().reload(); me.destroy(); }}
var colors = [‘#6bd3dd‘]; Ext.define(‘Ext.chart.theme.MyFancy‘, { extend: ‘Ext.chart.theme.Base‘, constructor: function(config) { this.callParent([Ext.apply({ colors: colors }, config)]); } }); Ext.define("chart",{ extend:"Ext.chart.Chart", theme: ‘MyFancy‘, alias:"widget.columnchart", store:"Store", style: ‘background:#fff‘, animate: true, //shadow: true, id:"columnchart", axes: [{ type: ‘Numeric‘, position: ‘left‘, fields: [‘data‘], label: { renderer: Ext.util.Format.numberRenderer(‘0,0‘) }, title: ‘数量‘, grid: true, minimum: 0 }, { type: ‘Category‘, position: ‘bottom‘, fields: [‘name‘], title: ‘年月‘ }], legend : { position : ‘top‘ //图例位置 // boxFill : ‘总参观人数‘ }, series: [{ type: ‘column‘, axis: ‘left‘, title: ‘总参观人数‘, // style: { width: 30 },//这里是宽度 highlight: true, tips: { trackMouse: true, width: 140, height: 28, renderer: function(storeItem, item) { this.setTitle(storeItem.get(‘name‘) + ‘: ‘ + storeItem.get(‘data‘)); } }, label: { display: ‘insideEnd‘, field: ‘data‘, renderer: Ext.util.Format.numberRenderer(‘0‘), orientation: ‘horizontal‘, color: ‘#6bd3dd‘, ‘text-anchor‘: ‘middle‘ }, xField: ‘name‘, yField: ‘data‘ }] , initComponent:function(){ /*if(this.customLoad) { this.store = Ext.create(this.store, {autoLoad : false}); }*/ this.callParent(arguments); } });
时间: 2024-11-07 19:41:36