c++ stream操作杂记


// "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools\vcbuildtools.bat"

// "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat"

// g++ -O2 -std=c++11 lock.cpp

// cl.exe /O2 /std:c++11 lock.cpp

// cl.exe /O2 /std:c++14 stream.cpp

#include <iostream> // iostream istream ostream | wxxx

#include <fstream> // fstream ifstream ofstream | wxxx

#include <sstream> // stringstream istringstream ostringstream | wxxx

#include <string>

#include <ctime>

// #include <cstddef>

// #include <cstring>

using namespace std;

// wstring => string

std::string wstring2string(const std::wstring &ws)


std::string strLocale = setlocale(LC_ALL, "");

const wchar_t *wchSrc = ws.c_str();

int nDestSize = wcstombs(NULL, wchSrc, 0) + 1;

char *chDest = new char[nDestSize](); // vs init zero

wcstombs(chDest, wchSrc, nDestSize);

std::string strResult = chDest;

delete[] chDest;

setlocale(LC_ALL, strLocale.c_str());

return strResult;


// string => wstring

std::wstring string2wstring(const std::string &s)


std::string strLocale = setlocale(LC_ALL, "");

const char *chSrc = s.c_str();

int nDestSize = mbstowcs(NULL, chSrc, 0) + 1;

wchar_t *wchDest = new wchar_t[nDestSize]();

mbstowcs(wchDest, chSrc, nDestSize);

std::wstring wstrResult = wchDest;

delete[] wchDest;

setlocale(LC_ALL, strLocale.c_str());

return wstrResult;


bool logFile(string fileName, string fileText, int mode)


//fstream oftextStream(fileName.c_str(), mode); // ofstream::out ofstream::app

fstream oftextStream(fileName.c_str(), (ios_base::openmode)mode);

if (oftextStream)


char mbstr[64] = {‘\0‘};

time_t timer = time(NULL); // ctime(&timer);// unsafe and endeith newline

std::strftime(mbstr, sizeof(mbstr), "%a %F %T", std::localtime(&timer));

oftextStream << mbstr << " " << fileText.c_str() << endl;



return true;


inline std::ostream &putline(std::ostream &os, std::string const &line)


return os << line << std::endl;


bool dealFile(string fileName, string fileText)


ostringstream stmtext;

stmtext << ";" << endl;

string strstext = stmtext.str();

const char *cstrs = strstext.c_str();

fstream iftextStream(fileName.c_str(), ofstream::in);

if (iftextStream)


//iftextStream.read(chartext, sizeof(chartext)); char chartext[64] = { 0 };

// iftextStream >> strstext; // only read end if space

getline(iftextStream, strstext);



//fstream with args

fstream oftextStream(fileName.c_str(), ofstream::out);

if (iftextStream)


//iftextStream.write(chartext, sizeof(chartext)); char chartext[64] = { 0 };

oftextStream << fileText << endl; // or putline(oftextStream, fileText);

oftextStream.flush(); // please quickly flush to file



//ifstream ofstream with args

string lineText = "lineText";

ifstream itextStream(fileName.c_str());

if (!itextStream)


return false;


while (getline(itextStream, strstext))

{ //! textAStream.eof();textAStream.read(charStrs, charSize);

string strNum = (strstext);



//ifstream ofstream with args

ofstream otextStream(fileName.c_str());

if (!otextStream)


return false;


putline(otextStream, lineText); // or otextStream << fileText << endl;

otextStream.flush(); //please quickly flush to file


return true;


int main(int argc, char *argv[])


dealFile("test.txt", "Hello world");

logFile("test.txt", "Hello world", fstream::out);

logFile("test.txt", "Hello world", fstream::app);

logFile("test.txt", "Hello world", fstream::app);

return 0;




时间: 2024-10-05 21:51:41

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