#!/bin/bash # Name: Atomic Archive configuration script # Copyright Atomicorp, 2002-2018 # License: AGPL # Credits # Scott R. Shinn (atomicorp) # Andy Gredler (rackspace) # export LANG=C ATOMIC_VER="4.0.1" VERSION="1.0-21" SERVER=updates.atomicorp.com ARCH=`uname -i` # Input validation function # check_input <msg> <valid responses regex> <default> # if <default> is passed on as null, then there is no default # Example: check_input "Some question (yes/no) " "yes|no" "yes" check_input () { message=$1 validate=$2 default=$3 while [ $? -ne 1 ]; do echo -n "$message " read INPUTTEXT < /dev/tty if [ "$INPUTTEXT" == "" -a "$default" != "" ]; then INPUTTEXT=$default return 1 fi echo $INPUTTEXT | egrep -q "$validate" && return 1 echo "Invalid input" done } echo echo "Atomic Free Unsupported Archive installer, version $ATOMIC_VER" echo echo "BY INSTALLING THIS SOFTWARE AND BY USING ANY AND ALL SOFTWARE" echo "PROVIDED BY ATOMICORP LIMITED YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE:" echo echo "THIS SOFTWARE AND ALL SOFTWARE PROVIDED IN THIS REPOSITORY IS " echo "PROVIDED BY ATOMICORP LIMITED AS IS, IS UNSUPPORTED AND ANY" echo "EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE" echo "IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR" echo "PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATOMICORP LIMITED, THE" echo "COPYRIGHT OWNER OR ANY CONTRIBUTOR TO ANY AND ALL SOFTWARE PROVIDED" echo "BY OR PUBLISHED IN THIS REPOSITORY BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT," echo "INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES" echo "(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS" echo "OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION)" echo "HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT," echo "STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE)" echo "ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED" echo "OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE." echo echo "For supported software packages please contact us at: " echo echo " [email protected]" echo if [ ! $NON_INT ]; then check_input "Do you agree to these terms? (yes/no) [Default: yes]" "yes|no" "yes" query=$INPUTTEXT fi if [ "$query" == "no" ]; then echo "Exiting" echo exit 1 fi echo echo "Configuring the [atomic] repo archive for this system " echo # Detect release type if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then RELEASE=/etc/redhat-release elif [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then RELEASE=/etc/os-release elif [ -f /etc/openvz-release ]; then RELEASE=/etc/openvz-release elif [ -f /etc/SuSE-release ]; then RELEASE=/etc/SuSE-release elif [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then RELEASE=/etc/os-release elif [ -f /etc/lsb-release ]; then RELEASE=/etc/lsb-release elif [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then RELEASE=/etc/debian_version elif [ -f /etc/openvz-release ]; then RELEASE=/etc/openvz-release elif [ -f /etc/virtuozzo-release ]; then RELEASE=/etc/virtuozzo-release else echo "Error: unable to identify operating system" exit 1 fi PKG=rpm if grep -q "Red Hat Linux release 9 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="rh9" DIR=redhat/9 echo echo "$RELEASE is no longer supported." echo exit 1 elif grep -q "Fedora Core release 2 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="fc2" DIR=fedora/2 echo echo "$RELEASE is no longer supported." echo exit 1 elif grep -q "Fedora Core release 3 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="fc3" DIR=fedora/3 echo echo "$RELEASE is no longer supported." echo exit 1 #YUMDEPS="fedora-release python-elementtree python-sqlite python-urlgrabber yum" elif grep -q "Fedora Core release 4 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="fc4" DIR=fedora/4 echo "$RELEASE is no longer supported." echo exit 1 elif grep -q "Fedora Core release 5 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="fc5" DIR=fedora/5 echo "$RELEASE is no longer supported." echo exit 1 elif grep -q "Fedora Core release 6 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="fc6" DIR=fedora/6 elif grep -q "Fedora release 7 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="fc7" DIR=fedora/7 elif grep -q "Fedora release 8 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="fc8" DIR=fedora/8 elif grep -q "Fedora release 9 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="fc9" DIR=fedora/9 elif grep -q "Fedora release 10 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="fc10" DIR=fedora/10 elif grep -q "Fedora release 11 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="fc11" DIR=fedora/11 elif grep -q "Fedora release 12 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="fc12" DIR=fedora/12 elif grep -q "Fedora release 13 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="fc13" DIR=fedora/13 elif grep -q "Fedora release 14 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="fc14" DIR=fedora/14 elif grep -q "Fedora release 15 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="fc15" DIR=fedora/15 elif grep -q "Fedora release 16 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="fc16" DIR=fedora/16 elif grep -q "Fedora release 17 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="fc17" DIR=fedora/17 elif grep -q "Fedora release 18 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="fc18" DIR=fedora/18 elif grep -q "Fedora release 19 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="fc19" DIR=fedora/19 elif grep -q "Fedora release 20 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="fc20" DIR=fedora/20 elif grep -q "Fedora release 21 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="fc21" DIR=fedora/21 elif grep -q "Fedora release 22 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="fc22" DIR=fedora/22 elif grep -q "Fedora release 23 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="fc23" DIR=fedora/23 elif grep -q "Fedora release 24 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="fc24" DIR=fedora/24 elif grep -q "Fedora release 25 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="fc25" DIR=fedora/25 elif grep -q "Fedora release 26 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="fc26" DIR=fedora/26 elif grep -q "Fedora release 27 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="fc27" DIR=fedora/27 elif grep -q "Fedora release 28 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="fc28" DIR=fedora/28 elif grep -q "Fedora release 29 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="fc29" DIR=fedora/29 elif egrep -q "Red Hat Enterprise Linux (A|E)S release 3 " $RELEASE ; then DIST="el3" DIR=redhat/3 echo echo "$RELEASE is not supported at this time, you will need to configure yum manually:" echo "see http://$SERVER/channels for instructions" echo exit 1 elif grep -q "CentOS release 3" $RELEASE ; then DIST="el3" DIR=centos/3 echo echo "$RELEASE is not supported at this time, you will need to configure yum manually:" echo "see http://$SERVER/channels for instructions" echo exit 1 elif egrep -q "Red Hat Enterprise Linux (A|E|W)S release 4" $RELEASE ; then DIST="el4" DIR=redhat/4 echo "$RELEASE is not supported at this time, you will need to configure yum manually:" echo "see http://$SERVER/channels for instructions" echo exit 1 elif egrep -q "Red Hat Enterprise Linux.*release 5" $RELEASE ; then DIST="el5" DIR=redhat/5 elif egrep -q "Red Hat Enterprise Linux.*release 6" $RELEASE ; then DIST="el6" DIR=redhat/6 elif egrep -q "Red Hat Enterprise Linux.* 7" $RELEASE ; then DIST="el7" DIR=redhat/7 elif grep -q "CentOS release 3" $RELEASE ; then DIST="el3" DIR=centos/3 echo "$RELEASE is not supported at this time, you will need to configure yum manually:" echo "see http://$SERVER/channels for instructions" echo elif grep -q "CentOS release 4" $RELEASE ; then DIST="el4" DIR=centos/4 echo "$RELEASE is not supported at this time, you will need to configure yum manually:" echo "see http://$SERVER/channels for instructions" echo elif egrep -q "(release 5|release 2011)" $RELEASE ; then DIST="el5" DIR=centos/5 elif egrep -q "(release 6|release 2012)" $RELEASE ; then DIST="el6" DIR=centos/6 elif egrep -q "(release 7|release 2014)" $RELEASE ; then DIST="el7" DIR=centos/7 elif egrep -q "(Amazon Linux AMI|Amazon).*LTS" $RELEASE ; then DIST="amazon-2" DIR=amazon/2 PKG="amazon" elif egrep -q "(Amazon Linux AMI|Amazon)" $RELEASE ; then DIST="amazon-1" DIR=amazon/1 PKG="amazon" elif egrep -q "openSUSE 12" $RELEASE ; then DIST="suse12" DIR=opensuse/12 elif egrep -q "openSUSE 13" $RELEASE ; then DIST="suse13" DIR=opensuse/13 elif egrep -q "^6.0" $RELEASE ; then DIST="debian" DIR="squeeze" PKG=deb elif egrep -q "wheezy" $RELEASE ; then DIST="debian" DIR="wheezy" PKG=deb elif egrep -q "jessie" $RELEASE ; then DIST="debian" DIR="jessie" PKG=deb elif egrep -q "stretch" $RELEASE ; then DIST="debian" DIR="stretch" PKG=deb elif egrep -q "lucid" $RELEASE ; then DIST="ubuntu" DIR="lucid" PKG=deb elif egrep -q "precise" $RELEASE ; then DIST="ubuntu" DIR="precise" PKG=deb elif egrep -q "Raring Ringtail" $RELEASE ; then DIST="ubuntu" DIR="raring" PKG=deb elif egrep -q "Trusty Tahr" $RELEASE ; then DIST="ubuntu" DIR="trusty" PKG=deb elif egrep -q "Xenial|Mint" $RELEASE ; then DIST="ubuntu" DIR="xenial" PKG=deb elif egrep -qi "artful" $RELEASE ; then DIST="ubuntu" DIR="artful" PKG=deb elif egrep -qi "bionic" $RELEASE ; then DIST="ubuntu" DIR="bionic" PKG=deb elif egrep -qi "kali" $RELEASE ; then DIST="kali" DIR="kali" PKG=deb else echo "Error: Unable to determine distribution type. Please send the contents of $RELEASE to [email protected]" exit 1 fi # Manual for amazon amazon_install () { rpm -import RPM-GPG-KEY.atomicorp.txt >/dev/null 2>&1 rpm -import RPM-GPG-KEY.art.txt >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ ! -f /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY.atomicorp.txt ]; then mv /root/RPM-GPG-KEY.atomicorp.txt /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY.atomicorp.txt fi if [ -f /etc/yum.repos.d/atomic.repo ]; then rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/atomic.repo fi cat << EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/atomic.repo [atomic] name=Atomicorp Amazon Linux - atomic mirrorlist=https://updates.atomicorp.com/channels/mirrorlist/atomic/$DIST-x86_64 priority=1 enabled=1 gpgkey = file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY.atomicorp.txt gpgcheck=1 [atomic-testing] name=Atomicorp Amazon Linux - atomic-testing mirrorlist=https://updates.atomicorp.com/channels/mirrorlist/atomic-testing/$DIST-x86_64 priority=1 enabled=0 gpgkey = file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY.atomicorp.txt gpgcheck=1 EOF } # RPM Distros yum_install () { ATOMIC=atomic-release-$VERSION.$DIST.art.noarch.rpm if [ ! -f /usr/bin/yum ]; then echo echo "Error: Yum was not detected. Contact your provider for support." | tee -a $LOG echo exit 1 fi if rpm -q atomic-release > /dev/null ; then if [ ! -f /etc/yum.repos.d/atomic.repo ]; then rpm -e atomic-release fi fi rpm -import RPM-GPG-KEY.art.txt >/dev/null 2>&1 rpm -import RPM-GPG-KEY.atomicorp.txt >/dev/null 2>&1 echo -n "Downloading $ATOMIC: " wget -q http://$SERVER/channels/atomic/$DIR/$ARCH/RPMS/$ATOMIC >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error: File $ATOMIC not found." echo exit fi if [ -f $ATOMIC ]; then rpm -Uvh $ATOMIC || exit 1 rm -f $ATOMIC else echo "ERROR: $ATOMIC was not downloaded." exit 1 fi echo "OK" if [ ! -f /etc/yum.repos.d/atomic.repo ]; then echo "Error: /etc/yum.repos.d/atomic.repo was not detected." exit 1 fi if [ ! $NON_INT ]; then echo check_input "Enable repo by default? (yes/no) [Default: yes]:" "yes|no" "yes" query=$INPUTTEXT if [ "$query" == "no" ]; then sed -i ‘s/enabled = 1/enabled = 0/‘ /etc/yum.repos.d/atomic.repo fi fi } # DEB Distros apt_install () { cat RPM-GPG-KEY.atomicorp.txt | apt-key add - >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ -d /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ]; then APT_SOURCES="/etc/apt/sources.list.d/atomic.list" echo -n "Adding [atomic] to $APT_SOURCES: " if [ ! -f $APT_SOURCES ]; then echo "deb https://updates.atomicorp.com/channels/atomic/$DIST $DIR main" > $APT_SOURCES echo "OK" else echo "Already installed" fi else APT_SOURCES="/etc/apt/sources.list" echo -n "Adding [atomic] to $APT_SOURCES: " if ! grep -q "atomic/$DIST $DIR" $APT_SOURCES ; then echo "deb https://updates.atomicorp.com/channels/atomic/$DIST $DIR main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list echo "OK" else echo "Already installed" fi fi } # Installation # GPG Keys echo -n "Installing the Atomic GPG keys: " if [ ! -f RPM-GPG-KEY.art.txt ]; then wget -q https://www.atomicorp.com/RPM-GPG-KEY.art.txt 1>/dev/null 2>&1 fi if [ ! -f RPM-GPG-KEY.atomicorp.txt ]; then wget -q https://www.atomicorp.com/RPM-GPG-KEY.atomicorp.txt 1>/dev/null 2>&1 fi echo "OK" echo if [ "$PKG" == "rpm" ]; then yum_install elif [ "$PKG" == "deb" ]; then apt_install elif [ "$PKG" == "amazon" ]; then amazon_install fi echo echo echo "The Atomic repo has now been installed and configured for your system" echo "The following channels are available:" echo " atomic - [ACTIVATED] - contains the stable tree of ART packages" echo " atomic-testing - [DISABLED] - contains the testing tree of ART packages" echo " atomic-bleeding - [DISABLED] - contains the development tree of ART packages" echo echo
时间: 2024-12-26 05:03:12