[LeetCode]577. Employee Bonus 员工奖金

Select all employee‘s name and bonus whose bonus is < 1000.


| empId |  name  | supervisor| salary |
|   1   | John   |  3        | 1000   |
|   2   | Dan    |  3        | 2000   |
|   3   | Brad   |  null     | 4000   |
|   4   | Thomas |  3        | 4000   |
empId is the primary key column for this table.

Table: Bonus

| empId | bonus |
| 2     | 500   |
| 4     | 2000  |
empId is the primary key column for this table.

Example ouput:

| name  | bonus |
| John  | null  |
| Dan   | 500   |
| Brad  | null  |



# Write your MySQL query statement below
SELECT name, bonus
FROM Employee LEFT JOIN Bonus USING (empId)
WHERE IFNULL(bonus, 0) < 1000  


select name, bonus
Employee e left join Bonus b
on e.empId = b.empId
where bonus < 1000 or bonus is null



时间: 2024-08-30 13:06:47

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奖金(拓扑排序) [问题描述] 由于无敌的凡凡在2005年世界英俊帅气男总决选中胜出,Yali Company总经理Mr.Z心情好,决定给每位员工发奖金.公司决定以每个人本年在公司的贡献为标准来计算他们得到奖金的多少.于是Mr.Z下令召开m方会谈.每位参加会谈的代表提出了自己的意见:“我认为员工a的奖金应该比b高!”Mr.Z决定要找出一种奖金方案,满足各位代表的意见,且同时使得总奖金数最少.每位员工奖金最少为100元. [输入格式] 第一行两个整数n,m,表示员工总数和代表数:以下m行,每行2个