最强反编译工具 ida pro 6.6 x86 arm x64 f5全插件原始安装文件泄露版 + sdk_utils

最强反编译工具 ida pro 6.6 x86 arm x64 f5全插件原始安装文件泄露版 + sdk_utils



x86 arm x64 f5插件为2.0的版本 正版价值人民币3-5万


IDA: What‘s new in 6.6

x64 Decompiler

It was tough and it required even more research than was planned but finally it arrived. The 64-bit decompiler
for x64 code is as simple to use as our other decompilers, and fast as well. Below is very short disassembly listing and the decompiler‘s output for it:

Naturally, it is the very first version and some edges are still rough, but overall it can handle real world
code very well.

Dalvik Debugger

Since Android devices become more and more popular, we implemented a debugger for them. It can debug both on
the Dalvik bytecode level and on the source code level. Below is a picture showing the bytecode debugging:

And this is the same application on the source code level:

Naturally, the user can switch between the two views any time.

IDA knows about the Dalvik objects and show them in a structured way (if the debug info was not stripped):

Please see our Dalvik debugging tutorial for more info!

PySide is shipped with IDA

The title says it all. Since it is easy to create nice interactive plugins with PySide, we decided to include
it with IDA. Now all IDA copies will have it properly installed and configured, so as a plugin writer you can rely on its existence!

UI improvements

Many small but useful features have been added or improved. Here‘s just a few:

Multiline breakpoint conditions

Python users will love this: now it is possible to write a multiline condition right in the ‘edit breakpoint‘
dialog box. IDA even accepts function definitions there!

Functions can be used in IDC snippets

Now you can use the same scripts as in separate .idc files: IDA will compile all functions present in the script
and run the main() function, if it‘s present.

Complete changelist

Processor Modules

ARM: decode ARMv7 optional Virtualization Extension instructions (HVC, ERET, banked register MRS/MSR)

ARM: decode optional ARMv7-A instructions SDIV and UDIV

ARM: decode the stand-alone "second half of Thumb BL instruction" as "BL LR, #imm", if currently selected processor
does not support Thumb-2

CLI/.NET: put user strings into a pseudo-segment (e.g. so that they can be deobfuscated)

CLI/.NET: use full names when naming methods; this reduces naming conflicts and makes the Function List more
useful for .NET binaries

MIPS: added support for n32/n64 ABI

MIPS: when tracking registers, assume that $t9 is initialized with the function‘s address

PC: Added a GCC switch idiom.

PC: handle morte non-optimized GCC switch patterns

PC: handle non-PIC form of GCC x64 switch (jmp ds:table[reg*8])

PC: improve analysis of functions that use __EH_prolog3 helpers

PC: improved prolog analysis

PPC: support for additional instructions available in some Freescale e200z cores (Volatile Context Save/Restore
APU and EFPU2)

Tricore: support for architecture V1.6

File Formats

COFF: added support for EBC object files

COFF: recognize and load Visual C++ /GL files (link-time code generation). Note: since such files contain custom
Microsoft bytecode, the code can‘t be disassembled.

DWARF: (basic) support for runtime GCC 4.8.2-produced DWARF4 information.

DWARF: Allow the plugin to mark function prototypes as being definitive (so e.g. the decompiler can rely on

DWARF: At load-time, it is now possible to fine-tune the DWARF plugin regarding calling conventions.

DWARF: Can now configure whether DWARF data should be loaded when in batch mode.

DWARF: Initial support for Golang-produced DWARF debugging information.

ELF: added support for some ARCompact relocations

ELF: MIPS: use DT_MIPS_GP_VALUE to determing the executable‘s gp register value

PE: better handling of files where .idata is merged into .rdata

PE: IA64: handle IMAGE_REL_BASED_IA64_IMM64 relocations

PE: improve debug directory formatting

PE: parse new fields in the Load Configuration Directory added in Windows 8.1 (control flow guard metadata)

PE: X64: parse .pdata section at load time and create function boundaries accordingly.

PDB: added support for annotations (e.g. NT_ASSERT macro in checked builds)

这次更新了x86 64位的F5插件 单独收费哦


IDASTANW IDA Starter Base Named License (MS Windows) 589 USD

IDAPRONW IDA Pro Base Named License (MS Windows) 1129 USD

HEXX86W x86 Decompiler Base License (MS Windows) 2339 USD

HEXX64W x64 Decompiler Base License (MS Windows) 2351 USD

HEXARMW ARM Decompiler Base License (MS Windows) 2350 USD


IDASTANL IDA Starter Base Named License (Linux) 589 USD

IDAPRONL IDA Pro Base Named License (Linux) 1129 USD

HEXX86L x86 Decompiler Base License (Linux) 2339 USD

HEXX64L x64 Decompiler Base License (Linux) 2351 USD

HEXARML ARM Decompiler Base License (Linux) 2350 USD

Mac OS X

IDASTANM IDA Starter Base Named License (Mac OS X) 589 USD

IDAPRONM IDA Pro Base Named License (Mac OS X) 1129 USD

HEXX86M x86 Decompiler Base License (Mac OS X) 2339 USD

HEXX64M x64 Decompiler Base License (Mac OS X) 2351 USD

HEXARMM ARM Decompiler Base License (Mac OS X) 2350 USD


本人有偿承接各种专业软件的解密和资源提取,stm32 x64-x86-Arm程序转c方面的工作!








时间: 2024-10-07 01:07:36

最强反编译工具 ida pro 6.6 x86 arm x64 f5全插件原始安装文件泄露版 + sdk_utils的相关文章


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java反编译工具Bytecode-Viewer 在java的开发学习中,可能需要想了解class文件对应的代码内容是什么,如果我们使用IDE工具,可以通过IDE工具的各种反编译插件去进行反编译,但是java的IDE工具还是比较笨重的,启动耗时并且占用内存,这时我们就需要一些简单的反编译小工具去处理. java反编译工具有很多,这里介绍的是Bytecode-Viewer,官网地址bytecodeviewer.com 反编译 通过view菜单可以选择显示面板以及对应的反编译引擎. 原文地址:htt


遇到一个需求,做一个专门访问自己网站的浏览器给用户使用,这个浏览器提供登录功能.此时是一个安装在客户端的exe程序,做登录验证要用到webservice,不能将验证逻辑写入exe中,否则客户端可以利用反编译得到数据库信息,导致数据库不安全.并且如果数据库改动配置文件,客户端必须升级,原exe不能使用.先引述一下为什么要用webserviec做验证,那么到底如何反编译破解.net exe程序呢? 其实so easy! 那反编译工具这么强大,我们的程序不是都不安全了,有什么办法解决呢?上有政策下有对


Android初学者会使用其他人的apk,这样能知道别人是如何编写的,在知道别人是如何编写的前提下需要一款能实现反编译软件,再把软件反编译出来查看其中的代码. 如何使用反编译apk工具? 步骤一.打开Androidfby中的Android反编译工具,然后进行反编译,几维安全提醒一定要选中你要反编译的apk,此时就会得到xml.dex文件等.还可以通过解压文件的形式,但有一处弊端就是不能保证xml文件正常显示,所以建议结合一起使用. 步骤二.打开被反编译过后的文件夹然后找到classes.dex,

反编译工具 使用.NET JustDecompile来反编译你的程序代码

原文地址:http://www.it165.net/pro/html/201310/7383.html 前言 在项目的进行中有时会碰到需要去了解由第三方所开发的程序代码或者因为年久已经遗失原始码的程序,由于因为是别人写的所以我们并没有原始码可以直接阅读,碰到这种情况我们就需要去反编译这些程序及 DLL 档案. 首先大概介绍一下 DLL 是什么,DLL 全名是 Dynamic Linking Library (动态链接库),当你使用 .NET 开发应用程序时,使用的是网站项目或类别库时,当项目建置

.net 反编译工具

遇到一个需求,做一个专门访问自己网站的浏览器给用户使用,这个浏览器提供登录功能.此时是一个安装在客户端的exe程序,做登录验证要用到webservice,不能将验证逻辑写入exe中,否则客户端可以利用反编译得到数据库信息,导致数据库不安全.并且如果数据库改动配置文件,客户端必须升级,原exe不能使用.先引述一下为什么要用webserviec做验证,那么到底如何反编译破解.net exe程序呢? 其实so easy! 那反编译工具这么强大,我们的程序不是都不安全了,有什么办法解决呢?上有政策下有对


下好以后解压就可以用了,软件就只有一个exe文件和一个帮助文件.在众多的JAVA反编译工具中,有几种非常著名的工具使用了相同的核心引擎--JAD,其中主要包括:FrontEnd Plus.mDeJava.Decafe Pro.Cavaj Java Decompiler.DJ Java     Decompiler.NMI's Java Class Viewer和国产的JAVA源代码反编译专家.JAD本身是一个命令行工具,没有图形界面,上述的这些工具大多是在JAD内核的基础之上加了一个图形界面而已


本文参考原文-http://bjbsair.com/2020-03-22/tech-info/5702/ jad反编译工具,已经不再更新,且只支持JDK1.4,但并不影响其强大的功能. 基本用法:jad xxx.class,会生成直接可读的xxx.jad文件. 自动拆装箱 对于基本类型和包装类型之间的转换,通过xxxValue()和valueOf()两个方法完成自动拆装箱,使用jad进行反编译可以看到该过程: public class Demo { public static void main