The code below demonstrates, via maya's python api, how to retrieve:– mObject from a mesh, and its skincluster– MFnSkinCluster for the skincluster on that mesh– the influences in that skin cluster and their names– the influence weights for every vert
The novaclient Python API Usage First create a client instance with your credentials: >>> from novaclient.client import Client >>> nova = Client(VERSION, USERNAME, PASSWORD, PROJECT_ID, AUTH_URL) Here VERSION can be: 1.1, 2 and 3. Altern
Appium+python自动化8-Appium Python API 前言: Appium Python API全集,不知道哪个大神整理的,这里贴出来分享给大家. 1.contexts contexts(self): Returns the contexts within the current session. 返回当前会话中的上下文,使用后可以识别H5页面的控件 :Usage: driver.contexts 用法 driver.contexts 2. current_context cu