Oracle SYS_CONTEXT Function

Version 11.1
Actions As SYS
Note: USERENV is an Oracle provided namespace that describes the current session.
Syntax SELECT sys_context(‘<namespace>‘, ‘<parameter>‘, <length>);
Attribute Return Value
ACTION Identifies the position in the module (application name) and is set through the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package or OCI.

exec dbms_application_info.set_action(‘INSERTING‘);


AUDITED_CURSORID Returns the cursor ID of the SQL that triggered the audit. This parameter is not valid in a fine-grained auditing environment. If you specify it in such an environment, Oracle Database always returns NULL.
AUTHENTICATED_IDENTITY Returns the identity used in authentication. In the list that follows, the type of user is followed by the value returned:

  • Kerberos-authenticated enterprise user: kerberos principal name
  • Kerberos-authenticated external user : kerberos principal name; same as the schema name
  • SSL-authenticated enterprise user: the DN in the user‘s PKI certificate
  • SSL-authenticated external user: the DN in the user‘s PKI certificate
  • Password-authenticated enterprise user: nickname; same as the login name
  • Password-authenticated database user: the database username; same as the schema name
  • OS-authenticated external user: the external operating system user name
  • Radius/DCE-authenticated external user: the schema name
  • Proxy with DN : Oracle Internet Directory DN of the client
  • Proxy with certificate: certificate DN of the client
  • Proxy with username: database user name if client is a local database user; nickname if client is an enterprise user
  • SYSDBA/SYSOPER using Password File: login name
  • SYSDBA/SYSOPER using OS authentication: operating system user name
AUTHENTICATION_DATA Data being used to authenticate the login user. For X.503 certificate authenticated sessions, this field returns the context of the certificate in HEX2 format.

Note: You can change the return value of the   AUTHENTICATION_DATA attribute using the length parameter of the syntax. Values of up to 4000 are accepted. This is the only attribute of USERENV for which Oracle implements such a change.

AUTHENTICATION_METHOD Returns the method of authentication. In the list that follows, the type of user is followed by the method returned.

  • Password-authenticated enterprise user, local database user, or SYSDBA/SYSOPER using Password File; proxy with username using password: PASSWORD
  • Kerberos-authenticated enterprise or external user: KERBEROS
  • SSL-authenticated enterprise or external user: SSL
  • Radius-authenticated external user: RADIUS
  • OS-authenticated external user or SYSDBA/SYSOPER: OS
  • DCE-authenticated external user: DCE
  • Proxy with certificate, DN, or username without using password: NONE
BG_JOB_ID Job ID of the current session if it was established by an Oracle background process. Null if the session was not established by a background process.
CLIENT_IDENTIFIER Returns an identifier that is set by the application through the DBMS_SESSION.SET_IDENTIFIER procedure, the OCI attribute OCI_ATTR_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER, or the Java class Oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.setClientIdentifier. This attribute is used by various database components to identify lightweight application users who authenticate as the same user.

exec dbms_session.set_identifier(USER || ‘ ‘ || SYSTIMESTAMP);


CLIENT_INFO Returns user session information that can be stored by an application using the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package.

exec dbms_application_info.set_client_info(‘TEST‘);


CURRENT_BIND The bind variables for fine-grained auditing
CURRENT_EDITION_ID The numeric identifier of the current edition
CURRENT_EDITION_NAME The name of the current edition
CURRENT_SCHEMA Name of the default schema being used in the current schema. This value can be changed during the session with anALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA statement.
CURRENT_SCHEMAID Identifier of the default schema being used in the current session.

SELECT user#
FROM sys.user$
WHERE name = USER;

CURRENT_SQL Returns the first 4K bytes of the current SQL that triggered the fine-grained auditing event.
CURRENT_SQLn CURRENT_SQLn attributes return subsequent 4K-byte increments, where n can be an integer from 1 to 7, inclusive. CURRENT_SQL1 returns bytes 4K to 8K; CURRENT_SQL2 returns bytes 8K to 12K, and so forth. You can specify these attributes only inside the event handler for the fine-grained auditing feature.
CURRENT_SQL_LENGTH The length of the current SQL statement that triggers fine-grained audit or row-level security (RLS) policy functions or event handlers. Valid only inside the function or event handler.
DB_DOMAIN Domain of the database as specified in the DB_DOMAIN initialization parameter.
DB_NAME Name of the database as specified in the DB_NAME initialization parameter.

SELECT name, value
FROM gv$parameter
WHERE name LIKE ‘db%name‘;

DB_UNIQUE NAME Name of the database as specified in the DB_UNIQUE_NAME initialization parameter.

SELECT name, value
FROM gv$parameter
WHERE name LIKE ‘db%name‘;

ENTRYID The available auditing entry identifier. You cannot use this option in distributed SQL statements. To use this keyword in USERENV, the initialization parameter AUDIT_TRAIL must be set to true.
ENTERPRISE_IDENTITY Returns the user‘s enterprise-wide identity:

  • For enterprise users: the Oracle Internet Directory DN.
  • For external users: the external identity (Kerberos principal name, Radius and DCE schema names, OS user name, Certificate DN).
  • For local users and SYSDBA/SYSOPER logins: NULL.

The value of the attribute differs by proxy method:

  • For a proxy with DN: the Oracle Internet Directory DN of the client
  • For a proxy with certificate: the certificate DN of the client for external users; the Oracle Internet Directory DN for global users
  • For a proxy with username: the Oracle Internet Directory DN if the client is an enterprise users; NULL if the client is a local database user.
FG_JOB_ID Job ID of the current session if it was established by a client foreground process. Null if the session was not established by a foreground process.
GLOBAL_CONTEXT_MEMORY The number used in the System Global Area by the globally accessed context.
GLOBAL_UID Returns the global user ID from Oracle Internet Directory for Enterprise User Security (EUS) logins; returns null for all other logins.
HOST Name of the host machine from which the client has connected.
IDENTIFICATION_TYPE Returns the way the user‘s schema was created in the database. Specifically, it reflects the IDENTIFIED clause in the CREATE/ALTER USER syntax. In the list that follows, the syntax used during schema creation is followed by the identification type returned:

INSTANCE The instance identification number of the current instance.
INSTANCE_NAME The name of the instance.
IP_ADDRESS IP address of the machine from which the client is connected.
ISDBA TRUE if the session is SYS
LANG The ISO abbreviation for the language name, a shorter form than the existing ‘LANGUAGE‘ parameter.
LANGUAGE The language and territory currently used by your session, along with the database character set, in the form:


MODULE The application name (module) set through the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package or OCI.
NETWORK_PROTOCOL Network protocol being used for communication, as specified in the ‘PROTOCOL=protocol‘ portion of the connect string.
NLS_CALENDAR The current calendar of the current session.
NLS_CURRENCY The currency of the current session.
NLS_DATE_FORMAT The date format for the session.
NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE The language used for expressing dates.
NLS_SORT BINARY or the linguistic sort basis.
NLS_TERRITORY The territory of the current session.
OS_USER Operating system username of the client process that initiated the database session.
POLICY_INVOKER The invoker of row-level security (RLS) policy functions.
PROXY_ENTERPRISE_IDENTITY Returns the Oracle Internet Directory DN when the proxy user is an enterprise user.
PROXY_GLOBAL_UID Returns the global user ID from Oracle Internet Directory for Enterprise User Security (EUS) proxy users; returns NULL for all other proxy users.
PROXY_USER Name of the database user who opened the current session on behalf of SESSION_USER.
PROXY_USERID Identifier of the database user who opened the current session on behalf of SESSION_USER.
SERVER_HOST The host name of the machine on which the instance is running.
SERVICE_NAME The name of the service to which a given session is connected.
SESSION_USER Database user name by which the current user is authenticated. This value remains the same throughout the duration of the session.
SESSION_USERID Identifier of the database user name by which the current user is authenticated.
SESSIONID The auditing session identifier. You cannot use this option in distributed SQL statements. This is the equivalent to the AUDSID column in gv$session.
SID The session number (different from the session ID).
STATEMENTID The auditing statement identifier. STATEMENTID represents the number of SQL statements audited in a given session.
TERMINAL The operating system identifier for the client of the current session. In distributed SQL statements, this option returns the identifier for your local session. In a distributed environment, this is supported only for remote SELECT statements, not for remote INSERTUPDATE, or DELETE operations. (The return length of this parameter may vary by operating system.)
Context Demo
User Created Contexts CREATE OR REPLACE CONTEXT App_Ctx using My_pkg


PROCEDURE set_session_id(p_session_id NUMBER);
PROCEDURE set_ctx(p_name VARCHAR2, p_value VARCHAR2);
PROCEDURE close_session(p_session_id NUMBER);



g_session_id NUMBER;

PROCEDURE set_session_id(p_session_id NUMBERIS
  g_session_id := p_session_id;
end set_session_id;
PROCEDURE set_ctx(p_name VARCHAR2, p_value VARCHAR2IS
END set_ctx;
PROCEDURE close_session(p_session_id ) IS
END close_session;

col var1 format a10
col var2 format a10

exec my_pkg.set_session_id(1234);
exec my_pkg.set_ctx(‘Var1‘, ‘Val1‘);
exec my_pkg.set_ctx(‘Var2‘, ‘Val2‘);

SELECT sys_context(‘app_ctx‘, ‘var1‘) var1,
sys_context(‘app_ctx‘, ‘var2‘) var2

-- Now we‘ll log out/log in
-- At first, the context is empty-but we rejoin the session & there it is

connect uwclass/uwclass

SELECT sys_context(‘app_ctx‘, ‘var1‘) var1,
sys_context(‘app_ctx‘, ‘var2‘) var2

exec my_pkg.set_session_id(1234);

SELECT sys_context(‘app_ctx‘, ‘var1‘) var1,
sys_context(‘app_ctx‘, ‘var2‘) var2

-- Now we‘ll show that this context is tied to our user (we specified
-- USER above, if we used null anyone can join this session).

grant execute on my_pkg to scott;

conn scott/tiger

exec uwclass.my_pkg.set_session_id(1234);

SELECT sys_context(‘app_ctx‘, ‘var1‘) var1,
sys_context(‘app_ctx‘, ‘var2‘) var2

-- Return to the set context again and clear it

conn uwclass/uwclass

exec my_pkg.set_session_id(1234);

SELECT sys_context(‘app_ctx‘, ‘var1‘) var1,
sys_context(‘app_ctx‘, ‘var2‘) var2

exec my_pkg.close_session(1234);

SELECT sys_context(‘app_ctx‘, ‘var1‘) var1,
sys_context(‘app_ctx‘, ‘var2‘) var2

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DDL Triggers
Row Level Security
System Triggers
时间: 2024-12-19 01:40:06

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