org.springframework.beans.InvalidPropertyException: Invalid property 'specificationValues[256]' of bean class [com.sencloud.entity.Specification]: Index of out of bounds in property path 'specificationValues[256]'; nested exception is java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 256, Size: 256 org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapperImpl.getPropertyValue(BeanWrapperImpl.java:811) org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapperImpl.getNestedBeanWrapper(BeanWrapperImpl.java:554)
Binder that allows for binding property values to a target object. The binding process can be customized through specifying allowed fields, required fields, and custom editors. Note that there are potential security implications in failing to set an array of allowed fields. In the case of HTTP form POST data for example, malicious clients can attempt to subvert an application by supplying values for fields or properties that do not exist on the form. In some cases this could lead to illegal data being set on command objects or their nested objects. For this reason, it is highly recommended to specify the allowedFields property on the DataBinder.
大概意思是前台的Form 元素绑定到 后台的JaveBean对象,做的一个映射,但是这个映射的List长度不可以超过256
/** * 由于Spring在接受前台传入的List时,就会出现256的IndexOutOfBoundsException异常 * 设置setAutoGrowCollectionLimit为1024 * @param binder * @see [类、类#方法、类#成员] */ @InitBinder public void initListBinder(WebDataBinder binder) { // 设置需要包裹的元素个数,默认为256 binder.setAutoGrowCollectionLimit(1024); }
时间: 2024-12-12 22:47:04