Palindrome Linked List
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Given a singly linked list, determine if it is a palindrome.
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Could you do it in O(n) time and O(1) space?
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#include<iostream> #include<vector> using namespace std; struct ListNode { int val; ListNode *next; ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {} }; ListNode* reversed(ListNode* L1,ListNode* L2) { if(L1==L2) { L1->next==NULL; return L1; } if(L1->next==L2) { L2->next=L1; L1->next=NULL; return L2; } ListNode* ptr1=L1; ListNode* ptr2=ptr1->next; ListNode* ptr3=ptr2->next; while(ptr3!=L2) { ptr2->next=ptr1; ptr1=ptr2; ptr2=ptr3; ptr3=ptr3->next; } ptr2->next=ptr1; ptr1->next=NULL; return ptr2; } bool isPalindrome(ListNode* head) { if(head==NULL) return 0; if(head->next==NULL) return 1; ListNode* ptr1=head; int n=1; while(1) { if(ptr1->next==NULL) break; n++; ptr1=ptr1->next; } int mid=n/2; ListNode* ptr2=head; int jishu=1; while(1) { if(jishu==mid) break; jishu++; ptr2=ptr2->next; } ListNode* ptr3=ptr2->next; ptr1=reversed(ptr3,ptr1); ListNode* ptr0=head; if(n/2==0) { while(ptr1!=NULL) { if(ptr1->next!=ptr0->next) return 0; ptr1=ptr1->next; ptr0=ptr0->next; } return 1; } else { while(ptr1!=ptr3) { if(ptr1->next!=ptr0->next) return 0; ptr1=ptr1->next; ptr0=ptr0->next; } return 1; } } int main() { int vec[20]={-31900,22571,-31634,19735,13748,16612,-28299,-16628,9614,-14444, -14444,9614,-16628,-31900,16612,13748,19735,-31634,22571,-28299}; ListNode* root=new ListNode(-31900); ListNode* ptr1=root; int i=1; while(i<20) { ptr1->next=new ListNode(vec[i]); ptr1=ptr1->next; i++; } cout<<isPalindrome(root)<<endl; }
时间: 2024-10-29 10:46:40