September 8th 2016 Week 37th Thursday

The secret of high-impact business is early preparation.


Early and best preparation is the secret of all successes.

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest if merely tenacity.


We are often told that if we can persevere and we will succeed.

That may be not the case for some people, because actually speaking, perseverance may be the simplest and the easiest thing in our life, everyone can manage that. The most important and the hardest thing often lies in making decisions about the direction.

If your choice is right, then you can succeed easily, otherwise, you may get nothing even if you have paid a lot.

However, if you don‘t care about your gains and losses, and, if you dare to stand all the rackets of your decisions, then it will be no difficulty in making decisions.

时间: 2024-08-05 19:31:10

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