Solution for XPROG-M Unknown command Software error

Here is the solution for XPROG-M Unknown command Software error.

Xprog-m programmer 5.0 is installed on win7 x 32bit, adobe reader 10. Update ok. But it runs error : unknown command: Software error.

I use UPA-USB Device Programmer v1.2 to repair my xprog 5.0.
1. Erase Chip (Atmega64)
2. Lock Bytes all True before Programming and fuse bytes
3.Write Flash
4.Write EEprom
5.After write flash and eeprom configurate Lock Bytes

And i also found another way in web, is to use UPA-USB Device Programmer v1.2 too, but to update 5.5 to 5.5.1
(i haven’t tried this)
1. Erase chip atmega 64
2. Program eeprom , Flash
3. Set Lock bits and fuse bits. Program lock bits, fuse bits.
4. Copy Xprogbox 5.51 to C:\ and run Xprognew.reg
5. Run XprogDesktop.exe and update.

Many users have already successfully updated v5.0 to 5.5.1.
working ECU:
1.All works ok cas 2 cas3 read and write in first time
2.old xprog-m 5.0 now have the 5.51 version successfully installed!, already tested with Infineon xc23xx, Mac7242, SPI, I2C, Microwire eeproms, some 9S12, HC11, HC05 and TMS. Works great, verify error also fixed with update. Before this update, it can’t read/write the HC05H12, now it’s working!. All authorizations activated.

时间: 2024-08-05 15:48:49

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