




arp_announce -INTEGER Define different restriction levels for announcing the local source IPaddress from IP packets in ARP requests sent on interface:

0 - (default) Useany local address, configured on any interface

1 - Try to avoidlocal addresses that are not in the target‘s subnet for this interface. Thismode is useful when target hosts reachable via this interface require thesource IP address in ARP requests to be part of their logical networkconfigured on the receiving interface. When we generate the request we willcheck all our subnets  that include thetarget IP and will preserve the source address if it is from such subnet. Ifthere is no such subnet we select source address according to the rules forlevel

2 - Always use thebest local address for this target. In this mode we ignore the source addressin the IP packet and try to select local address that we prefer for talks withthe target host. Such local address is selected by looking for primary IP addresseson all our subnets on the outgoing interface that include the target IPaddress. If no suitable local address is found we select the first localaddress we have on the outgoing interface or on all other interfaces, with thehope we will receive reply for our request and even sometimes no matter thesource IP address we announce. The max value fromconf/{all,interface}/arp_announce is used. Increasing the restriction levelgives more chance for receiving answer from the resolved target while decreasingthe level announces more valid sender‘s information.

#对网络接口上,本地IP地址的发出的,ARP回应,作出相应级别的限制: 确定不同程度的限制,宣布对来自本地源IP地址发出ARP请求的接口

0 - (默认) 在任意网络接口(eth0,eth1,lo)上的任何本地地址

1 -尽量避免不在该网络接口子网段的本地地址做出arp回应. 当发起ARP请求的源IP地址是被设置应该经由路由达到此网络接口的时候很有用.此时会检查来访IP是否为所有接口上的子网段内ip之一.如果改来访IP不属于各个网络接口上的子网段内,那么将采用级别2的方式来进行处理.

2 - 对查询目标使用最适当的本地地址.在此模式下将忽略这个IP数据包的源地址并尝试选择与能与该地址通信的本地地址.首要是选择所有的网络接口的子网中外出访问子网中包含该目标IP地址的本地地址. 如果没有合适的地址被发现,将选择当前的发送网络接口或其他的有可能接受到该ARP回应的网络接口来进行发送.


arp_ignore - INTEGERDefine different modes for sending replies in response to received ARP requeststhat resolve local target IP addresses:

0 - (default): replyfor any local target IP address, configured on any interface

1 - reply only ifthe target IP address is local address configured on the incoming interface

2 - reply onlyif the target IP address is local address configured on the incoming interfaceand both with the sender‘s IP address arepart from same subnet on thisinterface

3 - do not reply forlocal addresses configured with scope host,only resolutions for global and linkaddresses are replied

4-7 - reserved

8 - do not reply forall local addresses

The max value fromconf/{all,interface}/arp_ignore is used when ARP request is received on the{interface}


0 - (默认值): 回应任何网络接口上对任何本地IP地址的arp查询请求

1 - 只回答目标IP地址是来访网络接口本地地址的ARP查询请求

2 -只回答目标IP地址是来访网络接口本地地址的ARP查询请求,且来访IP必须在该网络接口的子网段内

3 - 不回应该网络界面的arp请求,而只对设置的唯一和连接地址做出回应

4-7 - 保留未使用

8 -不回应所有(本地地址)的arp查询

arp_ignore 设置为1,这个比较好理解,当别人的arp请求过来的时候,如果接收的设备上面没有这个ip,就不响应,默认是0,只要这台机器上面任何一个设备上面有这个ip,就响应arp请求,并发送mac地址应答。

arp_announce 这个就比较难解释了,先看一段英文的:

Assume that a linuxbox X has three interfaces - eth0, eth1 and eth2. Each interface has an IPaddress IP0, IP1 and IP2. When a local application tries to send an IP packetwith IP0 through the eth2. Unfortunately, the target node’s mac address is not resolved. Thelinuxbox X will send the ARP request to know the mac address of the target(or thegateway). In this case what is the IP source address of the “ARP requestmessage”? The IP0- the IP source address of the transmitting IP or IP2 - theoutgoing interface?  Until now(actuallyjust 3 hours before) ARP request uses the IP address assigned to the outgoinginterface(IP2 in the above example) However the linux’s behavior is a littlebit different. Actually the selection of source address in ARP request istotally configurable bythe proc variable “arp_announce”

If we want to usethe IP2 not the IP0 in the ARP request, we should change the value to 1 or 2.The default value is 0 - allow IP0 is used for ARP request.

其实就是路由器的问题,因为路由器一般是动态学习ARP包的(一般动态配置DHCP的话),当内网的机器要发送一个到外部的ip包,那么它就会请求路由器的Mac地址,发送一个arp请求,这个arp请求里面包括了自己的ip地址和Mac地址,而linux默认是使用ip的源ip地址作为arp里面的源ip地址,而不是使用发送设备上面的,这样在lvs这样的架构下,所有发送包都是同一个VIP地址,那么arp请求就会包括VIP地址和设备 Mac,而路由器收到这个arp请求就会更新自己的arp缓存,这样就会造成ip欺骗了,VIP被抢夺,所以就会有问题。


What happens when ahost receives an ARP request packet?  TheARP request is received and processed by all the hosts in the network,since itis a broadcast packet. The following steps are carried out when a ARP requestpacket is received by a host:  If the IPaddress to be resolved is for this host, then the ARP module sends an ARP replypacket with its Ethernet MAC address.  Ifthe IP address to be resolved is for this host, then the ARP module updates itsARP cache with the source Ethernet MAC address to source IP address mappingpresent in the ARP request packet. If the entry is already present in thecache, it is overwritten. If it is not present, it is added.  If the IP address to be resolved is not forthis host, then the ARP module discards the ARP request packet.  Will a host update its ARP cache upon receivingany ARP request?  A host will update itsARP cache, only if the ARP request is for its IP address. Otherwise, it willdiscard the ARP request.  What is thedisadvantage if a host updates its ARP cache upon receiving any ARPrequest?  The host will exhaust the ARPcache with a lot of unused ARP entries, if it updates the ARP cache for any ARPrequest.

如果路由器使用静态ARP表,客户端也使用静态网关ARP的话,基本就不用管这两个值了。  也看了一下vpn,用了pppoe协议,也是不需要处理arp请求的。

查看某个设备上面绑定了多少个ip:>ip addr show dev eth0

绑定多个ip(临时,看操作系统不同加在不同的地方):>ip addr add x.x.x.x/32 dev eth0


echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/arp_ignore

echo 2 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/arp_announce

永久修改:  编辑sysctl配置文件即可:

if  /etc/sysctl.conf is used inthe system, we have this config in /etc/sysctl.conf

net.ipv4.conf.eth0.arp_ignore= 1

net.ipv4.conf.eth0.arp_announce= 2






时间: 2024-09-28 17:43:24


RHEL6 搭建LVS/DR 负载均衡集群 案例

搭建LVS/DR 负载均衡集群 案例 实验拓扑图: 操作流程: Director Server : pc50 安装并启用ipvsadm 配置辅助IP地址 创建虚拟服务器,向虚拟服务器中加入节点 Real Server: pc51 pc52 配置WEB 服务器 配置辅助IP地址,调整内核参数 Clinet : pc253 连接虚拟服务器测试 环境准备:

LVS DR 负载均衡集群

LVS DR 负载均衡集群 试验准备:五台主机ABCDE,主机ABCDE均为单网卡,IP地址分别为192.168.10.2,,,,主机A作为内网客户端,主机B负载均衡调度器,主机C和主机D作为网站服务器,主机E作为共享存储,均清除防火墙和SELINUX.操作系统均为RHELx86_64,为最小化安装. 主机A操作 #vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-e


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应用场景:LVS配置负载均衡方式之一:dr 测试环境:


转: 使用LVS实现负载均衡原理及安装配置详解 负载均衡集群是 load balance 集群的简写,翻译成中文就是负载均衡集群.常用的负载均衡开源软件有nginx.lvs.haproxy,商业的硬件负载均衡设备F5.Netscale.这里主要是学习 LVS 并对其进行了详细的总结记录. 一.负载均衡LVS基本介绍 LB集群的架构和原理很简单,就是当用户的请求过来时,会直接分发到Director


什么是LVS     LVS是Linux Virtual Server的简写,意即Linux虚拟服务器,是一个虚拟的服务器集群系统. 同时LVS又被称为四层路由,工作于传输层上. LVS技术简介     LVS集群采用IP负载均衡技术和基于内容请求分发技术.调度器具有很好的吞吐率,将请求均衡地转 移到不同的服务器上执行,且调度器自动屏蔽掉服务器的故障,从而将一组服务器构成一个高性能的. 高可用的虚拟服务器.整个服务器集群的结构对客户是透明的,而且无需修改客户端和服务器端的程序. 为此,在设计时需

使用 LVS 实现负载均衡原理及安装配置详解

使用 LVS 实现负载均衡原理及安装配置详解 来源:肖邦linux 发布时间:2017-02-19 阅读次数:106 0 负载均衡集群是 load balance 集群的简写,翻译成中文就是负载均衡集群.常用的负载均衡开源软件有nginx.lvs.haproxy,商业的硬件负载均衡设备F5.Netscale.这里主要是学习 LVS 并对其进行了详细的总结记录. 一.负载均衡LVS基本介绍 LB集群的架构和原理很简单,就是当用户的请求过来时,会直接分发到Director Server上,然后它把用


LVS+Keepalived 介绍LVSLVS是Linux Virtual Server的简写,意即Linux虚拟服务器,是一个虚拟的服务器集群系统.本项目在1998年5月由章文嵩博士成立,是中国国内最早出现的自由软件项目之一.目前有三种IP负载均衡技术(VS/NAT.VS/TUN和VS/DR):十种调度算法(rrr|wrr|lc|wlc|lblc|lblcr|dh|sh|sed|nq). KeepalviedKeepalived在这里主要用作RealServer的健康状态检查以及LoadBal