targetColor = "0E34E5"
sameValue = 0.6 //相似度
x = 0
y = 100
w = 530
h = 818
base = 100
r = 2
c = 2
For i = 0 To 16959
For j = 0 To r-1
For k = 0 To c-1
tw = w / c
th = h / r
tx = x + tw * k
ty = y + th * j
TracePrint tx
TracePrint ty
FindColorEx tx,ty,tw,th,targetColor,i Mod 3,sameValue,intX,intY
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
MoveTo intX,intY
LeftClick 1
TracePrint intX
TracePrint intY
End If
TracePrint "++++"
//MoveTo tx, ty
//LeftClick 1
TracePrint "_______________________"
时间: 2024-11-02 12:21:15