#!/bin/bash # date: 2016-03-12 # desc: LAN/MP auto install script # Author: Djoker #function area #<---------------------start----------------------------------------> #function: check error runcheck(){ if [ $1 != 0 ];then echo "------------------------" echo "|Error,please check log|" echo "------------------------" exit 1 fi } #function: yum install base packets yumins(){ while [ -n "$1" ] do yum -y install $1 runcheck $? echo echo "$1 is install ......over!" echo sleep 1 shift done } #function: install mysql install_mysql_func(){ cd /tmp if [ -e mysql-5.5.22.tar.gz ];then echo "file is exist!!!" else wget http://down1.chinaunix.net/distfiles/mysql-5.5.22.tar.gz runcheck $? fi tar vxf mysql-5.5.22.tar.gz cd mysql-5.5.22 cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/mysql -DMYSQL_DATADIR=/usr/local/mysql/data -DSYSCONFDIR=/etc -DWITH_MYISAM_STORAGE_ENGINE=1 -DWITH_INNOBASE_STORAGE_ENGINE=1 -DWITH_MEMORY_STORAGE_ENGINE=1 -DWITH_READLINE=1 -DMYSQL_UNIX_ADDR=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock -DMYSQL_TCP_PORT=3306 -DENABLED_LOCAL_INFILE=1 -DWITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE=1 -DEXTRA_CHARSETS=all -DDEFAULT_CHARSET=utf8 -DDEFAULT_COLLATION=utf8_general_ci -Wno-dev runcheck $? make && make install runcheck $? } #function: config mysql config_mysql_func(){ groupadd mysql useradd -g mysql mysql chown -R mysql.mysql /usr/local/mysql chmod +x /tmp/mysql-5.5.22/scripts/mysql_install_db /tmp/mysql-5.5.22/scripts/mysql_install_db --basedir=/usr/local/mysql --datadir=/usr/local/mysql/data --user=mysql runcheck $? cp -a /tmp/mysql-5.5.22/support-files/mysql.server /etc/init.d/mysqld chmod +x /etc/init.d/mysqld echo "PATH=\$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin" >> /etc/profile chkconfig --add mysqld service mysqld start chkconfig mysqld on runcheck $? } #function: install php install_php_func(){ cd /tmp if [ -e libmcrypt-devel-2.5.7-1.2.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm ];then echo "file aready is install ." else wget http://apt.sw.be/redhat/el6/en/x86_64/rpmforge/RPMS/libmcrypt-devel-2.5.7-1.2.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm rpm --nodeps -i libmcrypt-devel-2.5.7-1.2.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm fi if [ -e php-5.4.6.tar.bz2 ];then echo "file is exit!!!" else wget wget http://down1.chinaunix.net/distfiles/php-5.4.6.tar.bz2 runcheck $? fi tar vxf php-5.4.6.tar.bz2 cd php-5.4.6 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/php --enable-fpm --with-mcrypt=/usr/local/libmcrypt --with-zlib --enable-mbstring --with-openssl --with-mysql --with-mysqli --with-mysql-sock --with-gd --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/lib --enable-gd-native-ttf --enable-pdo --with-pdo-mysql --with-gettext --with-curl --with-pdo-mysql --enable-sockets --enable-bcmath --enable-xml --with-bz2 --enable-zip --enable-freetyp runcheck $? make && make install runcheck $? } #function: config php config_php_func(){ cp /tmp/php-5.4.6/php.ini-development /usr/local/php/etc/php.ini cp /tmp/php-5.4.6/sapi/fpm/php-fpm.conf /usr/local/php/etc/php-fpm.conf echo ‘#!/bin/sh # DateTime: 2013-09-16 # Author: lianbaikai # site:http://www.ttlsa.com/html/3039.html # chkconfig: - 84 16 # Source function library. . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions # Source networking configuration. . /etc/sysconfig/network # Check that networking is up. [ "$NETWORKING" = "no" ] && exit 0 phpfpm="/usr/local/php/sbin/php-fpm" prog=$(basename ${phpfpm}) lockfile=/var/lock/subsys/phpfpm start() { [ -x ${phpfpm} ] || exit 5 echo -n $"Starting $prog: " daemon ${phpfpm} retval=$? echo [ $retval -eq 0 ] && touch $lockfile return $retval } stop() { echo -n $"Stopping $prog: " killproc $prog -QUIT retval=$? echo [ $retval -eq 0 ] && rm -f $lockfile return $retval } restart() { configtest || return $? stop start } reload() { configtest || return $? echo -n $"Reloading $prog: " killproc ${phpfpm} -HUP RETVAL=$? echo } force_reload() { restart } configtest() { ${phpfpm} -t } rh_status() { status $prog } rh_status_q() { rh_status >/dev/null 2>&1 } case "$1" in start) rh_status_q && exit 0 $1 ;; stop) rh_status_q || exit 0 $1 ;; restart|configtest) $1 ;; reload) rh_status_q || exit 7 $1 ;; status) rh_status ;; *) echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart|reload|configtest}" exit 2 esac‘ > /etc/init.d/php-fpm chmod +x /etc/init.d/php-fpm chkconfig --add php-fpm } #function: install httpd install_httpd_func(){ cd /tmp if [ -e httpd-2.2.9.tar.bz2 ];then echo "file is exit!!!" else wget http://down1.chinaunix.net/distfiles/httpd-2.2.9.tar.bz2 runcheck $? fi tar vxf httpd-2.2.9.tar.bz2 cd httpd-2.2.9 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache --enable-so --enable-cgi --enable-rewreite --with-zlib --with-pcre --enable-modules=all --enable-mpms-shared=all runcheck $? make && make install runcheck $? } #function: config httpd config_httpd_func(){ echo "1" } #function: install nginx install_nginx_func(){ cd /tmp if [ -e nginx-1.2.1.tar.gz ];then echo "file is exit!!!" else wget http://down1.chinaunix.net/distfiles/nginx-1.2.1.tar.gz runcheck $? fi tar xvf nginx-1.2.1.tar.gz cd nginx-1.2.1 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/nginx --with-select_module --with-http_ssl_module --with-http_realip_module --with-http_image_filter_module --with-http_flv_module --with-http_mp4_module --with-http_stub_status_module --with-debug runcheck $? make && make install runcheck $? } #function: config nginx #config_nginxf_func(){ #} #<---------------------stop----------------------------------------> #main echo while true do read -p "Do you want to running Script ? [Y|N]:" choise if [ -n "$choise" ];then if [ $choise = "y" ] ||[ $choise = "y" ] ;then break elif [ $choise = "N" ] || [ $choise = "n" ] ;then exit 1 else echo "Please input Y|N !,try agint" echo fi else echo "Please input Y|N !,try agint" echo fi done #install base packets yumins vim make gcc openssl openssl-devel #install_MySQL echo "check mysql deps packets" yumins cmake ncurses-devel ncurses-libs echo "start install mysql!!!" sleep 1 install_mysql_func runcheck $? echo "start config mysql" config_mysql_func echo "mysql install end !!!" sleep 1 #install_php echo "check php deps packets" yumins libxml2-devel bzip2 bzip2-devel libcurl-devel gd gd-devel libgcrypt libjpeg* libpng-devel echo "start install php!!!" sleep 1 install_php_func runcheck $? echo "start config php" config_php_func echo "php install end !!!" sleep 1 while true do read -p ‘Do you want to install Nginx or Httpd, 1 is Nginx , 2 is Httpd [1|2]: ‘ hnchoise if [ $hnchoise -eq 1 ];then #install_httpd echo "start install httpd!!!" sleep 1 install_httpd_func runcheck $? echo "start config httpd !!!" config_httpd_func echo "httpd install end !!!" sleep 1 break elif [ $hnchoise -eq 2 ];then #install_Nginx echo "start install nginx!!!" install_nginx_func runcheck $? echo "nginx install end !!!" sleep 1 break else echo "Please input 1 or 2 ,conntinue? " echo fi done echo echo ‘-----------------‘ echo ‘|Install is End!|‘ echo ‘-----------------‘
时间: 2025-01-06 03:28:24