#!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding:UTF-8 -*- ##################################################### # Author: sunfx [email protected] # Last modified: 2014/11/12 - 2014/11/13 # Filename: re.py # Q Q 群: 236147801 ##################################################### import re #1.查找文本中的字符 pattern = ‘this‘ text = ‘Does this text match the pattern?‘ match = re.search(pattern,text) s = match.start() e = match.end() print ‘Found "%s"\nin "%s"\nfrom %d to %d ("%s")‘ % (match.re.pattern,match.string,s,e,text[s:e]) ‘‘‘ match.re.pattern 要匹配的内容 match.string 匹配的字符 s 匹配到内容开始索引 d 匹配到内容结束索引 text[s:e] 匹配字符 ‘‘‘ #2.编译表达式 regexes = [ re.compile(p) for p in [‘this‘,‘that‘] ] #把字符转换Regexobject格式 print ‘Text: %r\n‘ % text #输出text内容 for regex in regexes: print ‘Seeking "%s"->‘ % regex.pattern, #regex.pattern 要匹配的字符 if regex.search(text): #在text中搜索this or that print ‘match!‘ else: print ‘no match‘ #3.多重匹配 text = ‘abbaaabbbbaaaaa‘ pattern = ‘ab‘ for match in re.findall(pattern,text): print ‘Found: "%s"‘ % match #findall 直接返回字符串 for match in re.finditer(pattern,text): s = match.start() e = match.end() print ‘Found "%s" at %d:%d‘ % (text[s:e],s,e) #finditer 返回原输入文字在字符串的位置 #4.模式语法 def test_patterns(text,patterns=[]): for pattern,desc in patterns: print ‘Pattern %r (%s) \n‘ %(pattern,desc) print ‘ %r‘ % text for match in re.finditer(pattern,text): s = match.start() e = match.end() substr = text[s:e] #匹配到的字符 n_backslashes = text[:s].count(‘\\‘) #查找文本:s坐标之前的包含多少\ prefix = ‘.‘ * ( s + n_backslashes ) print ‘ %s%r‘ % (prefix,substr) print return test_patterns(‘abbaaabbbbaaaaa‘, [(‘ab‘,"‘a‘ followed by ‘b‘")] ) #贪婪模式 这种模式会减少单个匹配减少 ‘‘‘ * ‘匹配一次到多次‘ + ‘至少匹配一次到多次‘ ? ‘只匹配一次‘ ab*, ‘a followerd by zero or more b‘), #匹配0次或者更多次 ab+, ‘a followerd by one or mrore b‘), #最少匹配一次或者更多次 ab?, ‘a followerd by zero or one b‘), #匹配0最多一次 ab{3}, ‘a followerd by three b‘), #最少匹配三次 ab{2,3}, ‘a followerd by two to three b‘) #匹配两至三次 ab*?, ‘a followerd by zero or more b‘), #匹配0次或者更多次 ab+?, ‘a followerd by one or mrore b‘), #最少匹配一次或者更多次 ab??, ‘a followerd by zero or one b‘), #匹配0最多一次 ab{3}?, ‘a followerd by three b‘), #最少匹配三次 ab{2,3}?, ‘a followerd by two to three b‘) #匹配两至三次 ‘‘‘ #用法如下: str = ‘absdsdsdsdsd‘ print re.findall(‘ab*‘,str) #[‘ab‘] print re.findall(‘ab*?‘,str) #[‘a‘] #5.字符集 ‘‘‘ [ab] ‘either a or b 匹配a或者b‘ a[ab]+ ‘a followerd by 1 more a or b 匹配一次a、b或者多次 ‘ a[ab]+? ‘a followerd by 1 or more a or b,not greedy 匹配1一次可以匹配多次‘ [^] ‘不包含内容‘ [a-z] ‘所有小写ASCII字母‘ [A-Z] ‘所有大写写ASCII字母‘ [a-zA-Z] ‘一个小写和大写的序列‘ [A-Za-z] ‘一个大写小写的序列‘ ‘‘‘ str =‘aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbabbbbbbbbbbbasbsbab,a_baba‘ print re.findall(‘[ab]‘,str) print re.findall(‘a[ab]+‘,str) print re.findall(‘a[ab]+?‘,str) print re.findall(‘[^_]‘,str) str = ‘China,lovE‘ print re.findall(‘[a-z][A-Z]‘,str) #[‘vE‘] print re.findall(‘[A-Z][a-z]‘,str) #[‘Ch‘] print re.findall(‘[A-Z][a-z]+‘,str) #[‘China‘] print re.findall(‘[a-z][A-Z]+‘,str) #[‘vE‘] print re.findall(‘[A-Z][a-z]*‘,str) #[‘China‘, ‘E‘] print re.findall(‘[a-z][A-Z]*‘,str) #[‘h‘, ‘i‘, ‘n‘, ‘a‘, ‘l‘, ‘o‘, ‘vE‘] print re.findall(‘[A-Z][a-z]?‘,str) #[‘Ch‘, ‘E‘] print re.findall(‘[a-z][A-Z]?‘,str) #[‘h‘, ‘i‘, ‘n‘, ‘a‘, ‘l‘, ‘o‘, ‘vE‘] ‘‘‘ . 元字符匹配一个字符 a. b. a.*b a.*?b ‘‘‘ c = ‘woaizhongguoawsb,wasssssssssssssdsdsdsdbsdddddddbaaabbbbbbbsd‘ print re.findall(‘a.‘,c) #[‘ai‘, ‘aw‘, ‘as‘, ‘aa‘, ‘ab‘] print re.findall(‘b.‘,c) #[‘b,‘, ‘bs‘, ‘ba‘, ‘bb‘, ‘bb‘, ‘bb‘, ‘bs‘] print re.findall(‘a.*b‘,c) #[‘aizhongguoawsb,wasssssssssssssdsdsdsdbsdddddddbaaabbbbbbb‘] #贪婪模式匹配a到b之间的任意字符长度字符 print re.findall(‘a.*?b‘,c) #[‘aizhongguoawsb‘, ‘asssssssssssssdsdsdsdb‘, ‘aaab‘] # ?结束了* 的贪婪模式, #它不会到最后一个b再去匹配而且见好就收,匹配可能最短的字符 #6.转义码 ‘‘‘ 转义码 含义 \d 一个数字 \D 一个非字符 \s 空白符(制表符、空格、换行符) \S 非空白符(符号、字母、数字) \w 字母数字 \W 非字母数字(符号、制表符、空格、换行符) ‘‘‘ #7.锚定 ‘‘‘ 锚定码 含义 ^ 字符串或行的开始 $ 字符串或行结束 \A 字符串开始 \Z 字符串结束 \b 一个单词开头或者末尾的空串 \B 不在一个单词的开头活末尾的空串 ‘‘‘ #8.限制搜索 match、search text = ‘This is some text --with punctuation.‘ pattern = ‘is‘ print ‘Text :‘,text print ‘pattern:‘,pattern m = re.match(pattern,text) #因为match是从字符开头开始匹配 is没有在开头所以没有匹配到. print ‘Match :‘,m s = re.search(pattern,text) #is在文本中出现了两次所以匹配到内容 print ‘Search :‘,s pattern = re.compile(r‘\b\w*is\w*\b‘) #编译规则 print ‘Text:‘,text pos = 0 while True: match = pattern.search(text,pos) #搜索规则 if not match: break s = match.start() e = match.end() print ‘ %d : %d = "%s"‘ % (s,e-1,text[s:e]) pos = e #9 用户组解析匹配(任何一个正则都可以为组并嵌套在一个更大的表达式中) regex = re.compile(r‘(\bt\w+)\W+(\w+)‘) print ‘Input text :‘,text print ‘Pattern :‘,regex.pattern match = regex.search(text) print ‘Entire match :‘,match.group(0) #表示整个表达式的字符串,子组从1开始排序 print ‘World start with "t":‘,match.group(1) #匹配到的第一组 print ‘World after "t" word :‘,match.group(2) #匹配到的第二组 #python对基本分组进行了扩展 (?P<name>pattern) print text print for pattern in [ r‘^(?P<first_word>\w+)‘, r‘(?P<last_word>\w+)\S*$‘, r‘(?P<t_word>\bt\w+)\W+(?P<other_word>\w+)‘, r‘(?P<ends_with_t>\w+t)\b‘, ]: regex = re.compile(pattern) match = regex.search(text) print ‘Matching "%s"‘ % pattern print ‘ ‘,match.groups() print ‘ ‘,match.groupdict() print
时间: 2025-01-13 18:17:21