one day php. alomost all;

namespace Test;
use \PhpProject\PhpApp as Other;
$u=new Other("ns test");
echo $u->GetUserName();
echo "annotation: use include, pls include \\ which is the common namespace, which need not to be declared as default \\";
echo "<br>";
echo __NAMESPACE__;
echo "<br><br><br><br>";
namespace PhpProject;
echo "above shows how to create php annotation<br>";
//php string 连写
$test="inner string";
echo "how are ".$test;
echo "how are:$test<br>";
global $test;
echo $GLOBALS["a"]."<br>";
 class PhpApp{
	function PhpApp($name){
    //below is alternate way to construct this class
	// function __construct(){
	// }
	public	function GetUserName(){
		return "how are you ".$this->self;
	public static $Version;
	private $self;
    var $pty="pty json";
final class WebApp extends PhpApp{
	public function GetUserName(){
		return "webapp".parent::GetUserName();
$user=new PhpApp("ctor");
echo $user->GetUserName();
echo PhpApp::$Version;
$web=new WebApp("webapp");
echo $web->GetUserName();
 echo json_encode($user,1);
interface IPhpApp{
    function ruin();
class MyPhp implements IPhpApp{
    function ruin(){
        echo "ruined";
$m=new MyPhp();
时间: 2024-08-06 16:05:17

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