Android setTag方法的key问题



文档是描述:“ The specified key should be an id declared in the resources of the application to ensure it is unique (see the ID resource type). Keys identified as belonging to the Android framework or not associated with any package will cause an IllegalArgumentExceptionto be thrown.”

这里说明必须保证key的唯一,但是如果我们使用java常量定义key(private static final int TAG_ID = 1;)这样你任然会遇见如下错误:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The key must be an application-specific resource id



        <item type="id" name="tag_first"></item>
        <item type="id" name="tag_second"></item>


    imageView.setTag(, "Hello");
    imageView.setTag(, "Success");
时间: 2024-12-28 00:20:25

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