
Managing complexity is something almost everyone dealing with PLM is talking about and there is a good reason for it. Managing complexity is one of the great challenges in product development and product manufacturing.  Not only products become more and more complex, the processes to handle them are becoming more complex as well.

Now, maybe processes haven’t become more complex lately, they may have been that way for a while already. Why, then, is ‘managing complexity’ gaining so much attention now ?

PLM backbone to support end-to-end product creation processes

Without an integrated product creation landscape in place that provides pervasive access to information by managing data from a range of diverse systems (aka ‘PLM’), processes have been essentially unmanaged or managed only partially. Processes rely on verbal communication and individual experience/knowledge to function, and that way complexity can be dealt with ad hoc – but the results can vary from excellent to very poor, depending on the effectiveness of the communication and the ability of the people involved to make the right decisions.

When end-to-end support of product creation processes is introduced via a PLM backbone, all the little things that were dealt with on an ad hoc basis in the past now need to be formalized. These “special situations” aren’t usually documented anywhere, and a lot of time and energy needs to be spent on digging up what they are, how they affect results, and who is doing what if such a situation arises. If an analysis finds that there are exceptions, a decision must be made if those should be allowed in the future. If so, it must be determined how such situations can be handled within the formalized system of rules, as they are being defined in the PLM system.

So, to be able to take advantage of integrated information from a PLM backbone, a thorough analysis of the as-is and to-be state needs to happen, and tough decisions must be made. A PLM backbone will ensure that processes are handled in a controlled manner, eliminating errors and making sure that everybody has access to the information they need. This will however work only if the data model and business processes are defined properly, a PLM system cannot provide these benefits out of the box.

Workflows don’t stop at system boundaries: Integrating PLM and ERP

Extending the integrated information landscape to also include ERP, by integrating PLM with ERP, means that business processes and mindsets must be taken into account that may be quite different from what is available or planned on just the PLM side. This obviously adds to the complexity, and that is at least one of the primary reasons why PLM-ERP integration is usually regarded as being “difficult”. Just like the introduction of a PLM system, integrating that system with ERP requires a lot of thought. One of the considerations to be kept in mind is the extent to which the ERP side requirements may have an influence on how data models or business processes need to be designed on the PLM side. The impact can be minimal, or it can be extensive – either way it needs to be looked at closely.

So that brings us to the conclusion that introducing PLM, and even more introducing a PLM system integrated with ERP, exposes complexity and the need to manage it. Fortunately, these systems also provide the tools to handle complexity, of products as well as processes, properly. It just takes a well planned and designed implementation of both PLM and PLM-ERP to achieve the benefits.

There is a choice to be made: Tackle the challenge of managing complexity head on, or continue to live in blissful ignorance about the underlying complexity, hoping that nothing bad will happen…

Managing BOM complexity between PLM and ERP: The engineering to order process (use case)

The following is an example of a well-designed business process to manage such a complex scenario. It has been designed and implemented using the PLM-ERP standard integration Teamcenter Gateway for SAP (T4S).

Companies providing configurable standard products and solutions, also allowing customer specific changes, are most likely facing the situation that the engineering BOM (eBOM) has to be modified due to some customer requests during the order process. Sales configurators, allowing to configure customer specific standard products, are often part of or integrated to an ERP solution. Typically, the outcome of a customer configuration process results in an order BOM.

To have the possibility to add new engineering parts to the order BOM, it has to be transferred back to the PLM system. In the best case, the PLM-ERP integration already creates new items for the new engineering parts, while transferring the 100% order BOM to the PLM system. To be able to configure a 100% order BOM in the ERP system, the generic 150% product eBOM has be transferred from PLM to ERP system including all options and variants defined in the PLM system.

Besides transferring the customer orders as bill of materials, another possible solution is to exchange the customer specific configuration as variant condition information between the ERP and the PLM system and vice versa. The PLM-ERP integration solution synchronizes the options and values between the two systems. The customer product configuration of the sales configurator results in a stored option set in the ERP system; this is transferred to the PLM system as a variant rule. This customer specific variant rule is applied to the generic 150% BOM and results in a 100% customer order BOM which is then transferred back to the ERP system. The advantage of transferring variant rules back to the PLM system instead of 100% BOMs is that the same rule can be applied to the 150% BOP (bill of process). The configured 100% BOP is then also transferred back to the ERP system as a customer specific routing.

Workflows still don’t stop at system boundaries: Extending the PLM-ERP landscape by MES

To close the loop, customers are thinking about bringing the information from the MES system back to the MRO module of the PLM system as an “as built” structure. This loop can be closed using the Teamcenter Gateway Plus extensions (available for Teamcenter Gateway for SAP (T4S) and Teamcenter Gateway for Oracle EBS (T4O). These extensions enhance the Teamcenter Gateway solutions to a PLM integration platform, providing generic adapters to integrate other enterprise application. Visit us at Siemens PLM Connection Americas booth #18 for detailed information on T4S+ and T4O+.

时间: 2024-08-05 19:37:36


OA与ERP集成 可行?

[正文] 近些年来,当谈论到企业信息化的时候,ERP都成为一个热门话题,ERP的出现似乎给企业带来了一个翻天覆地的变化,而且也成为企业实现信息化的"新宠儿".然而OA也曾经是企业信息化建设中一个时代性的标志,与ERP相比,其起源于"无纸化"办公的概念,并以工作流为核心实现办公的自动化.可想而知,OA与ERP是不同时代下企业信息化的不同代表之一,其内核是完全不一致的,一个侧重于审批工作流的实现,一个侧重于企业内部资源之间数据流关系. 伴随着信息化的建设,各种功能各异.


数据集成是当下比較热门的话题,相关的产品和平台也越来越多.非常多CIO都在各种数据集成平台和产品之间犹豫不决.因此对数据集成平台的框架体系有全面的理解,对各个厂家产品所提供的功能有深入的认识才干为数据平台选型的决策提供可靠的保证. 我有幸參与了国内一个知名企业的集成平台的设计工作,并主导了数据集成平台的需求分析和产品选型工作.这次工作中,研究了非常多新的技术方向和产品,以下我主要讲一下数据集成领域的一种新兴的产品平台主数据管理平台MDM(Master Data Management). 主数据的


在前文<分支策略(续)>中,我们讨论了多组件应用程序的持续集成策略,即:为相对独立的组件创建自己专属的代码库,然后通过现代持续集成工具进行组件间的持续集成.Joe的团队在首次发布之后,开始使用这种方式.然而,没有多久,他们就遇到了一个问题:一次提交构建所花费的时间太长. 一天,Joe就早早地来到了办公室.因为他前一天下班前,他开发的用户故事还有一小点就完事儿了.他想利用早上这点儿时间把它搞完,交给测试人员进行测试.他修改了某个模块的一段代码,在本地构建测试通过以后,就提交了, 然后起身去楼下买


前言 前一篇文章<MyBatis5:MyBatis集成Spring事物管理(上篇)>复习了MyBatis的基本使用以及使用Spring管理MyBatis的事物的做法,本文的目的是在这个的基础上稍微做一点点的进阶:多数据的事物处理.文章内容主要包含两方面: 1.单表多数据的事物处理 2.多库/多表多数据的事物处理 这两种都是企业级开发中常见的需求,有一定的类似,在处理的方法与技巧上又各有不同,在进入文章前,先做一些准备工作,因为后面会用到多表的插入事物管理,前面的文章建立了一个Student相关




关于工业制造ERP系统,相信大家都已经耳熟能详了,其中较为的常见的ERP系统像SAP.oracal.智邦国际这些等等,为了让大家能够更快更好的了解工业制造ERP系统,下面我们就以智邦国际工业制造ERP系统为例,一起来具体的了解一下ERP系统吧! 一.工业制造ERP系统的特点与优势: (1)工业制造ERP系统特点:实施周期短.价格透明.应用成功率高.扩展性强.稳定性高.操作人性化.收益回报快.灵活配置.软件完善成熟.不限使用期限.不限终端用户数.售后服务到位. (2)灵活配置,支持二次开发,满足个


供应链--采购管理 采购管理在整个ERP系统中,都占据一个比较重要的位置,缺少了采购,所有的生产也都没办法去生产,也就更谈不上完成销售订单的任务满足客人的交期了采购管理里面区分了主要几个模块:1.采购申请单:2.订单处理:3.收料处理:4退货处理:5.货源管理:6.报表分析:7.VMI业务.1. 采购申请单采购申请单:主要功能是方便各部门对自己需要的料件做的采购申请单据,这个单据可以做工作流程控制,来达到控制采购物件.对于不符合或者不正确的申请,相应的管理人员在流程审批的时候可以退回不同意.采购


对于工厂类企业来说,无论是小到厨具工厂,大到汽车工厂,再到航天设备工厂,其生产流程都是复杂,从开始的产品设计到零部件等所有物料的采购,再到生产组装,测试再调试,再到完成,需要经历几十上千步工序与细节,工厂的管理工作难度,那是相当大,但是,随着数据信息化系统的普及,工厂类企业实现智能高效化管理的愿望,得以实现,在这里,我们以工厂ERP系统为例,讲述一下工厂ERP系统对工厂类企业实现智能高效化管理的作用. 1.各环节工作,无缝流转 信息的沟通直观重要,对于企业来说,信息的沟通越是顺通,那么办公效率也


货位是ERP系统总的仓库管理中必不可少的,仓库是有货架组成,货架上的每个格子就是一个货位,所有货位上的商品的库存总和就是仓库商品的库存.仓库的货位主要分为货架和托盘,货架就是仓库的固定货位,托盘就是移动货位,或者称为移动托盘. 仓库的货位类型可以分为存货位,拣货货位,移动货位三种大的类型.按正残品又可分为正品货位和残品货位. 货架上的每个货位都编排有相应的货位号,一般规则是区号+巷道+左右面+货架号+层数+列数. 1.货位库存 根据商品可以查询商品所在的货位和库存 根据货位可以查询当前货位上的商