Working C# code for MySql5.5 Stored Procedures IN parameters


#插入一条  涂聚文
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `geovindu`.`proc_Insert_BookKindList` $$
CREATE PROCEDURE `geovindu`.`proc_Insert_BookKindList` (IN param1Name NVarChar(1000),IN param1Parent Int)
        insert into BookKindList(BookKindName,BookKindParent) values(param1Name,param1Parent);
END $$


        /// 追加记录
        ///<param name="BookKindListInfo"></param>
        public int InsertBookKindList(BookKindListInfo bookKindList)
            int ret = 0;
                MySqlParameter[] par = new MySqlParameter[]{
				new MySqlParameter("?param1Name",MySqlDbType.VarChar,1000),
				new MySqlParameter("?param1Parent",MySqlDbType.Int32,4),
                par[0].Value = bookKindList.BookKindName;
                par[1].Value = bookKindList.BookKindParent;
                ret = MySqlHelpDu.ExecuteSql("proc_Insert_BookKindList", CommandType.StoredProcedure, par);
            catch (MySqlException ex)
                throw ex;
            return ret;


using MySql.Data; //  涂聚文注释,装的5.5的MYSQL版本,而要调用更高版本Connector/Net
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;


时间: 2024-10-10 10:54:39

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