could not build module 'XXXXXXXX'或者error: expected identifier or '(' 。一堆奇怪的错误————错误根源

一堆奇怪的错误:1??could not build module ‘XXXXXXXX‘

2??error: expected identifier or ‘(‘

3??EDIT Setting Precompile prefix header = No results in a bunch of syntax errors instead, in stuff like NSObject.h (and other 4??Foundation framework header)

5??EDIT User Cy-4AH figured it out: there needs to be #ifdef __OBJC__ around the whole pch file.

6??error: Could not build module ‘Foundation‘", and things in Foundation.h not being found.





我们围绕:    #import 的预处理指令 : #ifdef __OBJC__ #endif    去找出错误根源




could not build module 'XXXXXXXX'或者error: expected identifier or '(' 。一堆奇怪的错误————错误根源

时间: 2024-08-02 06:41:09

could not build module 'XXXXXXXX'或者error: expected identifier or '(' 。一堆奇怪的错误————错误根源的相关文章

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