


    ‘interface‘: ‘‘,
    ‘publish_port‘: ‘4505‘,
    ‘pub_hwm‘: 1000,
    ‘auth_mode‘: 1,
    ‘user‘: ‘root‘,
    ‘worker_threads‘: 5,
    ‘sock_dir‘: os.path.join(salt.syspaths.SOCK_DIR, ‘master‘),
    ‘ret_port‘: ‘4506‘,
    ‘timeout‘: 5,
    ‘keep_jobs‘: 24,
    ‘root_dir‘: salt.syspaths.ROOT_DIR,
    ‘pki_dir‘: os.path.join(salt.syspaths.CONFIG_DIR, ‘pki‘, ‘master‘),
    ‘cachedir‘: os.path.join(salt.syspaths.CACHE_DIR, ‘master‘),
    ‘file_roots‘: {
        ‘base‘: [salt.syspaths.BASE_FILE_ROOTS_DIR],
    ‘master_roots‘: {
        ‘base‘: [salt.syspaths.BASE_MASTER_ROOTS_DIR],
    ‘pillar_roots‘: {
        ‘base‘: [salt.syspaths.BASE_PILLAR_ROOTS_DIR],
    ‘gitfs_remotes‘: [],
    ‘gitfs_root‘: ‘‘,
    ‘gitfs_base‘: ‘master‘,
    ‘hgfs_remotes‘: [],
    ‘hgfs_root‘: ‘‘,
    ‘hgfs_base‘: ‘default‘,
    ‘hgfs_branch_method‘: ‘branches‘,
    ‘svnfs_remotes‘: [],
    ‘svnfs_root‘: ‘‘,
    ‘ext_pillar‘: [],
    ‘pillar_version‘: 2,
    ‘pillar_opts‘: True,
    ‘peer‘: {},
    ‘syndic_master‘: ‘‘,
    ‘runner_dirs‘: [],
    ‘outputter_dirs‘: [],
    ‘client_acl‘: {},
    ‘client_acl_blacklist‘: {},
    ‘external_auth‘: {},
    ‘token_expire‘: 43200,
    ‘file_recv‘: False,
    ‘file_buffer_size‘: 1048576,
    ‘file_ignore_regex‘: None,
    ‘file_ignore_glob‘: None,
    ‘fileserver_backend‘: [‘roots‘],
    ‘fileserver_followsymlinks‘: True,
    ‘fileserver_ignoresymlinks‘: False,
    ‘fileserver_limit_traversal‘: False,
    ‘max_open_files‘: 100000,
    ‘hash_type‘: ‘md5‘,
    ‘conf_file‘: os.path.join(salt.syspaths.CONFIG_DIR, ‘master‘),
    ‘open_mode‘: False,
    ‘auto_accept‘: False,
    ‘renderer‘: ‘yaml_jinja‘,
    ‘failhard‘: False,
    ‘state_top‘: ‘top.sls‘,
    ‘master_tops‘: {},
    ‘external_nodes‘: ‘‘,
    ‘order_masters‘: False,
    ‘job_cache‘: True,
    ‘ext_job_cache‘: ‘‘,
    ‘master_ext_job_cache‘: ‘‘,
    ‘minion_data_cache‘: True,
    ‘enforce_mine_cache‘: False,
    ‘ipv6‘: False,
    ‘log_file‘: os.path.join(salt.syspaths.LOGS_DIR, ‘master‘),
    ‘log_level‘: None,
    ‘log_level_logfile‘: None,
    ‘log_datefmt‘: _DFLT_LOG_DATEFMT,
    ‘log_datefmt_logfile‘: _DFLT_LOG_DATEFMT_LOGFILE,
    ‘log_fmt_console‘: _DFLT_LOG_FMT_CONSOLE,
    ‘log_fmt_logfile‘: _DFLT_LOG_FMT_LOGFILE,
    ‘log_granular_levels‘: {},
    ‘pidfile‘: os.path.join(salt.syspaths.PIDFILE_DIR, ‘‘),
    ‘publish_session‘: 86400,
    ‘cluster_masters‘: [],
    ‘cluster_mode‘: ‘paranoid‘,
    ‘range_server‘: ‘range:80‘,
    ‘reactor‘: [],
    ‘serial‘: ‘msgpack‘,
    ‘state_verbose‘: True,
    ‘state_output‘: ‘full‘,
    ‘state_auto_order‘: True,
    ‘state_events‘: False,
    ‘search‘: ‘‘,
    ‘search_index_interval‘: 3600,
    ‘loop_interval‘: 60,
    ‘nodegroups‘: {},
    ‘cython_enable‘: False,
    ‘enable_gpu_grains‘: False,
    # XXX: Remove ‘key_logfile‘ support in 2014.1.0
    ‘key_logfile‘: os.path.join(salt.syspaths.LOGS_DIR, ‘key‘),
    ‘verify_env‘: True,
    ‘permissive_pki_access‘: False,
    ‘default_include‘: ‘master.d/*.conf‘,
    ‘win_repo‘: os.path.join(salt.syspaths.BASE_FILE_ROOTS_DIR, ‘win‘, ‘repo‘),
    ‘win_repo_mastercachefile‘: os.path.join(salt.syspaths.BASE_FILE_ROOTS_DIR,
                                             ‘win‘, ‘repo‘, ‘winrepo.p‘),
    ‘win_gitrepos‘: [‘‘],
    ‘syndic_wait‘: 1,
    ‘jinja_lstrip_blocks‘: False,
    ‘jinja_trim_blocks‘: False,
    ‘sign_pub_messages‘: False,
    ‘keysize‘: 4096,
    ‘salt_transport‘: ‘zeromq‘,
    ‘gather_job_timeout‘: 2,
    ‘enumerate_proxy_minions‘: False,
    ‘ssh_passwd‘: ‘‘,
    ‘ssh_port‘: ‘22‘,
    ‘ssh_sudo‘: False,
    ‘ssh_timeout‘: 60,
    ‘ssh_user‘: ‘root‘,


def master_config(path, env_var=‘SALT_MASTER_CONFIG‘, defaults=None):
    Reads in the master configuration file and sets up default options
    if defaults is None:
        defaults = DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS #默认配置选项

    if not os.environ.get(env_var, None):#这里取的是反值
        # No valid setting was given using the configuration variable.
        # Lets see is SALT_CONFIG_DIR is of any use
        salt_config_dir = os.environ.get(‘SALT_CONFIG_DIR‘, None)
        if salt_config_dir:
            env_config_file_path = os.path.join(salt_config_dir, ‘master‘)
            if salt_config_dir and os.path.isfile(env_config_file_path):
                # We can get a configuration file using SALT_CONFIG_DIR, let‘s
                # update the environment with this information
                os.environ[env_var] = env_config_file_path

    overrides = load_config(path, env_var, DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS[‘conf_file‘])
    default_include = overrides.get(‘default_include‘,
    include = overrides.get(‘include‘, [])

    overrides.update(include_config(default_include, path, verbose=False))
    overrides.update(include_config(include, path, verbose=True))
    opts = apply_master_config(overrides, defaults) #这个把配置文件的选项和值覆盖掉默认的,顺便添加几个选项
    _validate_opts(opts) #这个主要是验证,配置是否正确的类型
    # If ‘nodegroups:‘ is uncommented in the master config file, and there are
    # no nodegroups defined, opts[‘nodegroups‘] will be None. Fix this by
    # reverting this value to the default, as if ‘nodegroups:‘ was commented
    # out or not present.
    if opts.get(‘nodegroups‘) is None:
        opts[‘nodegroups‘] = DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS.get(‘nodegroups‘, {})
    return opts  


def load_config(path, env_var, default_path=None):
    Returns configuration dict from parsing either the file described by
    ``path`` or the environment variable described by ``env_var`` as YAML.
    if path is None:
        # When the passed path is None, we just want the configuration
        # defaults, not actually loading the whole configuration.
        return {}

    if default_path is None: #
        # This is most likely not being used from salt, ie, could be salt-cloud
        # or salt-api which have not yet migrated to the new default_path
        # argument. Let‘s issue a warning message that the environ vars won‘t
        # work.
        import inspect
        previous_frame = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe().f_back)
            ‘The function \‘{0}()\‘ defined in {1!r} is not yet using the ‘
            ‘new \‘default_path\‘ argument to `salt.config.load_config()`. ‘
            ‘As such, the {2!r} environment variable will be ignored‘.format(
                previous_frame.function, previous_frame.filename, env_var
        # In this case, maintain old behaviour
        default_path = DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS[‘conf_file‘]

    # Default to the environment variable path, if it exists
    env_path = os.environ.get(env_var, path) #这里把path的值赋予env_path
    if not env_path or not os.path.isfile(env_path):
        env_path = path
    # If non-default path from `-c`, use that over the env variable
    if path != default_path:
        env_path = path

    path = env_path

    # If the configuration file is missing, attempt to copy the template,
    # after removing the first header line.
    if not os.path.isfile(path):
        template = ‘{0}.template‘.format(path)
        if os.path.isfile(template):
            log.debug(‘Writing {0} based on {1}‘.format(path, template))
            with salt.utils.fopen(path, ‘w‘) as out:
                with salt.utils.fopen(template, ‘r‘) as ifile:
                    ifile.readline()  # skip first line

    if salt.utils.validate.path.is_readable(path):#这里调用的方法是判断是否为文件和可读的属性
        opts = _read_conf_file(path)  #获得配置文件的属性和值
        opts[‘conf_file‘] = path     #这里是设置默认配置文件路径
        return opts           #返回配置文件的属性和值

    log.debug(‘Missing configuration file: {0}‘.format(path))
    return {}


def _read_conf_file(path):
    log.debug(‘Reading configuration from {0}‘.format(path))
    with salt.utils.fopen(path, ‘r‘) as conf_file:
            conf_opts = yaml.safe_load( or {} #读取配置文件的属性和值
        except yaml.YAMLError as err:
                ‘Error parsing configuration file: {0} - {1}‘.format(path, err)
            conf_opts = {}
        # only interpret documents as a valid conf, not things like strings,
        # which might have been caused by invalid yaml syntax
        if not isinstance(conf_opts, dict):
                ‘Error parsing configuration file: {0} - conf should be a ‘
                ‘document, not {1}.‘.format(path, type(conf_opts))
            conf_opts = {}
        # allow using numeric ids: convert int to string
        if ‘id‘ in conf_opts:  #这条判断语句目前暂时只有minion会用的,master配置文件暂时还没用到id选项
            conf_opts[‘id‘] = str(conf_opts[‘id‘])
        for key, value in conf_opts.copy().iteritems():
            if isinstance(value, unicode):  #判断属性值是否为unicode类型
                # We do not want unicode settings
                conf_opts[key] = value.encode(‘utf-8‘)
        return conf_opts  #返回配置文件的属性和值的字典


def apply_master_config(overrides=None, defaults=None):
    Returns master configurations dict.
    if defaults is None:
        defaults = DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS

    opts = defaults.copy()
    if overrides:
        opts.update(overrides)  #使用配置文件选项覆字典盖掉默认的选项

    if len(opts[‘sock_dir‘]) > len(opts[‘cachedir‘]) + 10:
        opts[‘sock_dir‘] = os.path.join(opts[‘cachedir‘], ‘.salt-unix‘)

    opts[‘aes‘] = salt.crypt.Crypticle.generate_key_string()
    opts[‘extension_modules‘] = (
        opts.get(‘extension_modules‘) or
        os.path.join(opts[‘cachedir‘], ‘extmods‘)
    #添加一个extension_modules键 值是/var/cache/salt/extmods
    opts[‘token_dir‘] = os.path.join(opts[‘cachedir‘], ‘tokens‘)
    #添加一个token_dir键 值是/var/cache/salt/tokens

    # Prepend root_dir to other paths
    prepend_root_dirs = [
        ‘pki_dir‘, ‘cachedir‘, ‘pidfile‘, ‘sock_dir‘, ‘extension_modules‘,
        ‘autosign_file‘, ‘autoreject_file‘, ‘token_dir‘

    # These can be set to syslog, so, not actual paths on the system
    for config_key in (‘log_file‘, ‘key_logfile‘):
        log_setting = opts.get(config_key, ‘‘)
        if log_setting is None:

        if urlparse.urlparse(log_setting).scheme == ‘‘:
    #向列表里面再添加2个元素 ‘log_file‘,‘key_logfile‘

    prepend_root_dir(opts, prepend_root_dirs)
    # Enabling open mode requires that the value be set to True, and
    # nothing else!
    opts[‘open_mode‘] = opts[‘open_mode‘] is True
    opts[‘auto_accept‘] = opts[‘auto_accept‘] is True
    opts[‘file_roots‘] = _validate_file_roots(opts)

    if opts[‘file_ignore_regex‘]:
        # If file_ignore_regex was given, make sure it‘s wrapped in a list.
        # Only keep valid regex entries for improved performance later on.
        if isinstance(opts[‘file_ignore_regex‘], str):
            ignore_regex = [opts[‘file_ignore_regex‘]]
        elif isinstance(opts[‘file_ignore_regex‘], list):
            ignore_regex = opts[‘file_ignore_regex‘]

        opts[‘file_ignore_regex‘] = []
        for regex in ignore_regex:
                # Can‘t store compiled regex itself in opts (breaks
                # serialization)
            except Exception:
                    ‘Unable to parse file_ignore_regex. Skipping: {0}‘.format(

    if opts[‘file_ignore_glob‘]:
        # If file_ignore_glob was given, make sure it‘s wrapped in a list.
        if isinstance(opts[‘file_ignore_glob‘], str):
            opts[‘file_ignore_glob‘] = [opts[‘file_ignore_glob‘]]

    # Let‘s make sure `worker_threads` does not drop bellow 3 which has proven
    # to make `salt.modules.publish` not work under the test-suite.
    if opts[‘worker_threads‘] < 3 and opts.get(‘peer‘, None):
            ‘The \‘worker_threads\‘ setting on {0!r} cannot be lower than 3. ‘
            ‘Resetting it to the default value of 3.‘.format(
        opts[‘worker_threads‘] = 3
    return opts
时间: 2024-08-06 03:26:05



前言 作为Java程序员,对于tomcat的server.xml想必都不陌生.本文基于Tomcat7.0的Java源码,对server.xml文件是如何加载和解析进行分析. 加载过程分析 Bootstrap的load方法用于加载tomcat的server.xml,实际是通过反射调用Catalina的load方法,代码如下: /** * Load daemon. */ private void load(String[] arguments) throws Exception { // Call


class MasterOptionParser(OptionParser, ConfigDirMixIn, MergeConfigMixIn, LogLevelMixIn, RunUserMixin, DaemonMixIn, PidfileMixin):#这些差不多全是salt初始化的类,有的minion也会调用 __metaclass__ = OptionParserMeta #指定他的元类 description = 'The Salt master, used to control t


决定看salt的源码了.干脆就从最基本的看起来,先看它的启动过程开始第一步用/etc/init.d/salt-master start 启动找到那个文件,发现有3种启动方式,suse,debian,centos的启动方式各不一样,我测试机和线上环境都是centos的,所以直接就看Centos的 ...... PYTHON=/usr/bin/python SALTMASTER=/usr/bin/salt-master MASTER_ARGS="" ...... stat() { ....

0002 - Spring MVC 拦截器源码简析:拦截器加载与执行

1.概述 Spring MVC中的拦截器(Interceptor)类似于Servlet中的过滤器(Filter),它主要用于拦截用户请求并作相应的处理.例如通过拦截器可以进行权限验证.记录请求信息的日志.判断用户是否登录等. 2.简单示例 2.1.继承 HandlerInterceptorAdapter 抽象类实现一个拦截器.代码如下: public class DemoInterceptor extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter { @Override    pu


前言 作为Java程序员,对于tomcat的server.xml想必都不陌生.本文基于Tomcat7.0的Java源码,对server.xml文件是如何加载的进行分析. 源码分析 Bootstrap的load方法是加载tomcat的server.xml的入口,load方法实际通过反射调用了Catalina的load方法,见代码清单1. 代码清单1 /** * Load daemon. */ private void load(String[] arguments) throws Exceptio


Sentinel源码解析系列: 1.Sentinel源码分析-FlowRuleManager加载规则做了什么? 2. Sentinel源码分析-Sentinel是如何进行流量统计的? 3. Sentinel源码分析- QPS流量控制是如何实现的? 4.Sentinel源码分析- Sentinel是如何做到降级的? 5.Sentinel源码分析-Sentinel如何实现自适应限流? 有时候我们做限流的时候并不想直接写死在代码里面,然后每次要改规则,或者增加规则的时候只能去重启应用来解决.而是希望能


前言 tp5想必大家都不陌生,但是大部分人都停留在应用的层面,我将开启系列随笔,深入剖析tp5源码,以供大家顺利进阶.本章将从类的自动加载讲起,自动加载是tp框架的灵魂所在,也是成熟php框架的必备功能 入口 // [ 应用入口文件 ] namespace think; // 加载基础文件 require __DIR__ . '/../thinkphp/base.php'; base.php <?php // +------------------------------------------


前言 以 BeanFactory bf  = new XmlBeanFactory(new ClassPathResource("beans.xml"));为例查看bean的加载过程. 一.首先来看Spring中是如何实现的 1 @Override 2 public Object getBean(String name) throws BeansException { 3 return getBean(name, Object.class); 4 } 5 6 @Override 7 p


// // AppDelegate.m // 09-控制器View懒加载 #import "AppDelegate.h" #import "ViewController.h" @interface AppDelegate () @end @implementation AppDelegate - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictio