Chaos isn’t a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fail breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb, but they refuse. They cling to the realm, or the gods, or love. Illusions. Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is.— Petyr Baelish.

时间: 2024-08-07 20:49:35


A Game of Thrones(4) - Eddard

The visitors poured through the castle gates in a river of gold and silver and polished steel, three hundred strong, a pride of bannermen and knights, of sworn swords and freeriders. Over their heads a dozen golden banners whipped back and forth in t

[美剧赏析] 权力的游戏<Game of Thrones>完全赏析 (49-50)

最近阿伟看多了五毛动画,突然想看看那些成熟的动画是怎样的,于是决定看几部美剧. GoT是阿伟选择的第一站,由于这部作品的亮点非常的多,所以会进行全面的解析,这已 经不单纯是剧透的级别了.所以如果诸位朋友没有完整的看过这部片,先去看一看吧. The Dance of Dragons - Look out! - Fire! Fire! A band of 20 men, maybe less. They were in and out before anyone spotted them. Burn

【HackerRank】 Game Of Thrones - I

King Robert has 7 kingdoms under his rule. He gets to know from a raven that the Dothraki are going to wage a war against him soon. But, he knows the Dothraki need to cross the narrow river to enter his dynasty. There is only one bridge that connects

A Game Of Thrones 的读书进度

读书计划 每天至少读2页(即4面).手机的话,约为12屏. 读书进度 2018-01-15: 21/807 2018-01-19: 33/807 生字 species: 物种 the Original of Species 物种起源 spice: 香辛料 sable: 貂:貂皮 figurative:比喻 spicy: 辛辣 well: <动词>涌出,迸发 pup: 小狗.小狼等.puppy的略语 regal: 帝王的 我的A Game Of Thrones 原文地址:https://www.


The man who passes the sentence should swing the to look sword.If you would take a man's life,you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words.And if you cannot bear to do that,then perhaps the man does not deserve to die.A ruler who

A Game of Thrones(9) - Tyrion

Somewhere in the great stone maze of Winterfell, a wolf howled. The sound hung over the castle like a flag of mourning. Tyrion Lannister looked up from his books and shivered, though the library was snug and warm. Something about the howling of a wol

A Game of Thrones(9) - Jon

Jon climbed the steps slowly, trying not to think that this might be the last time ever. Ghost padded silently beside him. Outside, snow swirled through the castle gates, and the yard was all noise and chaos, but inside the thick stone walls it was s

HackerRank - Game of Thrones - I

You may also have seen this problem in interview questions. Two cases: 1. all chars have even numbers of it2. only 1 char have odd numbers of it #include <cmath> #include <cstdio> #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <

A Game of Thrones(0) - PROLOGUE

"We should start back", Gared urged as the woods began to grow dark around them. "The wildings are dead". "Do the dead frighten you"? Ser Waymar Royce asked with just the hint of a smile. Gared did not rise to the bait. He wa