The Note of the Paper "Optimal Decoding of Linear Codes for Minimizing Symbol Error Rate"(1)

The paper "Optimal Decoding of
Linear Codes for Minimizing Symbol Error Rate", which is the source of the BCJR
decoding algorithm, is my current object to understand. The following is the
notes of this paper. Some of them are the original words from the


The general problem of estimating the a posteriori
of the states and transitions of a Markov
source observed through a discrete memoryless channel (DMC) is
considered. The decoding of linear block and convolutional codes to minimize
symbol error probability is shown to be a special case of this


    Viterbi algorithm → maximum-likelihood
decoding method → minimize the probability of word
error for convolutional codes not the symbol
(or bit) error

the author: L. R. BAHL, J. COCKE, F. JELINEK, AND J. RAVIV → BCJR algorithm

The General Problem

source →
discrete-time finite-state Markov process → $M$ distinct states
→ indexed by the integer $m, m = 0,1,\cdots,M - 1$

time $t$: source state $S_t$ → output $X_t$

time $t$ to $t‘$: source sequence $\boldsymbol{S}_t^{t‘} =
S_t,S_{t+1},\cdots,S_{t‘}$ → output sequence $\boldsymbol{X}_t^{t‘} =

state transitions → transition probabilities
\[p_t(m|m‘) = \Pr \{S_t = m | S_{t-1} = m‘\}\]

output by the probabilities ($X \in$ some finite discrete
\[q_t(X|m‘,m) = \Pr\{X_t = X | S_{t-1} = m‘; S_t = m\}\]

The Note of the Paper "Optimal Decoding of Linear Codes for
Minimizing Symbol Error Rate"(1),布布扣,

The Note of the Paper "Optimal Decoding of Linear Codes for
Minimizing Symbol Error Rate"(1)

时间: 2024-12-28 17:45:28

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