稀疏 部分 Checkout

To easily select only the items you want for the checkout and force the resulting working copy to keep only those items, click the Choose items... button.

为了方便地选择 只要的部分项目 进行Checkout, 并且 强制 得到的工作副本 保持 只有 这些项目,点击 Choose items ...按钮

This opens a new dialog where you can check all items you want in your working copy and uncheck all the items you don‘t want.

这个操作,打开一个新的对话框,在那里,你可以 选 你工作副本里所有想要的项目 并且 不选 所有不想要的项目。

The resulting working copy is then known as a sparse checkout. An update of such a working copy will not fetch the missing files and folders but only update what you already have in your working copy.

这个结果工作副本 这时 叫做 稀疏 Checkout。这样的工作副本更新 将不会 把 其他的文件和文件夹 取回来,但只更新 你的工作区副本 已经存在的哪些文件和文件夹。

If you check out a sparse working copy (i.e., by choosing something other than fully recursive for the checkout depth), you can easily add or remove sub-folders later using one of the following methods.

假如 你check out了一个 稀疏 工作副本,比如 选择了 一些文件 而不是 全部,你可以轻松的增加和移除子文件夹 以后使用下面的方法之一。

Sparse Update using Update to Revision

Right click on the checked out folder, then use TortoiseSVN → Update to Revision and select Choose items.... This opens the same dialog that was available in the original checkout and allows you to select or deselect items to include in the checkout. This method is very flexible but can be slow as every item in the folder is updated individually.

Sparse Update using Repo Browser

Right click on the checked out folder, then use TortoiseSVN → Repo-Browser to bring up the repository browser. Find the sub-folder you would like to add to your working copy, then use Context Menu → Update item to revision....

Sparse Update using Check for Modifications

In the check for modifications dialog, first shift click on the button Check repository. The dialog will show all the files and folders which are in the repository but which you have not checked out as remotely added. Right click on the folder(s) you would like to add to your working copy, then use Context menu → Update.

时间: 2024-12-24 00:57:24

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