How to bridge the gap between basic C++ knowledge to openFOAM programming

** Beginner: How to bridge the gap between basic C++ knowledge to openFOAM programming


I have a mechanical engineering background with
only undergraduate classes in various programming (C++, lingo, VB, html).
My goal is to become free to use openFOAM as I please.

I did all the tutorials on to
refresh my knowledge and I am still very confused when I‘m trying to understand the source code in openFOAM.
I get lost trying to get to the source of several layers of classes of code for simple features.
What can I do to bridge this gap.


1)Dr. Hvoje Jasak presentation at the 6th OpenFOAM workshop

2)Dr. Tommaso Lucchini programming tutorial,...20Diego%20.pdf

3) The Programmer Guide Addendum that appears in the OpenFOAM wiki has many interesting topics written by different authors:


时间: 2024-08-30 17:23:02

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