Bypassing iPhone Code Signatures

Bypassing iPhone Code

  Starting with the recent beta releases of the iPhoneOS, Apple has
started requiring that all code on
the device is signed
. This is mostly to make it impossible for
programs running through Apple‘s AppStore to download more software and run it
(so no competition for AppStore).


  In order to get around this (and thereby to install our own
code onto the device) the iPhone
Dev Team has patched the signature verification out of the
. However, another half of
the codesign problem is that the
binary contains a number of SHA1 verification hashes that are checked in
numerous locations throughout the kernel
. Patching this out is
A) difficult (especially to track as Apple makes changes) and B) of marginal
benefit as adding these hashes is easy. This means
you do still have to at least pay lipservice to
the code signature process. There are currently three viable

  iPhone Dev


  1、Option #1: Self-Signing


  2、Option #2: Pseudo-Signing


  3、Option #3: Disable Checks



  Every executable also has an XML file (specifically an Objective-C
Property List) that is signed into it that is its block of "entitlements". This
area is read (I‘m not certain by who, but I‘d guess the kernel) to determine
what seatbelt profile to apply to that process and what extra abilities it

  To dump or set the entitlements of a binary we can use ldid.
Dumping uses -e and setting involves passing
an argument to -S as you sign the file. You
can also pass --entitlements to






时间: 2024-08-06 14:24:41

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