
As we all know, function is a important concept in programming design. At this moment, I even

don‘t know what kind of programming language can working without function. ( maybe i am new).

maybe some special language can ? But this concept is very necessary indeed. Now, the question

is : How can we realize this concept in assemble language/machine code ?

1. Overview

Three issues will be explain by this example..

a). How can we call a function?

b). How can we build a stack frame for local variable ?

c). How can we pass parameters between caller and callee ?

#include <stdio.h>
*    This is a empty function, it does nothing. we build it for show how can we call a function.
void call()
{ }
*    Explain how can we build a stack frame.
void frame()
        int b;
*    Explain something about pass parameters and return result.
int parameters( int a, int b, int c)
<pre class="plain" name="code">        int sum;
        sum = a + b + c;
        return sum;

int main()
        int ret;
        call( );
        frame( );
        ret = parameters(1,2,3);
        return 0;

For discuss the issues, we need to translate it to a low level language, assemble language.     In this example, I use a linux compiler--gcc. It will help us to get a assemble code. (Actually,     there have a problem in here--different compiler
may be use different convention, even use      different Application Binary Interface, but they still have some common features.)         The corresponding new code is :

                pushl  %ebp
                movl  %esp, %ebp
                popl %ebp
                pushl  %ebp
                movl  %esp, %ebp
                subl   $16, %esp
                pushl  %ebp
                movl  %esp, %ebp
                subl  $16, %esp
                movl  12(%ebp), %eax
                addl  8(%ebp), %eax
                addl  16(%ebp), %eax
                movl  %eax, -4(%ebp)
                movl  -4(%ebp), %eax
                leal 4(%esp), %ecx
                andl $ -16, %esp
                pushl  -4(%ecx)
                pushl  %ebp
                movl  %esp, %ebp
                pushl  %ecx
                subl  $28, %esp
                call  call
                call  frame
                movl  $3, 8(%esp)
                movl  $2, 4(%esp)
                movl  $1, (%esp)
                call  parameters
                movl  %eax, -8(%ebp)
                movl  $0, %eax
                addl  $28, %esp
                popl  %ecx
                popl  %ebp
                leal  -4(%ecx), %esp

(Be careful, Here is AT&T syntax.)

2. How can we call a function?

From the view of machine, call a function is equal to change the instruction stream. It

seems like simple. Actually, there are another problem, How can we return to the instruction

stream of the caller ? A valid way is save the instruction pointer before jump to the callee.

Now, Let us see this example:

        int main()
                call( );
        void call()
        { }

This is simple function call, how can we realize it by assemble language ? examine the

corresponding code.

                call  call

In @main function, it call a function @call by a assemble instruction--call. This instruction

does two things needed to be done. one, save the current value of register @IP in stack.

Two, revise the value of @IP to the address of caller.

pushl %IP;

movl  call, %IP;


when we complete this subroutine, the next step is to return to the previous instruction

stream. The current status is

....              <-- %EBP for caller


0xeeee0000 <-- return address

<-- %ESP for caller

So, we just need to pop the data from stack.

pop %IP;

3. How can we build a stack frame for local variable ?

For local variable, there is a important feature that we need--reentrant. we want to local variable

can be independent in every function call, even call a recursive function. So we dynamically create

independent memory space for every function call, this is called --stack frame. Now , examine the code.

        int main()
            frame( );
        void frame()
            int b;

before we call @frame, all of thing is same with the example above. The current stack is

        base address for main         <-- %EBP
        top address of stack of main  <-- %ESP

when we call this @frame, the new stack is

        base address for main         <-- %EBP
        return address of caller
        top address of stack of main  <-- %ESP

then let us examine the progress of callee, the assemble is :

               pushl  %ebp
               movl  %esp, %ebp
               subl  $16, %esp

As we can see, It will save the frame information of caller. and then create a new frame. When we execute the first command:

               pushl  %ebp

the stack frame is

        bottom of stack of main         <-- %EBP
        return address of caller
        base address of frame of caller
        top of stack of main            <-- %ESP

when we execute the second instruction:

              movl %ESP, %EBP;

the new stack frame is:

        stack bottom of main
        return address of caller
        base address of frame of caller
        stack top of main                <-- %EBP

        stack top of callee              <-- %ESP

Actually, the stack top of caller is the stack bottom of callee. So far,we didn‘t allocate memory space for local variable of this function. So the stack bottom of callee and stack top of callee is same temporarily. But in the next instruction, we will
allocate space:

               subl  $16, %esp

As we can see, the memory space allocated is 16 bytes because of some reason about memory alignment and the like. Actually, we just use the first 4 bytes. The new stack is :

        stack bottom of main
        return address of caller
        base address of frame of caller
        stack top of main                <-- %EBP
        local variable b
        stack top of callee              <-- %ESP

So far, we have been build a valid stack frame for this new function call.

The next question is how can we resume the frame of caller when we complete this subroutine?

That is easy . Recall the frame above, we just need :

            movl %EBP, %ESP;
            pop %EBP;

Actually, there is another more simpler instruction--leave. It will complete those two steps.

Now, the stack is :

        stack bottom of main             <-- %EBP
        return address of caller
        stack top of main                <-- %ESP

It is seems like all of things become OK.

4. How can we pass parameters between caller and callee ?

Usually, Pass parameters is necessary when we call a function. Where should be the place we reside

those data ? Let us see the example below, we call a function with several parameters.

        int main()
            int ret;
             ret = parameters(1,2,3);
        int parameters( int a, int b, int c)
            int sum;
            sum = a + b + c;
            return sum;

The corresponding assemble code is :

            movl $3, 8(%esp)
            movl $2, 4(%esp)
            movl $1, (%esp)
            call parameters
            movl %eax, -8(%ebp)
            pushl %ebp
            movl  %esp, %ebp
            subl  $16, %esp
            movl  12(%ebp), %eax
            addl  8(%ebp), %eax
            addl  16(%ebp), %eax
            movl  %eax, -4(%ebp)
            movl  -4(%ebp), %eax

Now, examine those instructions.Before we call this function, the stack is :

            stack bottom of main  <-- %EBP
            stack top of main     <-- %ESP

Then , we push three parameters in reverse order:

            stack bottom of main  <-- %EBP
            3                     <-- 3th parameter
            stack top of main     <-- %ESP


         call parameters            

This is same as we analysis above. we jump to the new instruction stream, and build a new stack frame.

            stack bottom of main
            3                        <-- 3th parameter
            return address of caller
            base address of frame of caller
            stack top of main        <-- %EBP
            stack top of callee      <-- %ESP

In subroutine, if we need parameters, we can simply get it.


时间: 2024-08-25 04:43:19



This article is aim to explain how to use assemble language realize those common function in C. But I fail to get a simple method to introduce it because of some reasons . I will try to extract some key point at this article. Then analysize a example


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