September 27th 2017 Week 39th Tuesday

We both look up at the same stars, yet we see such different things.


Looking up at the stars, some may think it is due to the darkness that we can see the stars, whereas some think it is due to the stars that make the night more beautiful.

I haven‘t seen the stars for many days, in my impression, it seems the sky is always reigned by darkness, boundless darkness.

Maybe I only noticed the darkness and missed the stars that can be seen if focused on.

Yesterday I tried to parse the pcap files from a lidar which uses udp to transport its message to the master.

After reading its reference pdf and datasheet, I knew that the types and contents of its messages can be classfied into three kinds and the parsing-program would be very easy to code.

But things were always easier to say than to be done, just the definiton of the data-structure had taken several hours, not to mention coding for the parsing-process.

Then I went to github to find some help, I got a copy of the Velodyne HDL-32.

I really was suprised by the algorithms used in that program, very powerful and very clear.

When can I write down such codes of high-quality?

When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain.


From Mark Twain.

But a smart brain can help a lot when fishing for everything.

Without it, you may find it is quite hard for you to show your sincere heart to your lover.

Maybe when your lover knows how deeply you love her, it is already too late.

So, try to be smarter, at least skilled, that will help you win other‘s heart easily.

时间: 2024-08-26 04:46:31

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