


typedef unsigned char           BYTE;                           /* 8-bit unsigned  */
typedef unsigned short int      WORD;                           /* 16-bit unsigned */


typedef unsigned char           INT8U;                           /* 8-bit unsigned  */
typedef unsigned short int      INT16U;                          /* 16-bit unsigned */


 *            ENC28J60 registers/bits
 * FileName:        ENC28J60.h
 * Dependencies:    None
 * Processor:       PIC18, PIC24F, PIC24H, dsPIC30F, dsPIC33F, PIC32
 * Compiler:        Microchip C32 v1.05 or higher
 *					Microchip C30 v3.12 or higher
 *					Microchip C18 v3.30 or higher
 *					HI-TECH PICC-18 PRO 9.63PL2 or higher
 * Company:         Microchip Technology, Inc.
 * Software License Agreement
 * Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Microchip Technology Inc.  All rights
 * reserved.
 * Microchip licenses to you the right to use, modify, copy, and
 * distribute:
 * (i)  the Software when embedded on a Microchip microcontroller or
 *      digital signal controller product ("Device") which is
 *      integrated into Licensee's product; or
 * (ii) ONLY the Software driver source files ENC28J60.c, ENC28J60.h,
 *		ENCX24J600.c and ENCX24J600.h ported to a non-Microchip device
 *		used in conjunction with a Microchip ethernet controller for
 *		the sole purpose of interfacing with the ethernet controller.
 * You should refer to the license agreement accompanying this
 * Software for additional information regarding your rights and
 * obligations.
 * Author               Date        Comment
 * Howard Schlunder		06/01/04	Original
 * Howard Schlunder		06/29/04	Fixed byte boundary problems on a
 *									couple of PHY register structs.
 * Howard Schlunder		09/29/04	Matched with data sheet
 * Howard Schlunder		01/04/06	Matched with new data sheet
 * Howard Schlunder		06/29/06	Changed MACON3.PHDRLEN to PHDREN
 * Howard Schlunder		07/21/06	Several bits removed to match now
 *									reserved bits in rev. B data sheet
 *									(DS39662B)

#ifndef __BSP_ENC28J60_H
#define __BSP_ENC28J60_H

#if !defined(__PACKED)
    #define __PACKED
//#include "GenericTypeDefs.h"
#include <types.h>

typedef union {
	INT8U v[7];
	struct {
		INT16U	 		ByteCount;
		unsigned char	CollisionCount:4;
		unsigned char	CRCError:1;
		unsigned char	LengthCheckError:1;
		unsigned char	LengthOutOfRange:1;
		unsigned char	Done:1;
		unsigned char	Multicast:1;
		unsigned char	Broadcast:1;
		unsigned char	PacketDefer:1;
		unsigned char	ExcessiveDefer:1;
		unsigned char	MaximumCollisions:1;
		unsigned char	LateCollision:1;
		unsigned char	Giant:1;
		unsigned char	Underrun:1;
		INT16U 	 		BytesTransmittedOnWire;
		unsigned char	ControlFrame:1;
		unsigned char	PAUSEControlFrame:1;
		unsigned char	BackpressureApplied:1;
		unsigned char	VLANTaggedFrame:1;
		unsigned char	Zeros:4;
	} bits;

typedef union {
	INT8U v[4];
	struct {
		INT16U	 		ByteCount;
		unsigned char	PreviouslyIgnored:1;
		unsigned char	RXDCPreviouslySeen:1;
		unsigned char	CarrierPreviouslySeen:1;
		unsigned char	CodeViolation:1;
		unsigned char	CRCError:1;
		unsigned char	LengthCheckError:1;
		unsigned char	LengthOutOfRange:1;
		unsigned char	ReceiveOk:1;
		unsigned char	Multicast:1;
		unsigned char	Broadcast:1;
		unsigned char	DribbleNibble:1;
		unsigned char	ControlFrame:1;
		unsigned char	PauseControlFrame:1;
		unsigned char	UnsupportedOpcode:1;
		unsigned char	VLANType:1;
		unsigned char	Zero:1;
	} bits;

* Register locations
// Bank 0 registers --------
#define ERDPTL		0x00
#define ERDPTH		0x01
#define EWRPTL		0x02
#define EWRPTH		0x03
#define ETXSTL		0x04
#define ETXSTH		0x05
#define ETXNDL		0x06
#define ETXNDH		0x07
#define ERXSTL		0x08
#define ERXSTH		0x09
#define ERXNDL		0x0A
#define ERXNDH		0x0B
#define ERXRDPTL	0x0C
#define ERXRDPTH	0x0D
#define ERXWRPTL	0x0E
#define ERXWRPTH	0x0F
#define EDMASTL		0x10
#define EDMASTH		0x11
#define EDMANDL		0x12
#define EDMANDH		0x13
#define EDMADSTL	0x14
#define EDMADSTH	0x15
#define EDMACSL		0x16
#define EDMACSH		0x17
//#define			0x18
//#define			0x19
//#define r			0x1A
#define EIE			0x1B
#define EIR			0x1C
#define ESTAT		0x1D
#define ECON2		0x1E
#define ECON1		0x1F

// Bank 1 registers -----
#define EHT0		0x100
#define EHT1		0x101
#define EHT2		0x102
#define EHT3		0x103
#define EHT4		0x104
#define EHT5		0x105
#define EHT6		0x106
#define EHT7		0x107
#define EPMM0		0x108
#define EPMM1		0x109
#define EPMM2		0x10A
#define EPMM3		0x10B
#define EPMM4		0x10C
#define EPMM5		0x10D
#define EPMM6		0x10E
#define EPMM7		0x10F
#define EPMCSL		0x110
#define EPMCSH		0x111
//#define			0x112
//#define			0x113
#define EPMOL		0x114
#define EPMOH		0x115
//#define r			0x116
//#define r			0x117
#define ERXFCON		0x118
#define EPKTCNT		0x119
//#define r			0x11A
//#define EIE		0x11B
//#define EIR		0x11C
//#define ESTAT		0x11D
//#define ECON2		0x11E
//#define ECON1		0x11F

// Bank 2 registers -----
#define MACON1		0x200
//#define r			0x201
#define MACON3		0x202
#define MACON4		0x203
#define MABBIPG		0x204
//#define			0x205
#define MAIPGL		0x206
#define MAIPGH		0x207
#define MACLCON1	0x208
#define MACLCON2	0x209
#define MAMXFLL		0x20A
#define MAMXFLH		0x20B
//#define r			0x20C
//#define r			0x20D
//#define r			0x20E
//#define			0x20F
//#define r			0x210
//#define r			0x211
#define MICMD		0x212
//#define r			0x213
#define MIREGADR	0x214
//#define r			0x215
#define MIWRL		0x216
#define MIWRH		0x217
#define MIRDL		0x218
#define MIRDH		0x219
//#define r			0x21A
//#define EIE		0x21B
//#define EIR		0x21C
//#define ESTAT		0x21D
//#define ECON2		0x21E
//#define ECON1		0x21F

// Bank 3 registers -----
#define MAADR5		0x300
#define MAADR6		0x301
#define MAADR3		0x302
#define MAADR4		0x303
#define MAADR1		0x304
#define MAADR2		0x305
#define EBSTSD		0x306
#define EBSTCON		0x307
#define EBSTCSL		0x308
#define EBSTCSH		0x309
#define MISTAT		0x30A
//#define			0x30B
//#define			0x30C
//#define			0x30D
//#define			0x30E
//#define			0x30F
//#define			0x310
//#define			0x311
#define EREVID		0x312
//#define			0x313
//#define			0x314
#define ECOCON		0x315
//#define 			0x316
#define EFLOCON		0x317
#define EPAUSL		0x318
#define EPAUSH		0x319
//#define r			0x31A
//#define EIE		0x31B
//#define EIR		0x31C
//#define ESTAT		0x31D
//#define ECON2		0x31E
//#define ECON1		0x31F

// Structures
typedef union _REG
	INT8U Val;

	// EIE bits ----------
	struct {
		unsigned char RXERIE:1;
		unsigned char TXERIE:1;
		unsigned char :1;
		unsigned char TXIE:1;
		unsigned char LINKIE:1;
		unsigned char DMAIE:1;
		unsigned char PKTIE:1;
		unsigned char INTIE:1;
	} EIEbits;

	// EIR bits ----------
	struct {
		unsigned char RXERIF:1;
		unsigned char TXERIF:1;
		unsigned char :1;
		unsigned char TXIF:1;
		unsigned char LINKIF:1;
		unsigned char DMAIF:1;
		unsigned char PKTIF:1;
		unsigned char :1;
	} EIRbits;

	// ESTAT bits ---------
	struct {
		unsigned char CLKRDY:1;
		unsigned char TXABRT:1;
		unsigned char RXBUSY:1;
		unsigned char :1;
		unsigned char LATECOL:1;
		unsigned char :1;
		unsigned char BUFER:1;
		unsigned char INT:1;
	} ESTATbits;

	// ECON2 bits --------
	struct {
		unsigned char :3;
		unsigned char VRPS:1;
		unsigned char :1;
		unsigned char PWRSV:1;
		unsigned char PKTDEC:1;
		unsigned char AUTOINC:1;
	} ECON2bits;

	// ECON1 bits --------
	struct {
		unsigned char BSEL0:1;
		unsigned char BSEL1:1;
		unsigned char RXEN:1;
		unsigned char TXRTS:1;
		unsigned char CSUMEN:1;
		unsigned char DMAST:1;
		unsigned char RXRST:1;
		unsigned char TXRST:1;
	} ECON1bits;

	// ERXFCON bits ------
	struct {
		unsigned char BCEN:1;
		unsigned char MCEN:1;
		unsigned char HTEN:1;
		unsigned char MPEN:1;
		unsigned char PMEN:1;
		unsigned char CRCEN:1;
		unsigned char ANDOR:1;
		unsigned char UCEN:1;
	} ERXFCONbits;

	// MACON1 bits --------
	struct {
		unsigned char MARXEN:1;
		unsigned char PASSALL:1;
		unsigned char RXPAUS:1;
		unsigned char TXPAUS:1;
		unsigned char :4;
	} MACON1bits;

	// MACON3 bits --------
	struct {
		unsigned char FULDPX:1;
		unsigned char FRMLNEN:1;
		unsigned char HFRMEN:1;
		unsigned char PHDREN:1;
		unsigned char TXCRCEN:1;
		unsigned char PADCFG0:1;
		unsigned char PADCFG1:1;
		unsigned char PADCFG2:1;
	} MACON3bits;
	struct {
		unsigned char FULDPX:1;
		unsigned char FRMLNEN:1;
		unsigned char HFRMEN:1;
		unsigned char PHDREN:1;
		unsigned char TXCRCEN:1;
		unsigned char PADCFG:3;
	} MACON3bits2;

	// MACON4 bits --------
	struct {
		unsigned char :4;
		unsigned char NOBKOFF:1;
		unsigned char BPEN:1;
		unsigned char DEFER:1;
		unsigned char :1;
	} MACON4bits;

	// MICMD bits ---------
	struct {
		unsigned char MIIRD:1;
		unsigned char MIISCAN:1;
		unsigned char :6;
	} MICMDbits;

	// EBSTCON bits -----
	struct {
		unsigned char BISTST:1;
		unsigned char TME:1;
		unsigned char TMSEL0:1;
		unsigned char TMSEL1:1;
		unsigned char PSEL:1;
		unsigned char PSV0:1;
		unsigned char PSV1:1;
		unsigned char PSV2:1;
	} EBSTCONbits;
	struct {
		unsigned char BISTST:1;
		unsigned char TME:1;
		unsigned char TMSEL:2;
		unsigned char PSEL:1;
		unsigned char PSV:3;
	} EBSTCONbits2;

	// MISTAT bits --------
	struct {
		unsigned char BUSY:1;
		unsigned char SCAN:1;
		unsigned char NVALID:1;
		unsigned char :5;
	} MISTATbits;

	// ECOCON bits -------
	struct {
		unsigned char COCON0:1;
		unsigned char COCON1:1;
		unsigned char COCON2:1;
		unsigned char :5;
	} ECOCONbits;
	struct {
		unsigned char COCON:3;
		unsigned char :5;
	} ECOCONbits2;

	// EFLOCON bits -----
	struct {
		unsigned char FCEN0:1;
		unsigned char FCEN1:1;
		unsigned char FULDPXS:1;
		unsigned char :5;
	} EFLOCONbits;
	struct {
		unsigned char FCEN:2;
		unsigned char FULDPXS:1;
		unsigned char :5;
	} EFLOCONbits2;
} REG;

* PH Register Locations
#define PHCON1	0x00
#define PHSTAT1	0x01
#define PHID1	0x02
#define PHID2	0x03
#define PHCON2	0x10
#define PHSTAT2	0x11
#define PHIE	0x12
#define PHIR	0x13
#define PHLCON	0x14

typedef union
    INT16U Val;
    INT8U v[2] __PACKED;
    struct __PACKED
        INT8U LB;
        INT8U HB;
    } byte;
    struct __PACKED
        INT8U b0:1;
        INT8U b1:1;
        INT8U b2:1;
        INT8U b3:1;
        INT8U b4:1;
        INT8U b5:1;
        INT8U b6:1;
        INT8U b7:1;
        INT8U b8:1;
        INT8U b9:1;
        INT8U b10:1;
        INT8U b11:1;
        INT8U b12:1;
        INT8U b13:1;
        INT8U b14:1;
        INT8U b15:1;
    } bits;

typedef union {
	INT16U Val;

	// PHCON1 bits ----------
	struct {
		unsigned :8;
		unsigned PDPXMD:1;
		unsigned :2;
		unsigned PPWRSV:1;
		unsigned :2;
		unsigned PLOOPBK:1;
		unsigned PRST:1;
	} PHCON1bits;

	// PHSTAT1 bits --------
	struct {
		unsigned :1;
		unsigned JBSTAT:1;
		unsigned LLSTAT:1;
		unsigned :5;
		unsigned :3;
		unsigned PHDPX:1;
		unsigned PFDPX:1;
		unsigned :3;
	} PHSTAT1bits;

	// PHID2 bits ----------
	struct {
		unsigned PREV0:1;
		unsigned PREV1:1;
		unsigned PREV2:1;
		unsigned PREV3:1;
		unsigned PPN0:1;
		unsigned PPN1:1;
		unsigned PPN2:1;
		unsigned PPN3:1;
		unsigned PPN4:1;
		unsigned PPN5:1;
		unsigned PID19:1;
		unsigned PID20:1;
		unsigned PID21:1;
		unsigned PID22:1;
		unsigned PID23:1;
		unsigned PID24:1;
	} PHID2bits;
	struct {
		unsigned PREV:4;
		unsigned PPNL:4;
		unsigned PPNH:2;
		unsigned PID:6;
	} PHID2bits2;

	// PHCON2 bits ----------
	struct {
		unsigned :8;
		unsigned HDLDIS:1;
		unsigned :1;
		unsigned JABBER:1;
		unsigned :2;
		unsigned TXDIS:1;
		unsigned FRCLNK:1;
		unsigned :1;
	} PHCON2bits;

	// PHSTAT2 bits --------
	struct {
		unsigned :5;
		unsigned PLRITY:1;
		unsigned :2;
		unsigned :1;
		unsigned DPXSTAT:1;
		unsigned LSTAT:1;
		unsigned COLSTAT:1;
		unsigned RXSTAT:1;
		unsigned TXSTAT:1;
		unsigned :2;
	} PHSTAT2bits;

	// PHIE bits -----------
	struct {
		unsigned :1;
		unsigned PGEIE:1;
		unsigned :2;
		unsigned PLNKIE:1;
		unsigned :3;
		unsigned :8;
	} PHIEbits;

	// PHIR bits -----------
	struct {
		unsigned :2;
		unsigned PGIF:1;
		unsigned :1;
		unsigned PLNKIF:1;
		unsigned :3;
		unsigned :8;
	} PHIRbits;

	// PHLCON bits -------
	struct {
		unsigned :1;
		unsigned STRCH:1;
		unsigned LFRQ0:1;
		unsigned LFRQ1:1;
		unsigned LBCFG0:1;
		unsigned LBCFG1:1;
		unsigned LBCFG2:1;
		unsigned LBCFG3:1;
		unsigned LACFG0:1;
		unsigned LACFG1:1;
		unsigned LACFG2:1;
		unsigned LACFG3:1;
		unsigned :4;
	} PHLCONbits;
	struct {
		unsigned :1;
		unsigned STRCH:1;
		unsigned LFRQ:2;
		unsigned LBCFG:4;
		unsigned LACFG:4;
		unsigned :4;
	} PHLCONbits2;

* Individual Register Bits
// ETH/MAC/MII bits

// EIE bits ----------
#define	EIE_INTIE		(1<<7)
#define	EIE_PKTIE		(1<<6)
#define	EIE_DMAIE		(1<<5)
#define	EIE_LINKIE		(1<<4)
#define	EIE_TXIE		(1<<3)
#define	EIE_TXERIE		(1<<1)
#define	EIE_RXERIE		(1)

// EIR bits ----------
#define	EIR_PKTIF		(1<<6)
#define	EIR_DMAIF		(1<<5)
#define	EIR_LINKIF		(1<<4)
#define	EIR_TXIF		(1<<3)
#define	EIR_TXERIF		(1<<1)
#define	EIR_RXERIF		(1)

// ESTAT bits ---------
#define	ESTAT_INT		(1<<7)
#define ESTAT_BUFER		(1<<6)
#define	ESTAT_LATECOL	(1<<4)
#define	ESTAT_RXBUSY	(1<<2)
#define	ESTAT_TXABRT	(1<<1)
#define	ESTAT_CLKRDY	(1)

// ECON2 bits --------
#define	ECON2_AUTOINC	(1<<7)
#define	ECON2_PKTDEC	(1<<6)
#define	ECON2_PWRSV		(1<<5)
#define	ECON2_VRPS		(1<<3)

// ECON1 bits --------
#define	ECON1_TXRST		(1<<7)
#define	ECON1_RXRST		(1<<6)
#define	ECON1_DMAST		(1<<5)
#define	ECON1_CSUMEN	(1<<4)
#define	ECON1_TXRTS		(1<<3)
#define	ECON1_RXEN		(1<<2)
#define	ECON1_BSEL1		(1<<1)
#define	ECON1_BSEL0		(1)

// ERXFCON bits ------
#define	ERXFCON_UCEN	(1<<7)
#define	ERXFCON_ANDOR	(1<<6)
#define	ERXFCON_CRCEN	(1<<5)
#define	ERXFCON_PMEN	(1<<4)
#define	ERXFCON_MPEN	(1<<3)
#define	ERXFCON_HTEN	(1<<2)
#define	ERXFCON_MCEN	(1<<1)
#define	ERXFCON_BCEN	(1)

// MACON1 bits --------
#define	MACON1_TXPAUS	(1<<3)
#define	MACON1_RXPAUS	(1<<2)
#define	MACON1_PASSALL	(1<<1)
#define	MACON1_MARXEN	(1)

// MACON3 bits --------
#define	MACON3_PADCFG2	(1<<7)
#define	MACON3_PADCFG1	(1<<6)
#define	MACON3_PADCFG0	(1<<5)
#define	MACON3_TXCRCEN	(1<<4)
#define	MACON3_PHDREN	(1<<3)
#define	MACON3_HFRMEN	(1<<2)
#define	MACON3_FRMLNEN	(1<<1)
#define	MACON3_FULDPX	(1)

// MACON4 bits --------
#define	MACON4_DEFER	(1<<6)
#define	MACON4_BPEN		(1<<5)
#define	MACON4_NOBKOFF	(1<<4)

// MICMD bits ---------
#define	MICMD_MIISCAN	(1<<1)
#define	MICMD_MIIRD		(1)

// EBSTCON bits -----
#define	EBSTCON_PSV2	(1<<7)
#define	EBSTCON_PSV1	(1<<6)
#define	EBSTCON_PSV0	(1<<5)
#define	EBSTCON_PSEL	(1<<4)
#define	EBSTCON_TMSEL1	(1<<3)
#define	EBSTCON_TMSEL0	(1<<2)
#define	EBSTCON_TME		(1<<1)
#define	EBSTCON_BISTST	(1)

// MISTAT bits --------
#define	MISTAT_NVALID	(1<<2)
#define	MISTAT_SCAN		(1<<1)
#define	MISTAT_BUSY		(1)

// ECOCON bits -------
#define	ECOCON_COCON2	(1<<2)
#define	ECOCON_COCON1	(1<<1)
#define	ECOCON_COCON0	(1)

// EFLOCON bits -----
#define	EFLOCON_FULDPXS	(1<<2)
#define	EFLOCON_FCEN1	(1<<1)
#define	EFLOCON_FCEN0	(1)

// PHY bits

// PHCON1 bits ----------
#define	PHCON1_PRST		(1ul<<15)
#define	PHCON1_PLOOPBK	(1ul<<14)
#define	PHCON1_PPWRSV	(1ul<<11)
#define	PHCON1_PDPXMD	(1ul<<8)

// PHSTAT1 bits --------
#define	PHSTAT1_PFDPX	(1ul<<12)
#define	PHSTAT1_PHDPX	(1ul<<11)
#define	PHSTAT1_LLSTAT	(1ul<<2)
#define	PHSTAT1_JBSTAT	(1ul<<1)

// PHID2 bits --------
#define	PHID2_PID24		(1ul<<15)
#define	PHID2_PID23		(1ul<<14)
#define	PHID2_PID22		(1ul<<13)
#define	PHID2_PID21		(1ul<<12)
#define	PHID2_PID20		(1ul<<11)
#define	PHID2_PID19		(1ul<<10)
#define	PHID2_PPN5		(1ul<<9)
#define	PHID2_PPN4		(1ul<<8)
#define	PHID2_PPN3		(1ul<<7)
#define	PHID2_PPN2		(1ul<<6)
#define	PHID2_PPN1		(1ul<<5)
#define	PHID2_PPN0		(1ul<<4)
#define	PHID2_PREV3		(1ul<<3)
#define	PHID2_PREV2		(1ul<<2)
#define	PHID2_PREV1		(1ul<<1)
#define	PHID2_PREV0		(1ul)

// PHCON2 bits ----------
#define	PHCON2_FRCLNK	(1ul<<14)
#define	PHCON2_TXDIS	(1ul<<13)
#define	PHCON2_JABBER	(1ul<<10)
#define	PHCON2_HDLDIS	(1ul<<8)

// PHSTAT2 bits --------
#define	PHSTAT2_TXSTAT	(1ul<<13)
#define	PHSTAT2_RXSTAT	(1ul<<12)
#define	PHSTAT2_COLSTAT	(1ul<<11)
#define	PHSTAT2_LSTAT	(1ul<<10)
#define	PHSTAT2_DPXSTAT	(1ul<<9)
#define	PHSTAT2_PLRITY	(1ul<<5)

// PHIE bits -----------
#define	PHIE_PLNKIE		(1ul<<4)
#define	PHIE_PGEIE		(1ul<<1)

// PHIR bits -----------
#define	PHIR_PLNKIF		(1ul<<4)
#define	PHIR_PGIF		(1ul<<2)

// PHLCON bits -------
#define	PHLCON_LACFG3	(1ul<<11)
#define	PHLCON_LACFG2	(1ul<<10)
#define	PHLCON_LACFG1	(1ul<<9)
#define	PHLCON_LACFG0	(1ul<<8)
#define	PHLCON_LBCFG3	(1ul<<7)
#define	PHLCON_LBCFG2	(1ul<<6)
#define	PHLCON_LBCFG1	(1ul<<5)
#define	PHLCON_LBCFG0	(1ul<<4)
#define	PHLCON_LFRQ1	(1ul<<3)
#define	PHLCON_LFRQ0	(1ul<<2)
#define	PHLCON_STRCH	(1ul<<1)



 *  Medium Access Control (MAC) Layer for Microchip ENC28J60
 *  Module for Microchip TCP/IP Stack
 *   -Provides access to ENC28J60 Ethernet controller
 *   -Reference: ENC28J60 Data sheet, IEEE 802.3 Standard
 * FileName:        ENC28J60.c
 * Dependencies:    ENC28J60.h
 *                  MAC.h
 *                  string.h
 *                  StackTsk.h
 *                  Helpers.h
 *                  Delay.h
 * Processor:       PIC18, PIC24F, PIC24H, dsPIC30F, dsPIC33F, PIC32
 * Compiler:        Microchip C32 v1.05 or higher
 *					Microchip C30 v3.12 or higher
 *					Microchip C18 v3.30 or higher
 *					HI-TECH PICC-18 PRO 9.63PL2 or higher
 * Company:         Microchip Technology, Inc.
 * Software License Agreement
 * Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Microchip Technology Inc.  All rights
 * reserved.
 * Microchip licenses to you the right to use, modify, copy, and
 * distribute:
 * (i)  the Software when embedded on a Microchip microcontroller or
 *      digital signal controller product ("Device") which is
 *      integrated into Licensee's product; or
 * (ii) ONLY the Software driver source files ENC28J60.c, ENC28J60.h,
 *		ENCX24J600.c and ENCX24J600.h ported to a non-Microchip device
 *		used in conjunction with a Microchip ethernet controller for
 *		the sole purpose of interfacing with the ethernet controller.
 * You should refer to the license agreement accompanying this
 * Software for additional information regarding your rights and
 * obligations.
 * Author               Date        Comment
 * Howard Schlunder     6/28/04 Original
 * Howard Schlunder     10/8/04 Cleanup
 * Howard Schlunder     10/19/04 Small optimizations and more cleanup
 * Howard Schlunder     11/29/04 Added Set/GetCLKOUT
 * Howard Schlunder     12/23/05 Added B1 silicon errata workarounds
 * Howard Schlunder     1/09/06 Added comments and minor mods
 * Howard Schlunder     1/18/06 Added more silicon errata workarounds
 * Howard Schlunder     6/16/06 Synchronized with PIC18F97J60 code
 * Howard Schlunder     7/17/06 Updated TestMemory() for C30
 * Howard Schlunder     8/07/06 Added SetRXHashTableEntry() function
#define __BSP_ENC28J60_C

//#include "HardwareProfile.h"
#include "bsp_ENC28J60.h"

// Make sure that this hardware profile has an ENC28J60 in it
#if defined(ENC_CS_TRIS)

//#include "TCPIP Stack/TCPIP.h"

/** D E F I N I T I O N S ****************************************************/
// IMPORTANT SPI NOTE: The code in this file expects that the SPI interrupt
//      flag (ENC_SPI_IF) be clear at all times.  If the SPI is shared with
//      other hardware, the other code should clear the ENC_SPI_IF when it is
//      done using the SPI.

// Since the ENC28J60 doesn't support auto-negotiation, full-duplex mode is
// not compatible with most switches/routers.  If a dedicated network is used
// where the duplex of the remote node can be manually configured, you may
// change this configuration.  Otherwise, half duplex should always be used.
//#define FULL_DUPLEX
//#define LEDB_DUPLEX

// Pseudo Functions
#define LOW(a)                  ((a) & 0xFF)
#define HIGH(a)                 (((a)>>8) & 0xFF)

// ENC28J60 Opcodes (to be ORed with a 5 bit address)
#define WCR (0x2<<5)            // Write Control Register command
#define BFS (0x4<<5)            // Bit Field Set command
#define BFC (0x5<<5)            // Bit Field Clear command
#define RCR (0x0<<5)            // Read Control Register command
#define RBM ((0x1<<5) | 0x1A)   // Read Buffer Memory command
#define WBM ((0x3<<5) | 0x1A)   // Write Buffer Memory command
#define SR  ((0x7<<5) | 0x1F)   // System Reset command does not use an address.
                                //   It requires 0x1F, however.

// Maximum SPI frequency specified in data sheet
#define ENC_MAX_SPI_FREQ    (20000000ul)    // Hz

#define ETHER_IP    (0x00u)
#define ETHER_ARP   (0x06u)

// A header appended at the start of all RX frames by the hardware
typedef struct  __attribute__((aligned(2), packed))
    INT16U            NextPacketPointer;
    RXSTATUS        StatusVector;

    MAC_ADDR        DestMACAddr;
    MAC_ADDR        SourceMACAddr;
    WORD_VAL        Type;

#if defined (__18CXX)
    #define ClearSPIDoneFlag()  {ENC_SPI_IF = 0;}
    #define WaitForDataByte()   {while(!ENC_SPI_IF); ENC_SPI_IF = 0;}
    #define SPI_ON_BIT          (ENC_SPICON1bits.SSPEN)
#elif defined(__C30__)
    #define ClearSPIDoneFlag()
    static inline __attribute__((__always_inline__)) void WaitForDataByte( void )
        while ((ENC_SPISTATbits.SPITBF == 1) || (ENC_SPISTATbits.SPIRBF == 0));

    #define SPI_ON_BIT          (ENC_SPISTATbits.SPIEN)
#elif defined( __PIC32MX__ )
    #define ClearSPIDoneFlag()
    static inline __attribute__((__always_inline__)) void WaitForDataByte( void )
        while (!ENC_SPISTATbits.SPITBE || !ENC_SPISTATbits.SPIRBF);

    #define SPI_ON_BIT          (ENC_SPICON1bits.ON)
    #error Determine SPI flag mechanism

// Prototypes of functions intended for MAC layer use only.
static void BankSel(INT16U Register);
static REG ReadETHReg(INT8U Address);
static REG ReadMACReg(INT8U Address);
static void WriteReg(INT8U Address, INT8U Data);
static void BFCReg(INT8U Address, INT8U Data);
static void BFSReg(INT8U Address, INT8U Data);
static void SendSystemReset(void);
//static void GetRegs(void);
//void Get8KBRAM(void);

// Internal MAC level variables and flags.
static WORD_VAL NextPacketLocation;
static WORD_VAL CurrentPacketLocation;
static BOOL WasDiscarded;
static INT8U ENCRevID;

//NOTE: All code in this module expects Bank 0 to be currently selected.  If code ever changes the bank, it must restore it to Bank 0 before returning.

 * Function:        void MACInit(void)
 * PreCondition:    None
 * Input:           None
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        MACInit sets up the PIC's SPI module and all the
 *                  registers in the ENC28J60 so that normal operation can
 *                  begin.
 * Note:            None
void MACInit(void)
    INT8U i;

    // Set up the SPI module on the PIC for communications with the ENC28J60
    ENC_CS_IO = 1;
    ENC_CS_TRIS = 0;        // Make the Chip Select pin an output

#if defined(__18CXX)
    ENC_SCK_TRIS = 0;
    ENC_SDO_TRIS = 0;
    ENC_SDI_TRIS = 1;

    // If the RESET pin is connected, take the chip out of reset
#if defined(ENC_RST_IO)
    ENC_RST_IO      = 1;
    ENC_RST_TRIS    = 0;

    // Set up SPI
#if defined(__18CXX)
    ENC_SPICON1 = 0x20;     // SSPEN bit is set, SPI in master mode, FOSC/4,
                            //   IDLE state is low level
    ENC_SPISTATbits.CKE = 1;// Transmit data on rising edge of clock
    ENC_SPISTATbits.SMP = 0;// Input sampled at middle of data output time
#elif defined(__C30__)
    ENC_SPISTAT = 0;        // clear SPI
    #if defined(__PIC24H__) || defined(__dsPIC33F__)
        ENC_SPICON1 = 0x0F;     // 1:1 primary prescale, 5:1 secondary prescale (8MHz  @ 40MIPS)
    //    ENC_SPICON1 = 0x1E;   // 4:1 primary prescale, 1:1 secondary prescale (10MHz @ 40MIPS, Doesn't work.  CLKRDY is incorrectly reported as being clear.  Problem caused by dsPIC33/PIC24H ES silicon bug.)
    #elif defined(__PIC24F__)
    //    ENC_SPICON1 = 0x1F;   // 1:1 prescale broken on PIC24F ES silicon     (16MHz @ 16MIPS)
        ENC_SPICON1 = 0x1B;     // 1:1 primary prescale, 2:1 secondary prescale (8MHz  @ 16MIPS)
    #else   // dsPIC30F
        ENC_SPICON1 = 0x17;     // 1:1 primary prescale, 3:1 secondary prescale (10MHz @ 30MIPS)
    ENC_SPICON2 = 0;
    ENC_SPICON1bits.CKE = 1;
    ENC_SPICON1bits.MSTEN = 1;
    ENC_SPISTATbits.SPIEN = 1;
#elif defined(__C32__)
    ENC_SPIBRG = (GetPeripheralClock()-1ul)/2ul/ENC_MAX_SPI_FREQ;
	ENC_SPICON1bits.SMP = 1;	// Delay SDI input sampling (PIC perspective) by 1/2 SPI clock
    ENC_SPICON1bits.CKE = 1;
    ENC_SPICON1bits.MSTEN = 1;
    ENC_SPICON1bits.ON = 1;

    // RESET the entire ENC28J60, clearing all registers
    // Also wait for CLKRDY to become set.
    // Bit 3 in ESTAT is an unimplemented bit.  If it reads out as '1' that
    // means the part is in RESET or there is something wrong with the SPI
    // connection.  This loop makes sure that we can communicate with the
    // ENC28J60 before proceeding.
        i = ReadETHReg(ESTAT).Val;
    } while((i & 0x08) || (~i & ESTAT_CLKRDY));

    // Start up in Bank 0 and configure the receive buffer boundary pointers
    // and the buffer write protect pointer (receive buffer read pointer)
    WasDiscarded = TRUE;
    NextPacketLocation.Val = RXSTART;

    WriteReg(ERXRDPTL, LOW(RXSTOP));    // Write low byte first
    WriteReg(ERXRDPTH, HIGH(RXSTOP));   // Write high byte last
    WriteReg(ERXNDL, LOW(RXSTOP));

    // Write a permanant per packet control byte of 0x00

    // Enter Bank 1 and configure Receive Filters
    // (No need to reconfigure - Unicast OR Broadcast with CRC checking is
    // acceptable)
    // Write ERXFCON_CRCEN only to ERXFCON to enter promiscuous mode

    // Promiscious mode example:

    // Enter Bank 2 and configure the MAC

    // Enable the receive portion of the MAC

    // Pad packets to 60 bytes, add CRC, and check Type/Length field.
#if defined(FULL_DUPLEX)
    WriteReg((INT8U)MABBIPG, 0x15);
    WriteReg((INT8U)MABBIPG, 0x12);

    // Allow infinite deferals if the medium is continuously busy
    // (do not time out a transmission if the half duplex medium is
    // completely saturated with other people's data)
    WriteReg((INT8U)MACON4, MACON4_DEFER);

    // Late collisions occur beyond 63+8 bytes (8 bytes for preamble/start of frame delimiter)
    // 55 is all that is needed for IEEE 802.3, but ENC28J60 B5 errata for improper link pulse
    // collisions will occur less often with a larger number.
    WriteReg((INT8U)MACLCON2, 63);

    // Set non-back-to-back inter-packet gap to 9.6us.  The back-to-back
    // inter-packet gap (MABBIPG) is set by MACSetDuplex() which is called
    // later.
    WriteReg((INT8U)MAIPGL, 0x12);
    WriteReg((INT8U)MAIPGH, 0x0C);

    // Set the maximum packet size which the controller will accept
    WriteReg((INT8U)MAMXFLL, LOW(6+6+2+1500+4));  // 1518 is the IEEE 802.3 specified limit
    WriteReg((INT8U)MAMXFLH, HIGH(6+6+2+1500+4)); // 1518 is the IEEE 802.3 specified limit

    // Enter Bank 3 and initialize physical MAC address registers
    WriteReg((INT8U)MAADR1, AppConfig.MyMACAddr.v[0]);
    WriteReg((INT8U)MAADR2, AppConfig.MyMACAddr.v[1]);
    WriteReg((INT8U)MAADR3, AppConfig.MyMACAddr.v[2]);
    WriteReg((INT8U)MAADR4, AppConfig.MyMACAddr.v[3]);
    WriteReg((INT8U)MAADR5, AppConfig.MyMACAddr.v[4]);
    WriteReg((INT8U)MAADR6, AppConfig.MyMACAddr.v[5]);

    // Disable the CLKOUT output to reduce EMI generation
    WriteReg((INT8U)ECOCON, 0x00);   // Output off (0V)
    //WriteReg((INT8U)ECOCON, 0x01); // 25.000MHz
    //WriteReg((INT8U)ECOCON, 0x03); // 8.3333MHz (*4 with PLL is 33.3333MHz)

    // Get the Rev ID so that we can implement the correct errata workarounds
    ENCRevID = ReadETHReg((INT8U)EREVID).Val;

    // Disable half duplex loopback in PHY.  Bank bits changed to Bank 2 as a
    // side effect.

    // Configure LEDA to display LINK status, LEDB to display TX/RX activity

    // Set the MAC and PHY into the proper duplex state
#if defined(FULL_DUPLEX)
#elif defined(HALF_DUPLEX)
    WritePHYReg(PHCON1, 0x0000);
    // Use the external LEDB polarity to determine weather full or half duplex
    // communication mode should be set.
        REG Register;
        PHYREG PhyReg;

        // Read the PHY duplex mode
        PhyReg = ReadPHYReg(PHCON1);
        DuplexState = PhyReg.PHCON1bits.PDPXMD;

        // Set the MAC to the proper duplex mode
        Register = ReadMACReg((INT8U)MACON3);
        Register.MACON3bits.FULDPX = PhyReg.PHCON1bits.PDPXMD;
        WriteReg((INT8U)MACON3, Register.Val);

        // Set the back-to-back inter-packet gap time to IEEE specified
        // requirements.  The meaning of the MABBIPG value changes with the duplex
        // state, so it must be updated in this function.
        // In full duplex, 0x15 represents 9.6us; 0x12 is 9.6us in half duplex
        WriteReg((INT8U)MABBIPG, PhyReg.PHCON1bits.PDPXMD ? 0x15 : 0x12);

    BankSel(ERDPTL);        // Return to default Bank 0

    // Enable packet reception
}//end MACInit

 * Function:        BOOL MACIsLinked(void)
 * PreCondition:    None
 * Input:           None
 * Output:          TRUE: If the PHY reports that a link partner is present
 *                        and the link has been up continuously since the last
 *                        call to MACIsLinked()
 *                  FALSE: If the PHY reports no link partner, or the link went
 *                         down momentarily since the last call to MACIsLinked()
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        Returns the PHSTAT1.LLSTAT bit.
 * Note:            None
BOOL MACIsLinked(void)
    // LLSTAT is a latching low link status bit.  Therefore, if the link
    // goes down and comes back up before a higher level stack program calls
    // MACIsLinked(), MACIsLinked() will still return FALSE.  The next
    // call to MACIsLinked() will return TRUE (unless the link goes down
    // again).
    return ReadPHYReg(PHSTAT1).PHSTAT1bits.LLSTAT;

 * Function:        BOOL MACIsTxReady(void)
 * PreCondition:    None
 * Input:           None
 * Output:          TRUE: If no Ethernet transmission is in progress
 *                  FALSE: If a previous transmission was started, and it has
 *                         not completed yet.  While FALSE, the data in the
 *                         transmit buffer and the TXST/TXND pointers must not
 *                         be changed.
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        Returns the ECON1.TXRTS bit
 * Note:            None
BOOL MACIsTxReady(void)
    return !ReadETHReg(ECON1).ECON1bits.TXRTS;

 * Function:        void MACDiscardRx(void)
 * PreCondition:    None
 * Input:           None
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        Marks the last received packet (obtained using
 *                  MACGetHeader())as being processed and frees the buffer
 *                  memory associated with it
 * Note:            Is is safe to call this function multiple times between
 *                  MACGetHeader() calls.  Extra packets won't be thrown away
 *                  until MACGetHeader() makes it available.
void MACDiscardRx(void)
    WORD_VAL NewRXRDLocation;

    // Make sure the current packet was not already discarded
    WasDiscarded = TRUE;

    // Decrement the next packet pointer before writing it into
    // the ERXRDPT registers.  This is a silicon errata workaround.
    // RX buffer wrapping must be taken into account if the
    // NextPacketLocation is precisely RXSTART.
    NewRXRDLocation.Val = NextPacketLocation.Val - 1;
    if(NewRXRDLocation.Val > RXSTOP)
        NewRXRDLocation.Val = RXSTOP;

    // Decrement the RX packet counter register, EPKTCNT

    // Move the receive read pointer to unwrite-protect the memory used by the
    // last packet.  The writing order is important: set the low byte first,
    // high byte last.
    WriteReg(ERXRDPTL, NewRXRDLocation.v[0]);
    WriteReg(ERXRDPTH, NewRXRDLocation.v[1]);

 * Function:        INT16U MACGetFreeRxSize(void)
 * PreCondition:    None
 * Input:           None
 * Output:          A INT16U estimate of how much RX buffer space is free at
 *                  the present time.
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        None
 * Note:            None
INT16U MACGetFreeRxSize(void)
    WORD_VAL ReadPT, WritePT;

    // Read the Ethernet hardware buffer write pointer.  Because packets can be
    // received at any time, it can change between reading the low and high
    // bytes.  A loop is necessary to make certain a proper low/high byte pair
    // is read.
    do {
        // Save EPKTCNT in a temporary location
        ReadPT.v[0] = ReadETHReg((INT8U)EPKTCNT).Val;

        WritePT.v[0] = ReadETHReg(ERXWRPTL).Val;
        WritePT.v[1] = ReadETHReg(ERXWRPTH).Val;

    } while(ReadETHReg((INT8U)EPKTCNT).Val != ReadPT.v[0]);

    // Determine where the write protection pointer is
    ReadPT.v[0] = ReadETHReg(ERXRDPTL).Val;
    ReadPT.v[1] = ReadETHReg(ERXRDPTH).Val;

    // Calculate the difference between the pointers, taking care to account
    // for buffer wrapping conditions
    if(WritePT.Val > ReadPT.Val)
        return (RXSTOP - RXSTART) - (WritePT.Val - ReadPT.Val);
    else if(WritePT.Val == ReadPT.Val)
        return RXSIZE - 1;
        return ReadPT.Val - WritePT.Val - 1;

 * Function:        BOOL MACGetHeader(MAC_ADDR *remote, INT8U* type)
 * PreCondition:    None
 * Input:           *remote: Location to store the Source MAC address of the
 *                           received frame.
 *                  *type: Location of a INT8U to store the constant
 *                         MAC_UNKNOWN, ETHER_IP, or ETHER_ARP, representing
 *                         the contents of the Ethernet type field.
 * Output:          TRUE: If a packet was waiting in the RX buffer.  The
 *                        remote, and type values are updated.
 *                  FALSE: If a packet was not pending.  remote and type are
 *                         not changed.
 * Side Effects:    Last packet is discarded if MACDiscardRx() hasn't already
 *                  been called.
 * Overview:        None
 * Note:            None
BOOL MACGetHeader(MAC_ADDR *remote, INT8U* type)
    ENC_PREAMBLE header;
    INT8U PacketCount;

    // Test if at least one packet has been received and is waiting
    PacketCount = ReadETHReg((INT8U)EPKTCNT).Val;
    if(PacketCount == 0u)
        return FALSE;

    // Make absolutely certain that any previous packet was discarded
    if(WasDiscarded == FALSE)
        return FALSE;

    // Set the SPI read pointer to the beginning of the next unprocessed packet
    CurrentPacketLocation.Val = NextPacketLocation.Val;
    WriteReg(ERDPTL, CurrentPacketLocation.v[0]);
    WriteReg(ERDPTH, CurrentPacketLocation.v[1]);

    // Obtain the MAC header from the Ethernet buffer
    MACGetArray((INT8U*)&header, sizeof(header));

    // The EtherType field, like most items transmitted on the Ethernet medium
    // are in big endian.
    header.Type.Val = swaps(header.Type.Val);

    // Validate the data returned from the ENC28J60.  Random data corruption,
    // such as if a single SPI bit error occurs while communicating or a
    // momentary power glitch could cause this to occur in rare circumstances.
    if(header.NextPacketPointer > RXSTOP || ((BYTE_VAL*)(&header.NextPacketPointer))->bits.b0 ||
       header.StatusVector.bits.Zero ||
       header.StatusVector.bits.CRCError ||
       header.StatusVector.bits.ByteCount > 1518u ||

    // Save the location where the hardware will write the next packet to
    NextPacketLocation.Val = header.NextPacketPointer;

    // Return the Ethernet frame's Source MAC address field to the caller
    // This parameter is useful for replying to requests without requiring an
    // ARP cycle.
    memcpy((void*)remote->v, (void*)header.SourceMACAddr.v, sizeof(*remote));

    // Return a simplified version of the EtherType field to the caller
    *type = MAC_UNKNOWN;
    if( (header.Type.v[1] == 0x08u) &&
        ((header.Type.v[0] == ETHER_IP) || (header.Type.v[0] == ETHER_ARP)) )
        *type = header.Type.v[0];

    // Mark this packet as discardable
    WasDiscarded = FALSE;
    return TRUE;

 * Function:        void MACPutHeader(MAC_ADDR *remote, INT8U type, INT16U dataLen)
 * PreCondition:    MACIsTxReady() must return TRUE.
 * Input:           *remote: Pointer to memory which contains the destination
 *                           MAC address (6 bytes)
 *                  type: The constant ETHER_ARP or ETHER_IP, defining which
 *                        value to write into the Ethernet header's type field.
 *                  dataLen: Length of the Ethernet data payload
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        None
 * Note:            Because of the dataLen parameter, it is probably
 *                  advantagous to call this function immediately before
 *                  transmitting a packet rather than initially when the
 *                  packet is first created.  The order in which the packet
 *                  is constructed (header first or data first) is not
 *                  important.
void MACPutHeader(MAC_ADDR *remote, INT8U type, INT16U dataLen)
    // Set the SPI write pointer to the beginning of the transmit buffer (post per packet control byte)
    WriteReg(EWRPTL, LOW(TXSTART+1));
    WriteReg(EWRPTH, HIGH(TXSTART+1));

    // Calculate where to put the TXND pointer
    dataLen += (INT16U)sizeof(ETHER_HEADER) + TXSTART;

    // Write the TXND pointer into the registers, given the dataLen given
    WriteReg(ETXNDL, ((WORD_VAL*)&dataLen)->v[0]);
    WriteReg(ETXNDH, ((WORD_VAL*)&dataLen)->v[1]);

    // Set the per-packet control byte and write the Ethernet destination
    // address
    MACPutArray((INT8U*)remote, sizeof(*remote));

    // Write our MAC address in the Ethernet source field
    MACPutArray((INT8U*)&AppConfig.MyMACAddr, sizeof(AppConfig.MyMACAddr));

    // Write the appropriate Ethernet Type INT16U for the protocol being used
    MACPut((type == MAC_IP) ? ETHER_IP : ETHER_ARP);

 * Function:        void MACFlush(void)
 * PreCondition:    A packet has been created by calling MACPut() and
 *                  MACPutHeader().
 * Input:           None
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        MACFlush causes the current TX packet to be sent out on
 *                  the Ethernet medium.  The hardware MAC will take control
 *                  and handle CRC generation, collision retransmission and
 *                  other details.
 * Note:            After transmission completes (MACIsTxReady() returns TRUE),
 *                  the packet can be modified and transmitted again by calling
 *                  MACFlush() again.  Until MACPutHeader() or MACPut() is
 *                  called (in the TX data area), the data in the TX buffer
 *                  will not be corrupted.
void MACFlush(void)
    // Reset transmit logic if a TX Error has previously occured
    // This is a silicon errata workaround

    // Start the transmission
    // After transmission completes (MACIsTxReady() returns TRUE), the packet
    // can be modified and transmitted again by calling MACFlush() again.
    // Until MACPutHeader() is called, the data in the TX buffer will not be
    // corrupted.

    // Revision B5 and B7 silicon errata workaround
    if(ENCRevID == 0x05u || ENCRevID == 0x06u)
        INT16U AttemptCounter = 0x0000;
        while(!(ReadETHReg(EIR).Val & (EIR_TXERIF | EIR_TXIF)) && (++AttemptCounter < 1000u));
        if(ReadETHReg(EIR).EIRbits.TXERIF || (AttemptCounter >= 1000u))
            WORD_VAL ReadPtrSave;
            WORD_VAL TXEnd;
            TXSTATUS TXStatus;
            INT8U i;

            // Cancel the previous transmission if it has become stuck set
            BFCReg(ECON1, ECON1_TXRTS);

            // Save the current read pointer (controlled by application)
            ReadPtrSave.v[0] = ReadETHReg(ERDPTL).Val;
            ReadPtrSave.v[1] = ReadETHReg(ERDPTH).Val;

            // Get the location of the transmit status vector
            TXEnd.v[0] = ReadETHReg(ETXNDL).Val;
            TXEnd.v[1] = ReadETHReg(ETXNDH).Val;

            // Read the transmit status vector
            WriteReg(ERDPTL, TXEnd.v[0]);
            WriteReg(ERDPTH, TXEnd.v[1]);
            MACGetArray((INT8U*)&TXStatus, sizeof(TXStatus));

            // Implement retransmission if a late collision occured (this can
            // happen on B5 when certain link pulses arrive at the same time
            // as the transmission)
            for(i = 0; i < 16u; i++)
                if(ReadETHReg(EIR).EIRbits.TXERIF && TXStatus.bits.LateCollision)
                    // Reset the TX logic
                    BFSReg(ECON1, ECON1_TXRST);
                    BFCReg(ECON1, ECON1_TXRST);
                    BFCReg(EIR, EIR_TXERIF | EIR_TXIF);

                    // Transmit the packet again
                    BFSReg(ECON1, ECON1_TXRTS);
                    while(!(ReadETHReg(EIR).Val & (EIR_TXERIF | EIR_TXIF)));

                    // Cancel the previous transmission if it has become stuck set
                    BFCReg(ECON1, ECON1_TXRTS);

                    // Read transmit status vector
                    WriteReg(ERDPTL, TXEnd.v[0]);
                    WriteReg(ERDPTH, TXEnd.v[1]);
                    MACGetArray((INT8U*)&TXStatus, sizeof(TXStatus));

            // Restore the current read pointer
            WriteReg(ERDPTL, ReadPtrSave.v[0]);
            WriteReg(ERDPTH, ReadPtrSave.v[1]);

 * Function:        void MACSetReadPtrInRx(INT16U offset)
 * PreCondition:    A packet has been obtained by calling MACGetHeader() and
 *                  getting a TRUE result.
 * Input:           offset: INT16U specifying how many bytes beyond the Ethernet
 *                          header's type field to relocate the SPI read
 *                          pointer.
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        SPI read pointer are updated.  All calls to
 *                  MACGet() and MACGetArray() will use these new values.
 * Note:            RXSTOP must be statically defined as being > RXSTART for
 *                  this function to work correctly.  In other words, do not
 *                  define an RX buffer which spans the 0x1FFF->0x0000 memory
 *                  boundary.
void MACSetReadPtrInRx(INT16U offset)
    WORD_VAL ReadPT;

    // Determine the address of the beginning of the entire packet
    // and adjust the address to the desired location
    ReadPT.Val = CurrentPacketLocation.Val + sizeof(ENC_PREAMBLE) + offset;

    // Since the receive buffer is circular, adjust if a wraparound is needed
    if(ReadPT.Val > RXSTOP)
        ReadPT.Val -= RXSIZE;

    // Set the SPI read pointer to the new calculated value
    WriteReg(ERDPTL, ReadPT.v[0]);
    WriteReg(ERDPTH, ReadPT.v[1]);

 * Function:        PTR_BASE MACSetWritePtr(PTR_BASE Address)
 * PreCondition:    None
 * Input:           Address: Address to seek to
 * Output:          INT16U: Old EWRPT location
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        SPI write pointer is updated.  All calls to
 *                  MACPut() and MACPutArray() will use this new value.
 * Note:            None
PTR_BASE MACSetWritePtr(PTR_BASE address)
    WORD_VAL oldVal;

    oldVal.v[0] = ReadETHReg(EWRPTL).Val;
    oldVal.v[1] = ReadETHReg(EWRPTH).Val;

    // Set the SPI write pointer to the new calculated value
    WriteReg(EWRPTL, ((WORD_VAL*)&address)->v[0]);
    WriteReg(EWRPTH, ((WORD_VAL*)&address)->v[1]);

    return oldVal.Val;

 * Function:        PTR_BASE MACSetReadPtr(PTR_BASE Address)
 * PreCondition:    None
 * Input:           Address: Address to seek to
 * Output:          INT16U: Old ERDPT value
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        SPI write pointer is updated.  All calls to
 *                  MACPut() and MACPutArray() will use this new value.
 * Note:            None
PTR_BASE MACSetReadPtr(PTR_BASE address)
    WORD_VAL oldVal;

    oldVal.v[0] = ReadETHReg(ERDPTL).Val;
    oldVal.v[1] = ReadETHReg(ERDPTH).Val;

    // Set the SPI write pointer to the new calculated value
    WriteReg(ERDPTL, ((WORD_VAL*)&address)->v[0]);
    WriteReg(ERDPTH, ((WORD_VAL*)&address)->v[1]);

    return oldVal.Val;

 * Function:        INT16U MACCalcRxChecksum(INT16U offset, INT16U len)
 * PreCondition:    None
 * Input:           offset  - Number of bytes beyond the beginning of the
 *                          Ethernet data (first byte after the type field)
 *                          where the checksum should begin
 *                  len     - Total number of bytes to include in the checksum
 * Output:          16-bit checksum as defined by RFC 793.
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        This function performs a checksum calculation in the MAC
 *                  buffer itself
 * Note:            None
INT16U MACCalcRxChecksum(INT16U offset, INT16U len)
    WORD_VAL temp;
    WORD_VAL RDSave;

    // Add the offset requested by firmware plus the Ethernet header
    temp.Val = CurrentPacketLocation.Val + sizeof(ENC_PREAMBLE) + offset;
    if(temp.Val > RXSTOP)       // Adjust value if a wrap is needed
        temp.Val -= RXSIZE;

    RDSave.v[0] = ReadETHReg(ERDPTL).Val;
    RDSave.v[1] = ReadETHReg(ERDPTH).Val;

    WriteReg(ERDPTL, temp.v[0]);
    WriteReg(ERDPTH, temp.v[1]);

    temp.Val = CalcIPBufferChecksum(len);

    WriteReg(ERDPTL, RDSave.v[0]);
    WriteReg(ERDPTH, RDSave.v[1]);

    return temp.Val;

 * Function:        INT16U CalcIPBufferChecksum(INT16U len)
 * PreCondition:    Read buffer pointer set to starting of checksum data
 * Input:           len: Total number of bytes to calculate the checksum over.
 *                       The first byte included in the checksum is the byte
 *                       pointed to by ERDPT, which is updated by calls to
 *                       MACSetReadPtr(), MACGet(), MACGetArray(),
 *                       MACGetHeader(), etc.
 * Output:          16-bit checksum as defined by RFC 793
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        This function performs a checksum calculation in the MAC
 *                  buffer itself.  The ENC28J60 has a hardware DMA module
 *                  which can calculate the checksum faster than software, so
 *                  this function replaces the CaclIPBufferChecksum() function
 *                  defined in the helpers.c file.  Through the use of
 *                  preprocessor defines, this replacement is automatic.
 * Note:            This function works either in the RX buffer area or the TX
 *                  buffer area.  No validation is done on the len parameter.
INT16U CalcIPBufferChecksum(INT16U len)
    WORD_VAL Start;
    DWORD_VAL Checksum = {0x00000000ul};
    INT16U ChunkLen;
    INT16U DataBuffer[10];
    INT16U *DataPtr;

    // Save the SPI read pointer starting address
    Start.v[0] = ReadETHReg(ERDPTL).Val;
    Start.v[1] = ReadETHReg(ERDPTH).Val;

        // Obtain a chunk of data (less SPI overhead compared
        // to requesting one byte at a time)
        ChunkLen = len > sizeof(DataBuffer) ? sizeof(DataBuffer) : len;
        MACGetArray((INT8U*)DataBuffer, ChunkLen);

        len -= ChunkLen;

        // Take care of a last odd numbered data byte
            ((INT8U*)DataBuffer)[ChunkLen] = 0x00;

        // Calculate the checksum over this chunk
        DataPtr = DataBuffer;
            Checksum.Val += *DataPtr++;
            ChunkLen -= 2;

    // Restore old read pointer location
    WriteReg(ERDPTL, Start.v[0]);
    WriteReg(ERDPTH, Start.v[1]);

    // Do an end-around carry (one's complement arrithmatic)
    Checksum.Val = (DWORD)Checksum.w[0] + (DWORD)Checksum.w[1];

    // Do another end-around carry in case if the prior add
    // caused a carry out
    Checksum.w[0] += Checksum.w[1];

    // Return the resulting checksum
    return ~Checksum.w[0];

 * Function:        void MACMemCopyAsync(PTR_BASE destAddr, PTR_BASE sourceAddr, INT16U len)
 * PreCondition:    SPI bus must be initialized (done in MACInit()).
 * Input:           destAddr:   Destination address in the Ethernet memory to
 *                              copy to.  If (PTR_BASE)-1 is specified, the
 *								current EWRPT value will be used instead.
 *                  sourceAddr: Source address to read from.  If (PTR_BASE)-1 is
 *                              specified, the current ERDPT value will be used
 *                              instead.
 *                  len:        Number of bytes to copy
 * Output:          Byte read from the ENC28J60's RAM
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        Bytes are asynchrnously transfered within the buffer.  Call
 *                  MACIsMemCopyDone() to see when the transfer is complete.
 * Note:            If a prior transfer is already in progress prior to
 *                  calling this function, this function will block until it
 *                  can start this transfer.
 *                  If (PTR_BASE)-1 is used for the sourceAddr or destAddr
 *                  parameters, then that pointer will get updated with the
 *                  next address after the read or write.
void MACMemCopyAsync(PTR_BASE destAddr, PTR_BASE sourceAddr, INT16U len)
    WORD_VAL ReadSave, WriteSave;
    BOOL UpdateWritePointer = FALSE;
    BOOL UpdateReadPointer = FALSE;

    if(destAddr == (PTR_BASE)-1)
        UpdateWritePointer = TRUE;
        destAddr = ReadETHReg(EWRPTL).Val;
        ((INT8U*)&destAddr)[1] = ReadETHReg(EWRPTH).Val;
    if(sourceAddr == (PTR_BASE)-1)
        UpdateReadPointer = TRUE;
        sourceAddr = ReadETHReg(ERDPTL).Val;
        ((INT8U*)&sourceAddr)[1] = ReadETHReg(ERDPTH).Val;

    // Handle special conditions where len == 0 or len == 1
    // The DMA module is not capable of handling those corner cases
    if(len <= 1u)
            ReadSave.v[0] = ReadETHReg(ERDPTL).Val;
            ReadSave.v[1] = ReadETHReg(ERDPTH).Val;
            WriteSave.v[0] = ReadETHReg(EWRPTL).Val;
            WriteSave.v[1] = ReadETHReg(EWRPTH).Val;
        WriteReg(ERDPTL, ((INT8U*)&sourceAddr)[0]);
        WriteReg(ERDPTH, ((INT8U*)&sourceAddr)[1]);
        WriteReg(EWRPTL, ((INT8U*)&destAddr)[0]);
        WriteReg(EWRPTH, ((INT8U*)&destAddr)[1]);
            WriteReg(ERDPTL, ReadSave.v[0]);
            WriteReg(ERDPTH, ReadSave.v[1]);
            WriteReg(EWRPTL, WriteSave.v[0]);
            WriteReg(EWRPTH, WriteSave.v[1]);
            WriteSave.Val = destAddr + len;
            WriteReg(EWRPTL, WriteSave.v[0]);
            WriteReg(EWRPTH, WriteSave.v[1]);
        len += sourceAddr - 1;
        WriteReg(EDMASTL, ((INT8U*)&sourceAddr)[0]);
        WriteReg(EDMASTH, ((INT8U*)&sourceAddr)[1]);
        WriteReg(EDMADSTL, ((INT8U*)&destAddr)[0]);
        WriteReg(EDMADSTH, ((INT8U*)&destAddr)[1]);
        if((sourceAddr <= RXSTOP) && (len > RXSTOP)) //&& (sourceAddr >= RXSTART))
            len -= RXSIZE;
        WriteReg(EDMANDL, ((INT8U*)&len)[0]);
        WriteReg(EDMANDH, ((INT8U*)&len)[1]);
        BFCReg(ECON1, ECON1_CSUMEN);
        BFSReg(ECON1, ECON1_DMAST);
            if((sourceAddr <= RXSTOP) && (len > RXSTOP)) //&& (sourceAddr >= RXSTART))
                len -= RXSIZE;
            WriteReg(ERDPTL, ((INT8U*)&len)[0]);
            WriteReg(ERDPTH, ((INT8U*)&len)[1]);

BOOL MACIsMemCopyDone(void)
    return !ReadETHReg(ECON1).ECON1bits.DMAST;

 * Function:        INT8U MACGet()
 * PreCondition:    SPI bus must be initialized (done in MACInit()).
 *                  ERDPT must point to the place to read from.
 * Input:           None
 * Output:          Byte read from the ENC28J60's RAM
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        MACGet returns the byte pointed to by ERDPT and
 *                  increments ERDPT so MACGet() can be called again.  The
 *                  increment will follow the receive buffer wrapping boundary.
 * Note:            None
    INT8U Result;

    ENC_CS_IO = 0;

    #if defined(__C32__)
        // Send the opcode and read a byte in one 16-bit operation
        ENC_SPICON1bits.MODE16 = 1;
        ENC_SSPBUF = RBM<<8 | 0x00; // Send Read Buffer Memory command plus 8 dummy bits to generate clocks for the return result
        WaitForDataByte();          // Wait until INT8U is transmitted
        ENC_SPICON1bits.MODE16 = 0;
    #elif defined(__C30__)
        // Send the opcode and read a byte in one 16-bit operation
        ENC_SPISTATbits.SPIEN = 0;
        ENC_SPICON1bits.MODE16 = 1;
        ENC_SPISTATbits.SPIEN = 1;
        ENC_SSPBUF = RBM<<8 | 0x00; // Send Read Buffer Memory command plus 8 dummy bits to generate clocks for the return result
        WaitForDataByte();          // Wait until INT8U is transmitted
        ENC_SPISTATbits.SPIEN = 0;
        ENC_SPICON1bits.MODE16 = 0;
        ENC_SPISTATbits.SPIEN = 1;
        // Send the opcode and read a byte in two 8-bit operations
        ENC_SSPBUF = RBM;
        WaitForDataByte();      // Wait until opcode/address is transmitted.
        Result = ENC_SSPBUF;

        ENC_SSPBUF = 0;         // Send a dummy byte to receive the register
                                //   contents.
        WaitForDataByte();      // Wait until register is received.

    Result = ENC_SSPBUF;
    ENC_CS_IO = 1;

    return Result;
}//end MACGet

 * Function:        INT16U MACGetArray(INT8U *val, INT16U len)
 * PreCondition:    SPI bus must be initialized (done in MACInit()).
 *                  ERDPT must point to the place to read from.
 * Input:           *val: Pointer to storage location
 *                  len:  Number of bytes to read from the data buffer.
 * Output:          Byte(s) of data read from the data buffer.
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        Burst reads several sequential bytes from the data buffer
 *                  and places them into local memory.  With SPI burst support,
 *                  it performs much faster than multiple MACGet() calls.
 *                  ERDPT is incremented after each byte, following the same
 *                  rules as MACGet().
 * Note:            None
INT16U MACGetArray(INT8U *val, INT16U len)
// Workaround needed on HPC Explorer (classic) board to prevent interference
// with I2C temperature sensor on the same SPI wires
#if defined(__18F8722) || defined(_18F8722) ||  defined(__18F8723) || defined(_18F8723)
    INT16U i;
    volatile INT8U Dummy;

    i = len;
    Dummy = 0xFF;
            // End bust operation
            ENC_CS_IO = 1;
            ((BYTE_VAL*)&Dummy)->bits.b0 = 0;

            // Start the burst operation
            ENC_CS_IO = 0;
            ENC_SSPBUF = RBM;       // Send the Read Buffer Memory opcode.
            WaitForDataByte();      // Wait until opcode/address is transmitted.
            Dummy = 0xFF;

        ENC_SSPBUF = 0;     // Send a dummy byte to receive a byte
            WaitForDataByte();  // Wait until byte is received.
            *val++ = ENC_SSPBUF;
            WaitForDataByte();  // Wait until byte is received.

    ENC_CS_IO = 1;

    return len;
    INT16U i;
    volatile INT8U Dummy;

    // Start the burst operation
    ENC_CS_IO = 0;
    ENC_SSPBUF = RBM;       // Send the Read Buffer Memory opcode.
    i = 0;
    WaitForDataByte();      // Wait until opcode/address is transmitted.
    Dummy = ENC_SSPBUF;

    #if defined(__C32__)
        DWORD_VAL dwv;

        // Read the data, 4 bytes at a time, for as long as possible
        if(len >= 4)
            ENC_SPICON1bits.MODE32 = 1;
                ENC_SSPBUF = 0x00000000;    // Send a dummy DWORD to generate 32 clocks
                i += 4;
                WaitForDataByte();         // Wait until DWORD is transmitted
                dwv.Val = ENC_SSPBUF;
                    *(++val) = dwv.v[3];
                    *(++val) = dwv.v[2];
                    *(++val) = dwv.v[1];
                    *(++val) = dwv.v[0];
                if(len - i < 4)
            ENC_SPICON1bits.MODE32 = 0;
    #elif defined(__C30__)
        WORD_VAL wv;

        // Read the data, 2 bytes at a time, for as long as possible
        if(len >= 2)
            ENC_SPISTATbits.SPIEN = 0;
            ENC_SPICON1bits.MODE16 = 1;
            ENC_SPISTATbits.SPIEN = 1;
                ENC_SSPBUF = 0x0000;    // Send a dummy INT8U to generate 32 clocks
                i += 2;
                WaitForDataByte();      // Wait until INT8U is transmitted
                wv.Val = ENC_SSPBUF;
                    *(++val) = wv.v[1];
                    *(++val) = wv.v[0];
                if(len - i < 2)
            ENC_SPISTATbits.SPIEN = 0;
            ENC_SPICON1bits.MODE16 = 0;
            ENC_SPISTATbits.SPIEN = 1;

    // Read the data
        ENC_SSPBUF = 0;     // Send a dummy byte to receive a byte
            WaitForDataByte();  // Wait until byte is received.
            *val = ENC_SSPBUF;
            WaitForDataByte();  // Wait until byte is received.
            Dummy = ENC_SSPBUF;

    // Terminate the burst operation
    ENC_CS_IO = 1;

    return i;
}//end MACGetArray

 * Function:        void MACPut(INT8U val)
 * PreCondition:    SPI bus must be initialized (done in MACInit()).
 *                  EWRPT must point to the location to begin writing.
 * Input:           Byte to write into the ENC28J60 buffer memory
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        MACPut outputs the Write Buffer Memory opcode/constant
 *                  (8 bits) and data to write (8 bits) over the SPI.
 *                  EWRPT is incremented after the write.
 * Note:            None
void MACPut(INT8U val)
    volatile INT8U Dummy;

    ENC_CS_IO = 0;

    #if defined(__C32__)
        // Send the Write Buffer Memory and data, in on 16-bit write
        ENC_SPICON1bits.MODE16 = 1;
        ENC_SSPBUF = (WBM<<8) | (INT16U)val;  // Start sending the INT8U
        WaitForDataByte();                  // Wait until INT8U is transmitted
        ENC_SPICON1bits.MODE16 = 0;
    #elif defined(__C30__)
        // Send the Write Buffer Memory and data, in on 16-bit write
        ENC_SPISTATbits.SPIEN = 0;
        ENC_SPICON1bits.MODE16 = 1;
        ENC_SPISTATbits.SPIEN = 1;
        ENC_SSPBUF = (WBM<<8) | (INT16U)val;  // Start sending the INT8U
        WaitForDataByte();                  // Wait until INT8U is transmitted
        ENC_SPISTATbits.SPIEN = 0;
        ENC_SPICON1bits.MODE16 = 0;
        ENC_SPISTATbits.SPIEN = 1;
        ENC_SSPBUF = WBM;       // Send the opcode and constant.
        WaitForDataByte();      // Wait until opcode/constant is transmitted.
        Dummy = ENC_SSPBUF;
        ENC_SSPBUF = val;       // Send the byte to be writen.
        WaitForDataByte();      // Wait until finished transmitting

    Dummy = ENC_SSPBUF;
    ENC_CS_IO = 1;
}//end MACPut

 * Function:        void MACPutArray(INT8U *val, INT16U len)
 * PreCondition:    SPI bus must be initialized (done in MACInit()).
 *                  EWRPT must point to the location to begin writing.
 * Input:           *val: Pointer to source of bytes to copy.
 *                  len:  Number of bytes to write to the data buffer.
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        MACPutArray writes several sequential bytes to the
 *                  ENC28J60 RAM.  It performs faster than multiple MACPut()
 *                  calls.  EWRPT is incremented by len.
 * Note:            None
void MACPutArray(INT8U *val, INT16U len)
// Workaround needed on HPC Explorer (classic) board to prevent interference
// with I2C temperature sensor on the same SPI wires
#if defined(__18F8722) || defined(_18F8722) ||  defined(__18F8723) || defined(_18F8723)
    INT16U i;
    volatile INT8U Dummy;

    i = len;
    Dummy = 0xFF;
            // End bust operation
            ENC_CS_IO = 1;
            ((BYTE_VAL*)&Dummy)->bits.b0 = 0;

            // Start the burst operation
            ENC_CS_IO = 0;
            ENC_SSPBUF = WBM;       // Send the Read Buffer Memory opcode.
            WaitForDataByte();      // Wait until opcode/address is transmitted.
            Dummy = 0xFF;

        ENC_SSPBUF = *val++;    // Send byte
        WaitForDataByte();      // Wait until byte is sent

    ENC_CS_IO = 1;

    volatile INT8U Dummy;

    // Select the chip and send the proper opcode
    ENC_CS_IO = 0;
    ENC_SSPBUF = WBM;       // Send the Write Buffer Memory opcode
    WaitForDataByte();      // Wait until opcode/constant is transmitted.
    Dummy = ENC_SSPBUF;

    #if defined(__C32__)
        DWORD_VAL dwv;

        // Send the data, 4 bytes at a time, for as long as possible
        if(len >= 4)
            dwv.v[3] = *val++;
            dwv.v[2] = *val++;
            dwv.v[1] = *val++;
            dwv.v[0] = *val++;
            ENC_SPICON1bits.MODE32 = 1;
                ENC_SSPBUF = dwv.Val;       // Start sending the DWORD
                len -= 4;
                if(len < 4)
                dwv.v[3] = *val++;
                dwv.v[2] = *val++;
                dwv.v[1] = *val++;
                dwv.v[0] = *val++;
                WaitForDataByte();          // Wait until DWORD is transmitted
                Dummy = ENC_SSPBUF;
            WaitForDataByte();              // Wait until DWORD is transmitted
            Dummy = ENC_SSPBUF;
            ENC_SPICON1bits.MODE32 = 0;
    #elif defined(__C30__)
        WORD_VAL wv;

        // Send the data, 2 bytes at a time, for as long as possible
        if(len >= 2)
            wv.v[1] = *val++;
            wv.v[0] = *val++;
            ENC_SPISTATbits.SPIEN = 0;
            ENC_SPICON1bits.MODE16 = 1;
            ENC_SPISTATbits.SPIEN = 1;
                ENC_SSPBUF = wv.Val;        // Start sending the INT8U
                len -= 2;
                if(len < 2)
                wv.v[1] = *val++;
                wv.v[0] = *val++;
                WaitForDataByte();          // Wait until INT8U is transmitted
                Dummy = ENC_SSPBUF;
            WaitForDataByte();              // Wait until INT8U is transmitted
            Dummy = ENC_SSPBUF;
            ENC_SPISTATbits.SPIEN = 0;
            ENC_SPICON1bits.MODE16 = 0;
            ENC_SPISTATbits.SPIEN = 1;

    // Send the data, one byte at a time
        ENC_SSPBUF = *val;  // Start sending the byte
        val++;              // Increment after writing to ENC_SSPBUF to increase speed
        len--;              // Decrement after writing to ENC_SSPBUF to increase speed
        WaitForDataByte();  // Wait until byte is transmitted
        Dummy = ENC_SSPBUF;

    // Terminate the burst operation
    ENC_CS_IO = 1;
}//end MACPutArray

#if defined(__18CXX)
 * Function:        void MACPutROMArray(ROM INT8U *val, INT16U len)
 * PreCondition:    SPI bus must be initialized (done in MACInit()).
 *                  EWRPT must point to the location to begin writing.
 * Input:           *val: Pointer to source of bytes to copy.
 *                  len:  Number of bytes to write to the data buffer.
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        MACPutArray writes several sequential bytes to the
 *                  ENC28J60 RAM.  It performs faster than multiple MACPut()
 *                  calls.  EWRPT is incremented by len.
 * Note:            None
void MACPutROMArray(ROM INT8U *val, INT16U len)
// Workaround needed on HPC Explorer (classic) board to prevent interference
// with I2C temperature sensor on the same SPI wires
#if defined(__18F8722) || defined(_18F8722) ||  defined(__18F8723) || defined(_18F8723)
    INT16U i;
    volatile INT8U Dummy;

    i = len;
    Dummy = 0xFF;
            // End bust operation
            ENC_CS_IO = 1;
            ((BYTE_VAL*)&Dummy)->bits.b0 = 0;

            // Start the burst operation
            ENC_CS_IO = 0;
            ENC_SSPBUF = WBM;       // Send the Read Buffer Memory opcode.
            WaitForDataByte();      // Wait until opcode/address is transmitted.
            Dummy = 0xFF;

        ENC_SSPBUF = *val++;    // Send byte
        WaitForDataByte();      // Wait until byte is sent

    ENC_CS_IO = 1;

    volatile INT8U Dummy;

    // Select the chip and send the proper opcode
    ENC_CS_IO = 0;
    ENC_SSPBUF = WBM;       // Send the Write Buffer Memory opcode
    WaitForDataByte();      // Wait until opcode/constant is transmitted.
    Dummy = ENC_SSPBUF;

    // Send the data
        ENC_SSPBUF = *val;  // Start sending the byte
        val++;              // Increment after writing to ENC_SSPBUF to increase speed
        len--;              // Decrement after writing to ENC_SSPBUF to increase speed
        WaitForDataByte();  // Wait until byte is transmitted
        Dummy = ENC_SSPBUF;

    // Terminate the burst operation
    ENC_CS_IO = 1;
}//end MACPutROMArray

 * Function:        static void SendSystemReset(void)
 * PreCondition:    SPI bus must be initialized (done in MACInit()).
 * Input:           None
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        SendSystemReset sends the System Reset SPI command to
 *                  the Ethernet controller.  It resets all register contents
 *                  (except for ECOCON) and returns the device to the power
 *                  on default state.
 * Note:            None
static void SendSystemReset(void)
    volatile INT8U Dummy;

    // Note: The power save feature may prevent the reset from executing, so
    // we must make sure that the device is not in power save before issuing
    // a reset.

    // Give some opportunity for the regulator to reach normal regulation and
    // have all clocks running

    // Execute the System Reset command
    ENC_CS_IO = 0;
    WaitForDataByte();      // Wait until the command is transmitted.
    Dummy = ENC_SSPBUF;
    ENC_CS_IO = 1;

    // Wait for the oscillator start up timer and PHY to become ready
}//end SendSystemReset

 * Function:        REG ReadETHReg(INT8U Address)
 * PreCondition:    SPI bus must be initialized (done in MACInit()).
 *                  Bank select bits must be set corresponding to the register
 *                  to read from.
 * Input:           5 bit address of the ETH control register to read from.
 *                    The top 3 bits must be 0.
 * Output:          Byte read from the Ethernet controller's ETH register.
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        ReadETHReg sends the 8 bit RCR opcode/Address byte over
 *                  the SPI and then retrives the register contents in the
 *                  next 8 SPI clocks.
 * Note:            This routine cannot be used to access MAC/MII or PHY
 *                  registers.  Use ReadMACReg() or ReadPHYReg() for that
 *                  purpose.
static REG ReadETHReg(INT8U Address)
    REG r;

    // Select the chip and send the Read Control Register opcode/address
    ENC_CS_IO = 0;
    ENC_SSPBUF = RCR | Address;

    WaitForDataByte();      // Wait until the opcode/address is transmitted
    r.Val = ENC_SSPBUF;
    ENC_SSPBUF = 0;         // Send a dummy byte to receive the register
                            //   contents
    WaitForDataByte();      // Wait until the register is received
    r.Val = ENC_SSPBUF;
    ENC_CS_IO = 1;

    return r;
}//end ReadETHReg

 * Function:        REG ReadMACReg(INT8U Address)
 * PreCondition:    SPI bus must be initialized (done in MACInit()).
 *                  Bank select bits must be set corresponding to the register
 *                  to read from.
 * Input:           5 bit address of the MAC or MII register to read from.
 *                    The top 3 bits must be 0.
 * Output:          Byte read from the Ethernet controller's MAC/MII register.
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        ReadMACReg sends the 8 bit RCR opcode/Address byte as well
 *                  as a dummy byte over the SPI and then retrives the
 *                  register contents in the last 8 SPI clocks.
 * Note:            This routine cannot be used to access ETH or PHY
 *                  registers.  Use ReadETHReg() or ReadPHYReg() for that
 *                  purpose.
static REG ReadMACReg(INT8U Address)
    REG r;

    ENC_CS_IO = 0;
    ENC_SSPBUF = RCR | Address; // Send the Read Control Register opcode and
                                //   address.
    WaitForDataByte();          // Wait until opcode/address is transmitted.
    r.Val = ENC_SSPBUF;
    ENC_SSPBUF = 0;             // Send a dummy byte
    WaitForDataByte();          // Wait for the dummy byte to be transmitted
    r.Val = ENC_SSPBUF;
    ENC_SSPBUF = 0;             // Send another dummy byte to receive the register
                                //   contents.
    WaitForDataByte();          // Wait until register is received.
    r.Val = ENC_SSPBUF;
    ENC_CS_IO = 1;

    return r;
}//end ReadMACReg

 * Function:        ReadPHYReg
 * PreCondition:    SPI bus must be initialized (done in MACInit()).
 * Input:           Address of the PHY register to read from.
 * Output:          16 bits of data read from the PHY register.
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        ReadPHYReg performs an MII read operation.  While in
 *                  progress, it simply polls the MII BUSY bit wasting time
 *                  (10.24us).
 * Note:            None
PHYREG ReadPHYReg(INT8U Register)
    PHYREG Result;

    // Set the right address and start the register read operation
    WriteReg((INT8U)MIREGADR, Register);

    // Loop to wait until the PHY register has been read through the MII
    // This requires 10.24us

    // Stop reading
    WriteReg((INT8U)MICMD, 0x00);

    // Obtain results and return
    Result.VAL.v[0] = ReadMACReg((INT8U)MIRDL).Val;
    Result.VAL.v[1] = ReadMACReg((INT8U)MIRDH).Val;

    BankSel(ERDPTL);    // Return to Bank 0
    return Result;
}//end ReadPHYReg

 * Function:        void WriteReg(INT8U Address, INT8U Data)
 * PreCondition:    SPI bus must be initialized (done in MACInit()).
 *                  Bank select bits must be set corresponding to the register
 *                  to modify.
 * Input:           5 bit address of the ETH, MAC, or MII register to modify.
 *                    The top 3 bits must be 0.
 *                  INT8U to be written into the register.
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        WriteReg sends the 8 bit WCR opcode/Address byte over the
 *                  SPI and then sends the data to write in the next 8 SPI
 *                  clocks.
 * Note:            This routine is almost identical to the BFCReg() and
 *                  BFSReg() functions.  It is seperate to maximize speed.
 *                  Unlike the ReadETHReg/ReadMACReg functions, WriteReg()
 *                  can write to any ETH or MAC register.  Writing to PHY
 *                  registers must be accomplished with WritePHYReg().
static void WriteReg(INT8U Address, INT8U Data)
    volatile INT8U Dummy;

    ENC_CS_IO = 0;

    #if defined(__C32__)
        // Send the Write Buffer Memory and data, in on 16-bit write
        ENC_SPICON1bits.MODE16 = 1;
        ENC_SSPBUF = ((WCR | Address)<<8) | (INT16U)Data; // Start sending the INT8U
        WaitForDataByte();                  // Wait until INT8U is transmitted
        ENC_SPICON1bits.MODE16 = 0;
        ENC_SSPBUF = WCR | Address; // Send the opcode and address.
        WaitForDataByte();          // Wait until opcode/constant is transmitted.
        Dummy = ENC_SSPBUF;
        ENC_SSPBUF = Data;          // Send the byte to be writen.
        WaitForDataByte();          // Wait until finished transmitting

    Dummy = ENC_SSPBUF;
    ENC_CS_IO = 1;
}//end WriteReg

 * Function:        void BFCReg(INT8U Address, INT8U Data)
 * PreCondition:    SPI bus must be initialized (done in MACInit()).
 *                  Bank select bits must be set corresponding to the register
 *                    to modify.
 * Input:           5 bit address of the register to modify.  The top 3 bits
 *                    must be 0.
 *                  Byte to be used with the Bit Field Clear operation.
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        BFCReg sends the 8 bit BFC opcode/Address byte over the
 *                  SPI and then sends the data in the next 8 SPI clocks.
 * Note:            This routine is almost identical to the WriteReg() and
 *                  BFSReg() functions.  It is separate to maximize speed.
 *                  BFCReg() must only be used on ETH registers.
static void BFCReg(INT8U Address, INT8U Data)
    volatile INT8U Dummy;

    ENC_CS_IO = 0;
    ENC_SSPBUF = BFC | Address; // Send the opcode and address.
    WaitForDataByte();          // Wait until opcode/address is transmitted.
    Dummy = ENC_SSPBUF;
    ENC_SSPBUF = Data;          // Send the byte to be writen.
    WaitForDataByte();          // Wait until register is written.
    Dummy = ENC_SSPBUF;
    ENC_CS_IO = 1;
}//end BFCReg

 * Function:        void BFSReg(INT8U Address, INT8U Data)
 * PreCondition:    SPI bus must be initialized (done in MACInit()).
 *                  Bank select bits must be set corresponding to the register
 *                  to modify.
 * Input:           5 bit address of the register to modify.  The top 3 bits
 *                    must be 0.
 *                  Byte to be used with the Bit Field Set operation.
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        BFSReg sends the 8 bit BFC opcode/Address byte over the
 *                  SPI and then sends the data in the next 8 SPI clocks.
 * Note:            This routine is almost identical to the WriteReg() and
 *                  BFCReg() functions.  It is separate to maximize speed.
 *                  BFSReg() must only be used on ETH registers.
static void BFSReg(INT8U Address, INT8U Data)
    volatile INT8U Dummy;

    ENC_CS_IO = 0;
    ENC_SSPBUF = BFS | Address; // Send the opcode and address.
    WaitForDataByte();          // Wait until opcode/address is transmitted.
    Dummy = ENC_SSPBUF;
    ENC_SSPBUF = Data;          // Send the byte to be writen.
    WaitForDataByte();          // Wait until register is written.
    Dummy = ENC_SSPBUF;
    ENC_CS_IO = 1;
}//end BFSReg

 * Function:        WritePHYReg
 * PreCondition:    SPI bus must be initialized (done in MACInit()).
 * Input:           Address of the PHY register to write to.
 *                  16 bits of data to write to PHY register.
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    Alters bank bits to point to Bank 3
 * Overview:        WritePHYReg performs an MII write operation.  While in
 *                  progress, it simply polls the MII BUSY bit wasting time.
 * Note:            None
void WritePHYReg(INT8U Register, INT16U Data)
    // Write the register address
    WriteReg((INT8U)MIREGADR, Register);

    // Write the data
    // Order is important: write low byte first, high byte last
    WriteReg((INT8U)MIWRL, ((WORD_VAL*)&Data)->v[0]);
    WriteReg((INT8U)MIWRH, ((WORD_VAL*)&Data)->v[1]);

    // Wait until the PHY register has been written

    BankSel(ERDPTL);    // Return to Bank 0
}//end WritePHYReg

 * Function:        BankSel
 * PreCondition:    SPI bus must be initialized (done in MACInit()).
 * Input:           Register address with the high byte containing the 2 bank
 *                    select 2 bits.
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        BankSel takes the high byte of a register address and
 *                  changes the bank select bits in ETHCON1 to match.
 * Note:            None
static void BankSel(INT16U Register)
    BFSReg(ECON1, ((WORD_VAL*)&Register)->v[1]);
}//end BankSel

 * Function:        void MACPowerDown(void)
 * PreCondition:    SPI bus must be initialized (done in MACInit()).
 * Input:           None
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        MACPowerDown puts the ENC28J60 in low power sleep mode. In
 *                  sleep mode, no packets can be transmitted or received.
 *                  All MAC and PHY registers should not be accessed.
 * Note:            If a packet is being transmitted while this function is
 *                  called, this function will block until it is it complete.
 *                  If anything is being received, it will be completed.
void MACPowerDown(void)
    // Disable packet reception

    // Make sure any last packet which was in-progress when RXEN was cleared
    // is completed

    // If a packet is being transmitted, wait for it to finish

    // Enter sleep mode
}//end MACPowerDown

 * Function:        void MACPowerUp(void)
 * PreCondition:    SPI bus must be initialized (done in MACInit()).
 * Input:           None
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        MACPowerUp returns the ENC28J60 back to normal operation
 *                  after a previous call to MACPowerDown().  Calling this
 *                  function when already powered up will have no effect.
 * Note:            If a link partner is present, it will take 10s of
 *                  milliseconds before a new link will be established after
 *                  waking up.  While not linked, packets which are
 *                  transmitted will most likely be lost.  MACIsLinked() can
 *                  be called to determine if a link is established.
void MACPowerUp(void)
    // Leave power down mode

    // Wait for the 300us Oscillator Startup Timer (OST) to time out.  This
    // delay is required for the PHY module to return to an operational state.

    // Enable packet reception
}//end MACPowerUp

 * Function:        void SetCLKOUT(INT8U NewConfig)
 * PreCondition:    SPI bus must be initialized (done in MACInit()).
 * Input:           NewConfig - 0x00: CLKOUT disabled (pin driven low)
 *                              0x01: Divide by 1 (25 MHz)
 *                              0x02: Divide by 2 (12.5 MHz)
 *                              0x03: Divide by 3 (8.333333 MHz)
 *                              0x04: Divide by 4 (6.25 MHz, POR default)
 *                              0x05: Divide by 8 (3.125 MHz)
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        Writes the value of NewConfig into the ECOCON register.
 *                  The CLKOUT pin will beginning outputting the new frequency
 *                  immediately.
 * Note:
void SetCLKOUT(INT8U NewConfig)
    WriteReg((INT8U)ECOCON, NewConfig);
}//end SetCLKOUT

 * Function:        INT8U GetCLKOUT(void)
 * PreCondition:    SPI bus must be initialized (done in MACInit()).
 * Input:           None
 * Output:          INT8U - 0x00: CLKOUT disabled (pin driven low)
 *                         0x01: Divide by 1 (25 MHz)
 *                         0x02: Divide by 2 (12.5 MHz)
 *                         0x03: Divide by 3 (8.333333 MHz)
 *                         0x04: Divide by 4 (6.25 MHz, POR default)
 *                         0x05: Divide by 8 (3.125 MHz)
 *                         0x06: Reserved
 *                         0x07: Reserved
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        Returns the current value of the ECOCON register.
 * Note:            None
    INT8U i;

    i = ReadETHReg((INT8U)ECOCON).Val;
    return i;
}//end GetCLKOUT

 * Function:        void SetRXHashTableEntry(MAC_ADDR DestMACAddr)
 * PreCondition:    SPI bus must be initialized (done in MACInit()).
 * Input:           DestMACAddr: 6 byte group destination MAC address to allow
 *                               through the Hash Table Filter
 * Output:          Sets the appropriate bit in the EHT* registers to allow
 *                  packets sent to DestMACAddr to be received if the Hash
 *                  Table receive filter is enabled
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        Calculates a CRC-32 using polynomial 0x4C11DB7 and then,
 *                  using bits 28:23 of the CRC, sets the appropriate bit in
 *                  the EHT* registers
 * Note:            This code is commented out to save code space on systems
 *                  that do not need this function.  Change the "#if 0" line
 *                  to "#if 1" to uncomment it.
#if 0
void SetRXHashTableEntry(MAC_ADDR DestMACAddr)
    INT8U HTRegister;
    INT8U i, j;

    // Calculate a CRC-32 over the 6 byte MAC address
    // using polynomial 0x4C11DB7
    for(i = 0; i < sizeof(MAC_ADDR); i++)
        INT8U  crcnext;

        // shift in 8 bits
        for(j = 0; j < 8; j++)
            crcnext = 0;
                crcnext = 1;
            crcnext ^= (((BYTE_VAL*)&DestMACAddr.v[i])->bits.b0);

            CRC.Val <<= 1;
                CRC.Val ^= 0x4C11DB7;
            // next bit
            DestMACAddr.v[i] >>= 1;

    // CRC-32 calculated, now extract bits 28:23
    // Bits 25:23 define where within the Hash Table byte the bit needs to be set
    // Bits 28:26 define which of the 8 Hash Table bytes that bits 25:23 apply to
    i = CRC.v[3] & 0x1F;
    HTRegister = (i >> 2) + (INT8U)EHT0;
    i = (i << 1) & 0x06;
    ((BYTE_VAL*)&i)->bits.b0 = ((BYTE_VAL*)&CRC.v[2])->bits.b7;

    // Set the proper bit in the Hash Table
    BFSReg(HTRegister, 1<<i);

    BankSel(ERDPTL);            // Return to Bank 0

//// GetRegs is a function for debugging purposes only.  It will read all
//// registers and store them in the PIC's RAM so they can be viewed with
//// the ICD2.
//REG Regs[4][32];
//void GetRegs(void)
//  INT8U i;
//  BankSel(0x000);
//  for(i=0; i<0x1A; i++)
//      Regs[0][i] = ReadETHReg(i);
//  for(i=0x1B; i<32; i++)
//      Regs[0][i] = ReadETHReg(i);
//  BankSel(0x100);
//  for(i=0; i<0x1A; i++)
//      Regs[1][i] = ReadETHReg(i);
//  for(i=0x1B; i<32; i++)
//      Regs[1][i] = ReadETHReg(i);
//  BankSel(0x200);
//  for(i=0; i<5; i++)
//      Regs[2][i] = ReadMACReg(i);
//  Regs[2][5] = ReadETHReg(i);
//  for(i=6; i<0x0F; i++)
//      Regs[2][i] = ReadMACReg(i);
//  Regs[2][0x0F] = ReadETHReg(i);
//  for(i=0x10; i<0x13; i++)
//      Regs[2][i] = ReadMACReg(i);
//  Regs[2][0x13] = ReadETHReg(i);
//  for(i=0x14; i<0x1A; i++)
//      Regs[2][i] = ReadMACReg(i);
//  for(i=0x1B; i<32; i++)
//      Regs[2][i] = ReadETHReg(i);
//  BankSel(0x300);
//  for(i=0; i<0x06; i++)
//      Regs[3][i] = ReadMACReg(i);
//  for(i=6; i<0x0A; i++)
//      Regs[3][i] = ReadETHReg(i);
//  Regs[3][0x0A] = ReadMACReg(i);
//  for(i=0x0B; i<0x1A; i++)
//      Regs[3][i] = ReadETHReg(i);
//  for(i=0x1B; i<32; i++)
//      Regs[3][i] = ReadETHReg(i);
//  Regs[0][0x1A].Val = 0;
//  Regs[1][0x1A].Val = 0;
//  Regs[2][0x1A].Val = 0;
//  Regs[3][0x1A].Val = 0;
//  BankSel(ERDPTL);
//  return;

//// Get8KBMem is a function intended for debugging purposes.  It will read all
//// Ethernet RAM and output it in hex out the UART
//void Get8KBMem(void)
//  WORD_VAL i;
//  INT8U v;
//  WORD_VAL RDSave;
//  RDSave.v[0] = ReadETHReg(ERDPTL).Val;
//  RDSave.v[1] = ReadETHReg(ERDPTH).Val;
//  for(i.Val = 0; i.Val < 8192; i.Val++)
//  {
//      WriteReg(ERDPTL, i.v[0]);
//      WriteReg(ERDPTH, i.v[1]);
//      v = MACGet();
//      putcUART('0');
//      while(BusyUART());
//      putcUART('x');
//      while(BusyUART());
//      putcUART(btohexa_high(v));
//      while(BusyUART());
//      putcUART(btohexa_low(v));
//      while(BusyUART());
//  }
//  WriteReg(ERDPTL, RDSave.v[0]);
//  WriteReg(ERDPTH, RDSave.v[1]);

#endif //#if defined(ENC_CS_TRIS)


时间: 2024-10-13 06:53:13



TS12芯片驱动 使用模拟I2C驱动TS12完成触摸按键检测功能: #include "stm8s.h" #include "global.h" #include "drv_key.h" uint8_t KeyByte; /******************************************************************************* // Function: I2C_Int // Descripti


?? 驱动字库芯片GT23L24M0140 本文博客链接:http://blog.csdn.net/jdh99,作者:jdh,转载请注明. 环境: 主机:WIN8 开发环境:MDK5.13 mcu: stm32f407VGIGH6 字库芯片:GT23L24M0140 说明: GT23L24M0140是一款支持GB18030标准的字库芯片,有多种大小的字体可供选择. 本文驱动了其中常用的字体. 源代码: drv_font.h /***********************************




1. 5509A有2个MCBSP模块,其中模块0可以配置成SPI模式,不过实际使用的时候需要把CLKX1和CLKR1接在一起,暂时没搞明白原因 MCBSP有6个引脚,DR0 RX0 作为数据的输入输出,CLKX0 CLKR0 发送和接收时钟,FSR0 FSX0发送和接收帧同步. 2. 刚开始搞得没有波形,对比其他工程,发现我犯了两个错误,第一如下,工程设置里面的宏定义错误,应该是CHIP_5509A 其次库也是csl5509ax.lib,这样的话工程就不用再另外添加了. 3. 看下波形,不过测试

基于DM642 RAW采集格式的视频驱动开发及应用

摘 要:为解决C64X系列数字信号处理器(DSP)视频驱动不能应用于原始数据格式(RAW)采集格式的问题,设计了DM642和电耦合元件(CCD)高清传感器的数据传输接口,并分析.修改用于标准格式的视频驱动,使其优化后适用于RAW采集格式,在此基础上开发了基于多级缓存管理机制的应用程序,最终达到采集速率至少每秒15帧的要求.    ?关键词:视频驱动:DM642:CCD高清传感器:RAW采集格式:缓存管理机制  ?中图分类号: TP311.11 文献标志码:A  ?  Abstract: To s


?? 在emwin中显示字库芯片GT23L24M0140的字模 本文博客链接:http://blog.csdn.net/jdh99,作者:jdh,转载请注明. 环境: 主机:WIN8 开发环境:MDK5.13 mcu: stm32f407VGIGH6 emwin: STemWin5.22 字库芯片:GT23L24M0140 说明: 项目中需要显示生僻字,所以不能使用GB2312,选择字库芯片GT23L24M0140,支持GB18030标准. 难点在于在emwin中嵌入此字库芯片的字符,emwin


集电极开路输出的结构如图1所示,右边的那个三极管集电极什么都不接,所以叫做集电极开路:左边的三极管为反相之用,使输入为"0"时,输出也为"0". 对于图 1,当左端的输入为"0"时,前面的三极管截止,所以5v电源通过1k电阻加到右边的三极管上,右边的三极管导通:当左端的输入为"1"时,前面的三极管导通,而后面的三极管截止. 我们将图1简化成图2的样子,很明显可以看出,当开关闭合时,输出直接接地,所以输出电平为0.而当开关断开时


FRV300A-Z-ROR功率为300W,输入电压为三相AC200-230V 50/60Hz,额定输出电流为1.9A(max5.7A) 富士刀塔驱动器FRV300A-Z-ROR故障说明 客户反映驱动器FRV300A-Z-ROR出现OL报警,四个报警指示灯左上角红灯亮.OL报警为过负载.过负荷.收到后连接GRH.30BG-N000-Z2富士FUJI伺服马达测试发现故障现象和客户描述一致.转动伺服电机,尚未转到一圈就停止,然后出现OL报警(过负载报警). 富士FRV300A-Z-ROR驱动器维修 驱

[nRF51822] 2、D-BUG之诗

4线SPI彩屏局部刷屏偏移解决 ——原来我早已经在成功的旁边了 最近在研究用低速.低RAM的单片机来驱动小LCD或TFT彩屏实现动画效果 首先我用一个16MHz晶振的m0内核的8位单片机nRF51822尝试驱动一个1.77寸的4线SPI屏(128X160), 发现,刷一屏大约要0.8s左右的时间, 具体收录在<1.一个简单的nRF51822驱动的天马4线SPI-1.77寸LCD彩屏DEMO>中 觉得,如果用72MHz的STM32也许效果会好很多 于是在stm32上做了个类似的版本, 具体收录在