然后通过item name过滤提取趋势数据,获取一天中最大的内存总数和最小可用内存
#!/usr/bin/ruby $KCODE = ‘utf8‘ require ‘mysql‘ db = Mysql.real_connect(‘‘,‘zabbix‘,‘abbix‘,‘zabbix‘,3389) db.query(‘SET character_set_results = utf8 ;‘) host = db.query("select hostid,host from hosts where host like ‘%sinanode.com%‘") time = Time.now - 3600*24 host.each_hash do |h| items = db.query("select itemid,name from items where hostid = #{h[‘hostid‘]} ") total = 0 free = 0 items.each_hash do |item| if item[‘name‘] =~ /内存总数/ total = db.query("select min(value_max) from trends_uint where itemid = ‘#{item[‘itemid‘]}‘ and clock > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(‘#{time.strftime(‘%F %X‘)}‘); ").fetch_row puts "#{h[‘host‘]} #{item[‘itemid‘]} #{item[‘name‘]} #{total}" end if item[‘name‘] =~ /可用内存/ free = db.query("select min(value_max) from trends_uint where itemid = ‘#{item[‘itemid‘]}‘ and clock > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(‘#{time.strftime(‘%F %X‘)}‘); ").fetch_row puts "#{h[‘host‘]} #{item[‘itemid‘]} #{item[‘name‘]} #{free}" end end if free != 0 usage = free.to_s.to_f/total.to_s.to_f*100 puts "#{h[‘host‘]} 最近一天最小空闲使用率: #{format("%.2f",usage)} total: #{total} free: #{free}" end end
时间: 2024-10-10 09:05:27