创建parameter id

Custom Parameter-id Creation

By Abhijit Daptary, Capgemini India

Step1: Creation of parameter ID.?

Parameter ID can be created in the table TPARA. Just enter the name of the parameter id in the table and that parameter ID will be created.?


Go to the table maintenance generator of the table TPARA and go to the?Maintain?button through the transaction SM30.?

Enter the table view name TPARA.?


Click on the maintain button. The following information will appear. Click on the Tick button or the ENTER button to go to the next screen.?


Enter the Set/Get parameter id as the parameter ID you want to create. Here, I will be creating the parameter Id as ZNAME_DATA1. Click on?ENTER?button.?


It will ask for the text of the parameter Id. Enter the text of the parameter ID and click on the?Savebutton.?



Enter the Package and the transport number.?

The parameter id can be seen in the table?TPARA.?


Step2: Using the parameter Id that you have created.?

Now go to the?SE11?transaction for creating a data element and enter the parameter id at theFurther Characteristics?tab at the parameter Id section.?


Activate the data element and use it with the program. It will act the same good as a standard one.


来自 <http://saptechnical.com/Tutorials/ABAP/ParameterID/custom.htm>



标准程序的Parameter id 并不一定准确






F1 看到的是VRT




根据不同的配置 id可能各不相同





























然后技术信息里面看到的parameter id 并不是程序中实际对应的id



时间: 2024-11-26 09:36:40

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[SAP ABAP开发技术总结]ABAP程序之间数据共享与传递

目录导航 声明:原创作品,转载时请注明文章来自SAP师太博客,并以超链接形式标明文章原始出处,否则将追究法律责任!原文出自: 19.             数据共享与传递... 222 19.1.         程序调用.会话.SAP/ABAP内存 关系... 222 19.2.         ABAP Memory数据共享... 224 19.2.1.     EXPORT. 224 19.2.2.     IMPORT. 226 19.2.3.     DELETE. 227 19.3