How to inspect who is caller of func and who is the class of instance

1. Who is the class of self instance ?

class aa(object):
    def a(self):

        if self.__class__.__name__ == ‘aa‘:
            print "aa, a func()"
        elif self.__class__.__name__ == "bb":
            print "bb, a func()"

class bb(aa):
    def b(self):
        print "aa, b func()"


result :
aa, a func()
bb, a func()

2.Who is the caller of function

import inspect

class aa(object):
    def a(self):
        frame = inspect.currentframe()

        print "The caller is %s" %frame.f_back.f_code.co_name

    def callerOfa(self):


The caller is callerOfa
The caller is <module>
时间: 2024-09-07 10:20:46

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