Learn LIBSVM---a practical Guide to SVM classification

想学习一下SVM,所以找到了LIBSVM--A Library for Support Vector Machines,首先阅读了一下网站提供的A practical guide to SVM classification.


SVMs is:a technique for data classification  

Goal is:to produce a model (based on training data) which predicts the target values of the test data given only the test data attributes.

Kernels:four basic kernels

Proposed Procedure:

1.transform data to the format of an SVM package

  first have to convert categorical attributes into numeric data.We recommend using m numbers to represent an m-category attribute and only one of the m numbers is one,and others are zeros. for example {red,green,blue} can be represented as (0,0,1),(0,1,0)and(1,0,0).

2.conduct simple scaling on the data

  Note:It‘s importance to use the same scaling factors for training and testing sets.

3.consider the RBF kernel K(x,y) = e-r||x-y||2

4.use cross-validation to find the best parameter C and r

  The cross-validation produce can prevent the overfitting problem.We recommend a "grid-search" on C and r using cross-validation.Various pairs of (C,r)values are tried and the one with the best cross-validation accuarcy is picked.Use a coarse grid to make a better region on the grid,a finer grid search on that region can be conducted.

  For very large data sets a feasible approach is to randomly choose a subset of the data set,conduct grid-search on them,and then do a better-region-only grid-search on the completly data set.

5.use the best parameter C and r to train the whole training set


When to use Linear but not RBF Kernel ?

  If the number of features is large, one may not need to map data to a higher dimensional space. That is, the nonlinear mapping does not improve the performance.Using the linear kernel is good enough, and one only searches for the parameter C.

  C.1 Number of instances number of features  

    when the number of features is very large, one may not need to map the data.

  C.2 Both numbers of instances and features are large

    Such data often occur in document classication.LIBLINEAR is much faster than LIBSVM to obtain a model with comparable accuracy.LIBLINEAR is efficient for large-scale document classication.

  C.3 Number of instances number of features

    As the number of features is small, one often maps data to higher dimensional spaces(i.e., using nonlinear kernels).

时间: 2024-11-05 22:36:57

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引言 ? ? 本文从应用的角度出发,使用Libsvm函数库解决SVM模型的分类与回归问题 ? ? 首先说明一下实验数据,实验数据是Libsvm自带的heart_sacle,是个mat文件 ? ? 加载数据集 ? ? 将mat文件导入MATLAB后会有270*13的实例矩阵变量heart_scale_inst和270*1的标签矩阵heart_scale_label ? ? ? ? ? ? 分类 ? ? 将数据集分为训练数据和测试数据 ? ? 首先我们将实验数据分为训练数据和测试数据 ? ? loa


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原文:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_57a1cae80101bit5.html 举例说明 svmtrain -s 0 -?c 1000 -t 1 -g 1 -r 1 -d 3 data_file 训练一个由多项式核(u'v+1)^3和C=1000组成的分类器. svmtrain -s 1 -n 0.1 -t 2 -g 0.5 -e 0.00001 data_file 在RBF核函数exp(-0.5|u-v|^2)和终止允许限0.00001的条件下,训练一个?-SV