DbSet<CouponSupply> couponSupplies = _context.CouponSupplies; List<SupplyTypeResult> supplyTypes = new List<SupplyTypeResult>(); supplyTypes.Add(new SupplyTypeResult { SupplyTypeId = 2, SupplyTypeName = "其他投放方式" }); IQueryable<CouponSupplyQueryResult> couponSupplyQueryResults = couponSupplies.Join(supplyTypes, p => p.SupplyTypeId, q => q.SupplyTypeId, (p, q) => new CouponSupplyQueryResult { CouponSupplyId = p.CouponSupplyId, CouponTypeId = p.CouponTypeId, CouponTypeName = q.CouponTypeName, CouponFaceValue = p.CouponFaceValue, CouponSelfPayMoney = p.CouponSelfPayMoney, });
Unable to create a constatnt value of type "VME.Models.SupplyTypeResult". Only primitive types or enumeration types are supported in this context.
1、先通过couponSupplies.ToList()方法获取List对象,确保需要 Join 的两个对象都是非SQL对象。
2、在通过 Linq 的 Join 方法进行级联获取想要的数据。
DbSet<CouponSupply> couponSupplies = _context.CouponSupplies; List<SupplyTypeResult> supplyTypes = new List<SupplyTypeResult>(); supplyTypes.Add(new SupplyTypeResult { SupplyTypeId = 2, SupplyTypeName = "其他投放方式" }); List<CouponSupply> couponSupplys = couponSupplies.ToList(); IQueryable<CouponSupplyQueryResult> couponSupplyQueryResults = couponSupplys.Join(supplyTypes, p => p.SupplyTypeId, q => q.SupplyTypeId, (p, q) => new CouponSupplyQueryResult { CouponSupplyId = p.CouponSupplyId, CouponTypeId = p.CouponTypeId, CouponTypeName = q.CouponTypeName, CouponFaceValue = p.CouponFaceValue, CouponSelfPayMoney = p.CouponSelfPayMoney, });
时间: 2024-10-03 14:10:53